Chapter 542 God’s bones are formed!

With that said, Zhang Qing’s eyebrows were marked by Da Yao, and he stretched out a hand and pressed it in the void.

Suddenly, the laws of heaven and earth converged, and those treasures that acted on Su Zhan, as well as puppet Seventeen, were even more powerful!

The Heavenly Golden Sword with the weakest defense had already wailed and was forced to regroup into a sword.

Even Su Zhan himself felt a wave of suppression, which made it difficult for him to exert his strength.

“In the Deva state, the shadow of the law is merged into the form of the law, and the realm of the law of the holy king is greatly increased. This force of suppression is too strong!

Scattered attacks will only be easily suppressed! ”

Su Zhan made a decision in his heart, and took back all the Heavenly Golden Sword, Extreme Thunder Mountain, and Fire Lin Seal!

At the same time, a little starlight flew out from the center of his eyebrows, the Da Ri Star sword fell into his hand, and the shadows of the rules in the purple mansion were bright.

Break the force of suppression, and at the same time perform Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship, cut out with one sword!

Sword Qi is mighty, tearing apart the convergent power of law, as if even this heaven and earth are going to be cut apart!

“You are still a sword repairer!!!”

Zhang Qing was a little confused.

Mental Energy’s extremely strong puppet master, extremely strong body cultivator, extremely strong kendo sword repair… Can these three be special? ? ?

The stunned return to the stunned, but at this moment, seeing Su Zhan cut with a sword, Zhang Qing also cut with a sword.

Under the blessing of the law of heaven, the power of his sword greatly increased.

The two Sword Qi collided and dissipated.

Then two swords were cut together.


A loud noise!

Su Zhan quit for more than 100 meters, while Zhang Qing only quit for 20 to 30 meters.

After Zhang Qing used the strongest hole card and the power of Deva, even if Su Zhan used Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship, he was slightly at a disadvantage.

Of course, Su Zhan was not injured either, after all, his physical body was extremely strong.

“In the mid-heaven position, you can shake me hard. If this allows you to break through to Deva, then you have to!”

Zhang Qing’s eyes were even more murderous.

Since such a perverted character has already taken action, he must be killed!

Otherwise, you will definitely bring disaster to yourself in the future!

Thinking like this in his heart, Zhang Qing once again moved towards Su Zhan.

And Su Zhan, together with Puppet Seventeen, fought Zhang Qing.

With the addition of the seventeenth generation, he can barely show up against Zhang Qing.

For a time, this Fang Tiandi Sword Qi fisted fiercely.

Within a hundred miles.

Stream diversion!

The mountain collapsed!

Cracks appeared on the earth!

This terrible sight for mortals and low-level cultivators is just like the end of the world, and it is just the aftermath of the fight between the two!

After half an hour.

Su Zhan frowned slightly.

After playing for half an hour, although he didn’t suffer any injuries, Zhang Qing couldn’t help it.

Deva, and Deva, is not a concept at all.

It’s like two completely different beings!

When he first entered the Little Heavenly Saint King Realm, he was able to kill the Great Heavenly Saint King, relying on Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship, and even able to compete against Deva in half a step!

In the middle of the holy king stage, you can crush and kill Deva in seconds, but now that the cards are all out, there is still no way to get a real Deva.

Deva and half-step Deva seem to be only half a step away, but in fact, it is a world of difference!

If it’s normal, Su Zhan doesn’t matter, anyway, he can rely on the refining aura and a large number of Medicine Pills to grind him to death.

Even if it doesn’t die, the opponent’s Saint Yuan will be exhausted and will retreat.

But now, the transformation of the Heavenly Pill of Divine Bone in his body is about to be completed, and he will surely break the Great Heaven Position by then. Although with his talent, he can completely reduce the break time to a very short time, and he doesn’t need any solid Realm.

After breakthrough, you can play a perfect state.

But breakthrough still takes time.

In a confrontation with Zhang Qing’s level of power, even one second is of utmost importance.

Not to mention breaking through in front of him, that would definitely be beaten to death!


Unlock the aura of undead.

But who dares to try this kind of thing?

It’s better to be safe!

Thinking like this, Su Zhan flipped his palm and took out a stack of magic charms.

Fireball Talisman, Hurricane Talisman, Golden Sword Talisman, Landslide Talisman… There are a large number of dozens of them, all of which he obtained from the hands of those who were killed by him in the past.

At this moment, he didn’t care about the other things, excited him all the way, and smashed it against Zhang Qing!

At the same time, the Twelve Heavens Golden Sword also flew out, turning into a Heavenly Golden Sword Formation and bursting away from all directions, as well as the Fire Lin Seal, Su Zhan was also fully excited and blasted towards Zhang Qing!

After finishing all this, he collected Seventeen into Cave Sky, Zi Mansion’s internal wind attribute law, thunder attribute law, speed law, and the shadow of the three laws to the extreme.


The wings of wind and thunder appeared behind him, and he disappeared in place with a single flap.

Turned into a ray of light, flashing through the clouds at an extremely fast speed!

As for the Heavenly Golden Sword and the Fire Lin Seal, he simply didn’t care about it after he threw them out.

In this way, those treasures will only have one blow, and after one blow, they will be easily taken away by Zhang Qing.

But Su Zhan didn’t care about this either.

After the transformation of the God Bone Heaven Pill is completed and the mirror is broken, the things left behind will also be brought back one by one!

“Bastard! Thought these things could trap me!”

Ten seconds later, Zhang Qing blasted away all the chaotic attacks, captured the Huo Lin Yin and the Heavenly Golden Sword, and a smug smile appeared on his face.

“I can’t even care about the treasures, so panicked to flee, it seems that the Saint Yuan in his body is about to be exhausted, or the internal injury is very serious, and now he is in a hurry to run away!

However, as long as you are still in Lintianyu, where did you escape? ”

Flip the palm of his hand, put away the Huo Lin Yin and the Heavenly Golden Sword, Zhang Qing sneered: “It’s not just these, I want everything on you!”

With that said, he turned into a green rainbow, and pursued Su Zhan, who had long been invisible, according to the trajectory that Su Zhan had passed through those clouds.

After half an hour.

At the foot of an ordinary mountain.

An electric light fell.

The light converged, and Su Zhan’s figure appeared.

With a wave of his hand, Puppet Seventeen cast it out.

“Seventeen, don’t let anyone approach me and attack me.”

“Yes, master!”

Seventeen nodded silently.

Next, Su Zhan took out several sets of formation flags that were arranged very fast, activated the formation aura, and arranged several sets of formations with good defensive power.

He took a deep breath and sat down to breakthrough Realm.

At this time, the Heavenly Pill of Divine Bone in his body has been completely transformed, the bones contain divine light, the power of the physical body, and the talent for refining the body is greatly increased!

But at the same time, the Saint Yuan in his body has reached the limit that his Realm can bear. Moreover, the remaining medicinal power of the God Bone Heaven Pill contained in his bones has not yet been integrated, and the Saint Yuan is still increasing.

It’s already overwhelming, it must be breakthrough!

As Su Zhan began to attack the barrier, Spiritual Qi suddenly poured in crazily, perfusing him!

Just after Su Zhan began to breakthrough Realm, it took less than five minutes.

Zhang Qing appeared above, looking at the breakthrough Realm’s Su Zhan below, he was stunned for a moment, and then sneered: “In the middle of the heavens, the breakthrough to the great heavens is impossible to complete in a few hours!

A few hours is enough for me to kill you hundreds of times!

Escaped halfway through breakthrough Realm… I, Zhang Qing, lived for more than three thousand years, and it was the first time I saw this kind of operation.

You are such a genius, are you trying to laugh at me? Hahaha! ”

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