Chapter 543 Kill Deva! (Fourth, big chapter)

As he said, the magic behind him once again appeared, turning this place into his Realm, and the sword in his hand was cut down!


The first layer of formation defense was cut directly!

Three formations only cost him three swords.

The formation was broken, and seeing Zhang Qing approaching Su Zhan, Seventeen turned into a golden light and rushed up.


Zhang Qing directly flew seventeen with a sword.

But Seventeen didn’t know the fear at all, and rushed up again.

“Bastard puppet! Okay! I want to see if you can stop me with a few swords!”

Zhang Qing was very annoyed by Seventeen, and was cut out with a single sword!

Seventeen flew out of the body upside down.

Before landing, Zhang Qing appeared above him, and the Qingquan Liu Xiangjian directly pierced into Seventeen’s body!


The two fell from the sky!

Seventeen was Zhang Qing holding the sword in both hands and nailed it directly to the ground!

Half-step Deva, the gap with Deva is too big. Even though Seventeen is much stronger than the average half-step Deva, but in front of Zhang Qing, who is going all out and holding the Heavenly Dao Holy Soldier’s “Qingquan Liuxiang” sword, he is still not an opponent at all. !

“Huh? It can only penetrate half an inch? This puppet is obviously only half-step Deva’s strength and material, but it is better than some Deva puppets?”

Zhang Qing was a little surprised.

“Fine! When I kill that kid, I’ll take you back to study and study!”

Zhang Qing said, pulling out Qingquan Liujing, kicking Seventeen away, turning around and heading towards Su Zhan.

But he only took a step forward.

Perceiving that 17 from the rear rushed forward again, he finally couldn’t bear it, and almost roared: “Damn! Anyway, it takes at least a few hours for him to break through, but only less than ten minutes have passed right now!

Then I will tear down your puppet first! ”

As soon as the voice fell, Zhang Qing turned around and cut out with one sword after another!

If it were a normal half-step Deva puppet, it would have already collapsed!

However, the material of Seventeen is special, and the defense has reached Deva level. Although he was beaten miserably, with deep sword marks on his body, it was not broken for a while.

Bombarded for five minutes!

The energy core drive of the seventeenth back’s neck was destroyed, and finally fell to the ground, motionless.

Zhang Qing turned around and looked at Su Zhan and said, “Okay, your puppet is gone. Now, you can go to death with peace of mind-eh?

How can this be! ”

Before he finished speaking, seeing the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi disappeared, and Su Zhan also exploded with the power of the Great Heavenly King, Zhang Qing suddenly widened his eyes and his face was incredulous.

Realm’s breakthrough in the Holy King Realm… Is it over in ten minutes?

Doesn’t he need to compress the holy yuan?

Doesn’t he need to hit the barrier?

How could it be so fast!

And… Breakthrough Realm doesn’t mean that breakthrough is breakthrough, right?

The barrier cannot be broken, the Saint Yuan is blocked, the compression is not in place… Isn’t he not a single one of these problems?

Even if he is lucky to be heaven-defying again, none of them, but more than ten minutes breakthrough Saint King Realm.

This is so special!

Isn’t it too ridiculous? ? ?

Zhang Qing was shocked in his heart, but immediately, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Without hesitation, cut out with all your strength!

When the gust of wind blew up at that sword.

Su Zhan also opened his eyes suddenly!

The Sun Moon Star chaos body erupts, the blood of the demon god, the blood of the gods, and the bones of the gods are all urged to the extreme!

The devilish energy on his body was surging, and the imprint of the extremely thunder mountain on his left hand was bright, and he blasted out with a punch!


Space shock!

That Sword Qi dissipated like a bubble!

Zhang Qing’s pupils shrank suddenly, and his sword blocked.


The sword body of the Qingquan Liuxiangjian bends inward, and the huge force lifts him into the air!

After flying upside down for hundreds of meters before standing still, Zhang Qing was already shocked!

Just breakthrough a Realm, how can the power of the physical body be so powerful!

No, it’s not right!

His body…the bones of god!

Contains the power of God’s Bone!

Divine Bone Divine Vessel Divine Body Divine Eyes… They are all extremely strong ones.

This child’s physique is too terrifying, even the lord of the Lintian domain, Martial God, who was a hundred thousand years ago, can’t compare it!

No, I must run away quickly!

I am not his opponent now, if you continue to fight, I will die!

It is so heaven-defying to stay in the green hills without worrying about firewood. The big deal will sell him to the monsters of the demon clan. The demon clan can’t wait for the geniuses of the human clan to die, and he will definitely not let him go!

With this in mind, Zhang Qing turned around and ran without hesitation.

“Run now, it’s too late!”

Su Zhan’s voice sounded, and then, the Law of Chaos Realm spread out!

With his Realm breakthrough, today’s law Realm has reached the range of fifty miles!

Under Su Zhan’s Chaos Law Realm, Zhang Qing’s speed slowed by one point.

Just when he urged the power of the law of heaven to break the suppression of Su Zhan Realm, and wanted to escape.

Slash the soul and read the sword into his body!

His body suddenly stopped.

When he came back to his senses, the Dahi Star sword appeared less than 20 meters away from him, and slashed!

Zhang Qing quickly resisted with a sword swing.


His body was cut off from the sky.

Falling on the ground, he staggered back a few steps, his right hand trembled, the tiger’s mouth cracked, blood rushed!

And that Qingquan Flowing Sword, still being affected by Su Zhan’s sword, couldn’t help shaking!

Zhang Qing was horrified, and said quickly: “Wait! I have something to say–”


Another sword fell!

Zhang Qing’s feet made two ravines on the ground, and the person flew out hundreds of meters, vomiting blood and fell to the ground!

“No, please forgive me—”


The third sword falls!

Zhang Qing couldn’t even hold the clear spring in his hand. The long sword flew out and plunged into the ground, while his mouth was full of blood. Watching Su Zhan approach, he didn’t care about Deva’s majesty and begged for mercy in panic: “Don’t, don’t kill me!

I’m Deva and I have many treasures!

I know many secrets!

You will be more useful if you keep me, and you will be more useful if you keep me! ”

“It would be more useful to keep you?”

Su Behead nodded: “Perhaps! But you are too cruel and vicious, you want to put me to death, if I don’t kill you, how can I get my kind Dao heart that punishes evil?”

Originally, when he heard the first half of Su Zhan’s sentence, Zhang Qing was ecstatic in his heart. He was already planning how to get away and how to report the recovery. But after hearing that, he immediately felt a creepy feeling in his heart, and shouted hoarsely: “Don’t— —”


Dahi Star’s sword flicked across.

A red line appeared on Zhang Qing’s neck, blood poured out, and her voice stopped abruptly.

He clutched his neck with both hands, trying to stop the blood from flowing out.

But, it’s useless.

The aorta and larynx were cut off, unless it was to cultivate a special cultivation technique, otherwise Deva would have no choice but to wait for death.

A few seconds later, Zhang Qing realized that he was not saved, the Saint Yuan within his body immediately stagnated, his hands were weakly released, and he fell on his back on the ground.

The eyes were still looking at Su Zhan.

His eyes were full of horror and regret.

He didn’t think about it.

He Zhang Qingtang, Deva, would actually die in the hands of a young man in the Holy King Realm…This kind of thing, he would only be a joke when others told him about it.

But I didn’t expect it to happen to me.

The Great Heavenly Sacred King Realm has such a terrifying combat power…

Thousands of years later, in the mythology of the spiritual world, this person is afraid to occupy one!

Dead in the hands of a myth, Zhang Qing, I am not wronged…

Zhang Qing sighed in his heart and closed his eyes full of regret.

I had known that Su Zhan was so perverted that he would never come to Su Zhan if he killed him, but unfortunately, there was no chance to regret it.

Seeing Zhang Qing’s death, Su Zhan put away his treasures, storage ring, and the sound of the clear spring, and walked to the side of Seventeen. After checking, his brows were slightly frowned.

Seventeen was damaged very badly, and I am afraid that it will not be able to be completely repaired in less than ten days.

However, if the repair process is integrated with the process of transforming into a Deva puppet, it is not a waste of time.

Thinking like this in his heart, Su Zhan General Seventeen also put away.

Immediately, thinking that Ye Qingyu was still in his ring, his heart moved and released it.

As soon as he came out, before he could see his surroundings clearly, Ye Qingyu was anxious: “Su Zhan, I just saw your puppet being thrown in in your cave sky ring!

It seems to be broken!

You must have gone through a hard fight!

Okay, where are we now?

That horrible Deva Zhang Qing, did you come after him?

The Deva Realm is definitely not a match for the Holy King. If it is really impossible to escape, I have a way! ”

Ye Qingyu’s face was full of decisive expression: “You give me more magical charms, I flee separately from you, make a big momentum, attract him to chase me, and then you take the opportunity to escape back to the place where the teleportation formation is. After arriving at Eastern Wasteland, immediately destroy the transmission formation!

When you have this power in the future, come and avenge me! ”

“Don’t have to be so troublesome. Seventeen was indeed broken by Zhang Qing. As for Deva Zhang Qing…”

Su Zhan stepped aside and pointed at the corpse that Ye Qingyu couldn’t see because he had just stopped him and said, “He is dead.”

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