Chapter 541 You are not Deva, or ants!


As this punch blasted out, the space in front was trembling.

The meteor glove shines brightly, gathering and strengthening Su Zhan’s fist, turning it into a ten-meter-sized starlight fist and flying out!


Where the starlight fist passed, a huge trace visible to the naked eye clearly appeared in the space!

“This shouldn’t be the power of the Holy King in the middle…”

Zhang Qing was shocked in his eyes, and murmured in his mouth, not panic, but two fingers and swords, running Cultivation Technique, piercing a little green sword light.


That bit of sword light collided with the starlight fist mark, forming a shock wave spreading towards the surroundings and dissipating almost at the same time.

Chamber resistance!

Zhang Qing’s eyes were even more surprised: “Even with the top grade Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, with your Realm, you can’t exert much power. It seems that I underestimated you.

Your own strength is indeed far beyond my expectations.

However, fortunately, your Realm is too low. For now, it is still easy to kill! ”

Zhang Qing said, flipping his palm, and a strange long sword made of clear water appeared in his hand.

The water spirit long sword kept flowing, when this sword appeared.

Su Zhan could also feel that the water attribute laws of this piece of heaven and earth became more intense!

“Being able to die under my ‘clear spring’s sound’, you can also squint!”

The long sword in Zhang Qing’s hand danced, separated by kilometers, and slashed at Su Zhan at will.

An extremely slender waterline appeared.

But with this waterline-like Sword Qi flying forward, it immediately mobilized the water-attribute world of this world, Spiritual Qi and the power of law!

That Sword Qi quickly grew into a monstrous sword wave!

Stirring the rumbling in the space is like the sound of thunder, sweeping towards Su Zhan!

“Deva, you can drop the power of heaven and earth to increase your attack, it’s really extraordinary!”

Su Zhan’s eyes condensed, and his left hand blasted out.

A ten-meter-sized hill is covered with thunder and lightning, directly blasting into the giant wave of Sword Qi!

The two held each other for about a second.

Extremely Leishan wailed, and was also engulfed by the giant wave of Sword Qi, and blasted towards Su Zhan!

Su Zhan was a little surprised, and released the puppet Seventeen.

The God Yan Art was running, a strand of Holy Mind Mental Energy possessed Seventeen, and the golden light rushed up, holding the Extreme Thunder Mountain with both hands.

Coupled with the power of his Saint Yuan, the Thunder Mountain Thunder erupted, and the sword wave was defeated!

“Half a Deva level puppet?”

Zhang Qing said, “It’s no wonder that your essence is so strong. You turned out to be a very strong puppet master, but…the puppet master and cultivation body are still so strong, it’s the first time I’ve seen you!

Do you have any other methods, try them out, and let me see, what level of strength can you explode as a sage king in the sky? ”

Realizing that ordinary methods are difficult to defeat Zhang Qing, Su Zhan’s eyes flickered, and without hesitation, he took back the holy thoughts in Seventeen’s body, and ordered: “Seventeen, attack that Deva with me!”

“Yes, master!”

The golden light flashed in Seventeen’s eyes and rushed towards Zhang Qing.

At the same time, Su Zhan flipped his palm, and the Heavenly Golden Sword turned into twelve golden lights and burst out!

Extreme Thunder Mountain grew to a hundred meters in size, appeared above Zhang Qing, exuding a powerful force of suppression!

The Fire Lin seal obtained from Yue Elder also flew out. The fire Qilin phantom was more powerful than when Yue Elder used it, stepping on the big seal and bombarding Zhang Qing!

As for other methods, Su Zhan didn’t use it anymore.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to use it, but can’t use it anymore.

Although Shen Yan Jue is wonderful, his holy thoughts can only support him at the same time using one Heavenly Dao holy soldier and two pseudo Heavenly Dao holy soldiers, no matter how many words.

It will only reduce the overall power, and the control is weak, meaningless.

Moreover, he can’t really use all Mental Energy to manipulate treasures, otherwise the reaction to the crisis will be much slower.

“It’s incredible to control so many treasures at the same time, and the power to be used can reach this level!”

Zhang Qing’s face became serious.

The clear stream in his hand waved his sword.

Suddenly, dense sword shadows appeared around him. Those sword shadows paused for a moment, and then burst out in all directions, trying to break Su Zhan’s attack!

However, under the suppression of Extreme Thunder Mountain, the speed power of those sword shadows was weakened.

It only dissipated the sword formation composed of the twelve-day golden swords, and when it bombarded the Fire Lin seal, it was swallowed up by the Qilin phantom of the fire!

In the other direction, Seventeen held the golden giant sword in his hand and rushed outrageously.

Zhang Qing’s face changed slightly, his body exploded with the power of the law of water attribute, the light was released, breaking through the suppression of the extremely thunder mountain, and quickly retreated, avoiding the blow of the fire Lin seal.

At the same time, he swung his sword across.

A huge sword shadow of ten meters long appeared in the front, blocking the sword that Seventeen had struck.


The sword shadow was shattered, and Zhang Qing was lifted off by this huge force!

Before he could stand firmly, the twelve golden lights burst out like a blast of gangrene.


Zhang Qing casually slashed the Heavenly Golden Sword with a sword, and then another sword slashed towards Seventeen.

But at the same time as he took out his sword, Huo Lin Yin and Ji Lei Shan flew from another direction.

Forcing him to retreat.

Being forced to retreat in embarrassment, although Zhang Qing didn’t suffer any injuries, he still felt too Losing face, and said angrily: “Damn! I really thought I was–”

Before he finished speaking, an ancient Thunder God appeared in his eyes.

That Thor’s shock was extremely limited to him, even less than a tenth of a second!

But the Thunder God only appeared, and then dispersed, turning into a huge sword that billowed with black energy!

Kill the soul and read the sword!

Zhang Qing only felt a tingling from the depths of his soul, and his brain went blank.

But Deva’s powerful Mental Energy made him recover quickly.

But at this time, the four attacks were already close to him!

No refunds!

Zhang Qing flipped his left hand and a light blue Fu Li appeared.

That piece of Fu Li burst into pieces in his hands, turning into a light curtain, surrounding him.


Four attacks fell.

The light curtain shattered.

Zhang Qing flew upside down, a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his expression became a bit sullen.

“Originally, I wanted to play with you, to see how many hole cards you, the Saint King of the Heavens, have, but now, I don’t plan to play with you!”

As soon as the voice fell, a small sword mark appeared on Zhang Qing’s eyebrows.

At the same time, a long sword appeared behind him instantly!

That sword is about ten meters long, with the tip of the sword facing down, and the power of the law is extremely strong!

No, it’s not right!

It is all formed by the power of the law!

The law of water attribute is the main factor, taking into account the law of wind attribute and the law of kendo.

A total of three laws are kneaded together to form a giant sword!

And at the moment this giant sword appeared, Su Zhan felt that the world he was in had changed!

The world where the power of various laws was very weak, but at this moment is full of Zhang Qing’s three laws!

The power of those laws and the power of the laws of heaven and earth are like turning this world into Zhang Qing’s own space!

Su Zhan’s treasures have all been suppressed!

At this time, Zhang Qing also sneered:

“You think you are strong, do you think you can really fight a Deva?

When my law comes out, you are the only one to be suppressed!

For me.

In this world, there are only two Realms.

The mortal ants under Deva and Deva!

You are not Deva, you are ants! ”

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