Chapter 539 Deva Zhang Qing! (Third more)

lost heavily?

It seems that the blood on your body belongs to our Ye family, right?

Need compensation for our entire treasure house?

This is so special!


All Ye Family members who heard this were angry.

When Su Zhan’s gaze swept over, they immediately squeezed out a smile:

“Not too much, not too much!”

“Reasonable, simply too reasonable!”

“I agree with Young Master Su!”

Su Zhan nodded in satisfaction: “It seems that except for those killed in your Ye family, the rest of you can still make sense.”


The unreasonable ones have gone to heaven, what can we do?

Old Li smiled bitterly in his heart, and said, “Master Su will come with me, I will take you to our Ye family treasure house.”


Su beheaded, and after putting away all the valuable things in this place, he took Ye Qingyu and followed Lao Li.

Soon, he arrived at the Ye Family Treasure House.

Su Zhan looked around for a while, frowning slightly: “The things here are not worth more than two hundred million sacred stones, right?”

“More than 300 million.”

Lao Li quickly explained: “Actually, the four branches of the Ye Family have their own territories, and this one is just a temporary territory for the branch of the elected Patriarch.

In the treasure house, there are also things that are common to the four veins, plus some sold a few days ago, and the total of 400 million sacred stones will be handed over to Master Su, so only these are left…

However, our Ye family still has many mineral veins and industries, if Su Gongzi wants it—”

“Those are no longer needed.”

Su Zhan shook his head.

He won’t stay in Lintianyu for a long time, those things are useless.

Moreover, when Jin Wu introduced the Ye Family to him, he also said something about the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect.

There are two Deva in the Sky Sword Dao Sect.

One is the Yiji Deva, and the other is the second one who just passed through a month ago.

It is said that the vitality is greatly injured.

But even so, he still doesn’t want to face a Deva head-on at this time.

The main reason was that the Heavenly Bone Pill in his body was refining on its own, and it was estimated that it would take less than a day. Moreover, he could feel that when the Heavenly Bone Pill was refined, not only his physical body would become stronger.

Cultivation Base, I am afraid I will get a big Ascension!

If he meets Deva of the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect before refining, he doesn’t care, but Ye Qingyu, and the space passage that passes through the Eastern Wasteland domain, is about to go wrong!

Therefore, it is necessary to leave as soon as possible and return to the space channel. After refining the Heavenly Pill of Divine Bone, go to the Heavenly Sword Sect to clarify the matter of Yue Elder. They must be dignified and reasonable.

If it is not reasonable, at that time, I might have a way to let the other party listen to my reasoning!

Thinking about this, Su Zhan no longer delayed, put away all those things, and prepared to leave with Ye Qingyu.

After two steps, he remembered something, took out a blank Jade Slip, and pressed his brow.

Ten seconds later, he threw Jade Slip to the Li surnamed Daoist: “This is a special cultivation cultivation technique in the inheritance of Martial God Ye Xing, named Changchun Jue.

Anyway, your foundation has been destroyed, and there is not much remaining combat power. Specializing in this Cultivation Technique can make up for the loss of your lifespan and allow you to live a few hundred years longer. ”

“Thank you Young Master Su!”

Old Li was stunned for a moment, and then quickly thanked him.

Su Zhan waved his hand and left with Ye Qingyu.

Li Lao’s conscience is still not lost, and he doesn’t mind giving any benefits.

When he walked out of Ye’s house, he took out the map and headed towards the place where it had been transmitted.

Ye Qingyu didn’t say much about this.

Although in name she is the master of the Ye Family, but if she stays in the Ye Family, she will either be killed by the angry Ye Family Elders or captured by the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect.

Before the strength arrived, these were all empty names.

She used to be the female emperor of the Huayue Kingdom, and she naturally understood this truth. Therefore, she never opposed Su Zhan’s decision to take her away immediately.

“Our Ye family finally survived…”

Seeing that Su Zhan left, those Ye Family members, whether they were the lowest status slaves or the noble Elder, were relieved and slumped to the ground, with no revenge in their hearts, only.

Fortunately for the rest of my life.

at this time.

Lin Tianyu, Heavenly Sword Dao Sect.

A bamboo forest that is forbidden for all the disciples, even most of Elder.

An old man and a young man are playing against each other.

They didn’t give off any cultivator’s breath, they looked like ordinary people.

No, it’s not an ordinary person.

It’s that their auras have been integrated into the world, so even if they see it with the naked eye, it will inevitably give birth to a strange feeling that there is no one at all!

“Huh? It’s Yue Elder’s big disciple. He is timid by nature, so he dares to break into this purple bamboo forest?”

Suddenly, the young man glanced sideways in surprise.

Although the naked eye can see it empty, he clearly “sees” more than a dozen miles away, and he is coming here quickly.

The old man said: “There must be something urgent, let me help him!”

As he said, the old man suddenly put out his hand in that direction.

Void gave a grip and then pumped.

The next moment, a young man was taken directly in front of them by a force of force.

“Sect Leader, Deputy Sect Leader!”

The young man knelt down quickly, spread his hands, and revealed the glass-like slag in his hands, and said anxiously: “This is the spiritual heart of the master. There are a pair, one he carries on his body, and the other puts it on me. Body.

At the beginning, Master gave me this bead and told me that as long as one bead shattered, the other one would also shatter at the same time. If I encountered a fatal danger, I would crush the bead so that he could come and rescue me.

But now, I stayed in Immortal Cave well, but the spiritual heart beads were broken. It must have happened to the master!

It’s still something he can’t handle, so he asked Sect Leader and Deputy Sect Leader to help! ”

“What happened to Yue Elder?”

The youth froze for a moment, and frowned slightly: “He went to Ye’s house to collect the annual tribute. What can happen to him?

Well, let me go to Ye’s house! ”

“Zhang Qing, wait.”

The old man suddenly stopped the young man: “In Yue Elder’s storage ring, there is a special sword emblem that our Heavenly Sword Sect Saint King Elder can possess.

That sword emblem absorbs a trace of the Sword intent power of the sky sword map in my hand. Through the sky sword map, I can also sense his location. I will confirm his location first. ”


Young Zhang Qing nodded.

The old man flipped his palm, and a Heavenly Dao saint soldier-level sword picture appeared in front of him.

He pressed his left hand on the sword picture, his eyes were slightly closed, and he felt carefully.

After a while, he opened his eyes, somewhat puzzled: “Yue Elder, not at Ye’s house, but heading towards the Quanshan Mountain Range…

No, Yue Elder is not good to stay at Ye’s house, what are you going to do there?

Moreover, even if he goes, he doesn’t need to crush the spiritual heart beads!

Could it be that Yue Elder is dead, and his storage ring fell into the hands of other people, that’s why he took such a weird route? ”

“Yue Elder is dead?”

Zhang Qing was a little unbelievable: “With the strength of Yue Elder, no one under Deva can kill him, right?

And if Deva arrives, unless it is the kind of Six Tribulations and Seven Tribulations Deva deliberately concealed, otherwise the Realm disc of our Heavenly Sword Sect can be sensed!

Six Tribulations Deva… won’t come to us to kill a holy king Elder, right? ”

“It should not be Deva, but a very powerful saint king, wait, Quanshan Mountain Range…If I remember correctly, Quanshan Mountain Range is less than 20,000 miles past, is that a deserted ultra-long-distance teleportation formation, right?”

The old man’s eyes flickered, and he inferred: “Perhaps, a top saint king from another domain repaired the teleportation formation, came to our Lintian domain, killed Yue Elder, and took away his storage ring!

Moreover, this holy king is moving towards that teleportation formation at this time, wanting to leave our Lintian realm! ”

“Those who killed us want to run?”

Zhang Qing snorted coldly: “How can there be such a cheap thing! I will go to the area of ​​the teleportation circle to intercept him!”

“Zhang Qing, if that person is not Deva, he can kill Yue Elder. It can be seen that there are many treasures on his body and his own strength is also very strong. Take the Heavenly Sword Chart!”

“Need not!”

Hearing “there are many treasures”, Zhang Qing grinned, ignoring the “powerful” behind, disdainfully said: “Since he hasn’t reached Deva, what if he has more Heavenly Dao Saint Soldiers?

I achieved Deva, the law turned into the sky, once the law and the sky came out, only under Deva was suppressed!

Sect Leader, wait a moment, wait for me to kill this person, and then continue the game! ”

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