Chapter 540 Fighting Deva!

“Ask the reason first.”

The old man said: “There must be a reason for the other party to kill Elder regardless of his identity.”

“I will ask.”

Zhang Qing nodded and said naturally: “However, no matter what the reason is, in my Sky Sword Sect Realm, I killed my Sky Sword Sect Elder, so I can’t let him go.

There are so many cultivators in the world, and there are not a lot of them. After asking, I will kill him. ”

“Well, don’t be careless.”

The old man sighed: “Actually, I am still a little worried. If it hadn’t just passed the second tribulation of Deva, the vitality in the body had lost too much, I would like to go there in person.”

“Sect Leader, just rest here, take good care of it, I think your vitality will be able to make up in about half a month at most. By then, our Heavenly Dao sword sect will have a Second Tribulation Deva in its heyday, and other Dao Zong, the sky demon speaks with more confidence.”

Zhang Qing smiled and cupped hands: “Sect Leader, Zhang Qing said goodbye.”

After speaking, his body turned into a green rainbow and went away through the air.

After watching Zhang Qing leave, the old man looked at Yue Elder’s disciple and said, “Go to Ye’s house and see if there is any useful news.”

“Yes, Sect Leader!”

The young man also left quickly.

“Deva Deva, after all, there is still the word “person”!

Still have to be troubled by these trivial matters, unable to explore the avenue wholeheartedly, alas! ”

The old man sighed and left with his hands on his back.

More than half a day later.

Su Zhan was nearly thirty or forty miles away from the water area where the teleportation formation was hidden, but his flying figure stopped, his eyes flashed with blue spirits, and his spiritual eyes were urged to the extreme.

In his sight, the waters thirty or forty miles away were originally empty, but at this time, there was a young man sitting in the water.

When Su Zhan looked at the youth, the youth also opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes flashed, and his face was a little surprised: “It turns out that there is a pair of divine eyes.

No wonder, I said that even if Deva is separated by dozens of miles, I can’t see through my concealment method. How do you see it, a little saint king?

God’s eyes…interesting, hehe! ”

As soon as the voice fell, the youth’s eyes turned into two whirlpools, and in the whirlpool, two Flying Swords suddenly shot towards Su Zhan!

Su Zhan didn’t dodge, his pupils turned into blood-red vortexes, a large swath of blood gushing down towards the youth.

That is the manifestation of the pupil technique of the prison world descent.

The two forces clashed in mid-air.

Immediately, it was silent death again.

Su Zhan felt a pain in his eyes and closed it.

And the young man did the same.

“Su Zhan, are you okay?”

Although Ye Qingyu couldn’t see the actual confrontation between the two pupils, he guessed it, and asked quickly.


Su Zhan opened his eyes, frowned slightly, and looked at the young man who happened to stop him: “Who are you, why are you stopping me?”

“I am Zhang Qing, deputy Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect.”

Zhang Qing didn’t mean to conceal it either. He stepped on the surface of the water, his body was as light as a feather, but at a very fast speed, he came to Su Zhanye Qingyu more than a thousand meters in front of the two.

His gaze flicked over Ye Qingyu, and he looked at Su Zhan carefully, his face was even more astonished: “I thought you were a half-step Deva, but in the end you only reached the mere mid-heaven position?

If it hadn’t been for the pupil technique to perceive that your mental energy is very strong, I would have thought that I was looking for the wrong person.

Come on, why did you kill Yue Elder? ”

Su Zhan said: “He wants to kill me, of course I want to kill him. Isn’t that right?”

“That’s right.”

Zhang Qing nodded: “He wants to kill you, you kill him, it is only right and proper, but he is the Elder of my Sky Sword Sect Sect, and I am the Sect Leader of the Sect Leader of Sky Sword Sect.

Elder was beaten to death, and of course I have to come forward, which is just as natural.

Now, two ways for you.

One, you can make yourself less painful, and I, Zhang Qing, has always had a clear sense of grievances and grievances. Since this matter was done by you alone, the woman next to you, I have no intention of killing her.

Two, you fight hard, and then I will kill both of you, choose! ”

After Zhang Qing finished speaking, with his hands on his back, his face was full of confidence.

“Su Zhan, he…”

Ye Qingyu couldn’t see Zhang Qing’s Realm, but from his tone, he also vaguely felt that this person was very strong, so he asked in a low voice: “Is he Deva?”


Su beheaded nodded.

He couldn’t make a mistake about the feeling that it was perfectly round, as if it was integrated into the world.

After getting the confirmation, Ye Qingyu had a look of despair on her face. Thinking of something, she turned her hands over and handed the pair of meteorite gloves of Martial God Ye Xing to Su Zhan.

Definitely said: “If you can run, run, leave me alone, I will only drag you down!”

Su Zhan took the glove directly, and the starlight flashed, and the pair of gloves automatically covered his hands.

Feeling the power contained in the Meteorite Gloves and the increase in his own power, Su Zhan’s eyes flashed, and he said to Ye Qing: “Emperor, relax your mind and don’t have any resistance to my power!”

After speaking, the starlight flashed in his hand, and that piece of meteorite glove spread towards the surroundings, revealing the Moyu Dongtian ring.

Immediately afterwards, his holy yuan surged, wrapping the empress as if wrapping an object, and in the latter’s somewhat surprised gaze, he forcibly collected it into the cave of the Mo Jade ring!

As long as it is a ring with Spiritual Qi and air in it, living creatures can be placed. The Moyu ring is even more advanced. The Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth is richer than the outside world. Of course, living people can be placed.

It’s just that the storage ring is for storing things after all. It seems a bit not good to let people out, and I don’t know what side effects it has after putting it for a long time.

Therefore, Su Zhan didn’t drive Ye Qingyu into the ring before. It was too rude, but now there is no way.

Zhang Qing is Deva. If he fights, even Yu Wei is not something Ye Qingyu can resist!

And when he faced a Deva, he might not be able to protect Ye Qingyu, so he had to put him in the ring.

“Your gloves…”

At this moment, Zhang Qing didn’t care about Su Zhan’s move to put Ye Qingyu into the ring. Instead, he stared at the meteor gloves of Su Zhan’s hands. Then, he was pleasantly surprised: “High-grade Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier! Unexpectedly, you are a little Zhongtian. A holy king, there will be such a treasure!

Great, wait for me to kill you, put this glove on the trade fair, you can definitely exchange for the top-grade Heavenly Dao holy sword I need! Hahaha! ”

“Sure enough, in the final analysis, it is still coveting my things and wanting to kill me…”

Su Zhan took a deep breath, and without hesitation, the Sun Moon Star Chaos Body erupted.

At the same time, the blood of the demon god, one hundred and eight divine veins, and the body of the star are all inspiring!

The sky on this side suddenly went dark!

The starry night sky encompasses dozens of miles of territory, covering the sky and the sun!

The golden sun, the cold and bright moon exuding two kinds of supernatural powers, bless Su Zhan!

In the starry night, the chaotic Five Elements sea of ​​fog is surging, exuding mysterious power!

And Su Zhan is also running the Saint Yuan, performing the true magic of chaos!

The whole body’s demonic energy surged, and a phantom of the Primordial Crazy Demon appeared behind him!

The golden sun in the left eye, the cold white moon in the right eye, the starry night under the eyes, the demonic energy of the whole body is overturned, the shadow of the law of chaos in the purple mansion is shining, and the law Realm suppresses a radius of 30 miles!

At this time, Su Zhan was like a Primordial Demon God, his hands of meteor gloves lit up with mysterious runes.

“Since you are going to kill me, come on!”

As soon as the voice fell, the imprint of the Extreme Thunder Mountain on his left hand was shining, and Zhang Qing’s shocked eyes shot out with a punch!

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