Chapter 544: Arrived at the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect!


Deva Zhang Qing… just died like this?

Although he had seen the corpse and recognized that it was indeed Zhang Qing, Ye Qingyu still couldn’t believe it and rubbed his eyes first.

He walked to the corpse again and looked at it carefully for a few seconds.

She dared to confirm in her heart.

In the entire spiritual world, high above the clouds, Deva, who looks down on the people like ants, is really dead!

Died in the hands of Su Zhan!

And Su Zhan is just a holy king in the sky!

This is simply too exaggerated. Even if someone composes a story, they wouldn’t make it so outrageous, right? ? ?

After a daze for ten seconds, Ye Qingyu turned around, his eyes widened, and he asked in a daze, “Su, Su Zhan, you, you, how did you kill a Deva?

Even if he loses, he should be able to escape, right?

As far as I know, the shadow of Deva’s law turns into the law of heaven. Once the law comes out, Deva can’t resist it at all! ”

“How did you kill him?”

Su Zhan said: “With my strength, I actually drew a tie with him. It is very difficult to kill him, so I took some time to break through Realm, and then I killed him!”

“Take time out of breakthrough Realm…”

Ye Qingyu was immediately confused.

Just hit and hit, take time out of breakthrough Realm?

Is there such an operation? ? ?

Okay, you are great!

Ye Qingyu curiously asked, “Even if you break through to the great heaven, dealing with a Deva is tricky, right?”

“It’s really tricky.”

Su Zhan nodded: “I cut him to the ground with one sword, and cut his sword with one sword, and then killed him with the third sword!

If it’s a half-step Deva, even the Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord level, I’m afraid it would have fallen when I cut the first sword.

After Zhang Qing was severely injured by one of my swords, he was able to block the sword from death. It was indeed very strong. ”

Ye Qingyu: “…”

After talking for a long time, it turned out that Three Swords killed…

Is it tricky to be killed by your three swords?

The Great Heavenly King can slash Deva with three swords, and when he also becomes Deva, wouldn’t it be possible to jump directly to the top powerhouse in Deva!

Recalling that a year ago, in the Tiannan region, Su Zhan was still a genius who wanted to borrow the holy pond to cleanse the veins in front of him. In one year, he could already kill Deva!

And even though he has broken several Realms, he can compare with Su Zhan… I always feel that Cultivation Base seems to be standing still!

Ye Qingyu’s mood was not only the joy of the crisis dissipating, but also the depressed feeling that Su Zhan gave birth to.

“Empress, what’s wrong with you?”

Seeing Ye Qingyu’s speechless expression, Su Zhan asked in surprise.

“It’s nothing, it’s just…”

Ye Qingyu was thinking how to describe the feeling now, but Su Zhan suddenly realized: “Oh, I understand, you don’t need to say.”

“you understood?”

Ye Qingyu was a little suspicious: “You can still read mind? What do you understand?”

“Woman, there are always a few days a month, this kind of thing is hard to tell.”

Su Zhan narrowed his eyes and smiled: “I understand!”

“There are always so few days?”

Ye Qingyu was stunned for a moment, and immediately reacted, blushing: “What nonsense are you talking about!”

How can we cultivators be like mortals!

I mean, even though Zhang Qing is dead, the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect is still there!

Our sense of crisis cannot completely disappear, we must quickly return to the Eastern Wasteland domain to be safe! ”

Fearing that Su Zhan would pursue this matter, Ye Qingyu quickly turned away from the topic.

Su Zhan nodded: “The Sky Sword Dao Sect is still there… I killed their deputy Sect Leader and Elder, and the Sky Sword Dao Sect will definitely not let me go!

Let’s go! Go to Heaven Sword Sect! ”


Ye Qingyu was immediately confused.

Knowing that the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect will not let go, why would he throw himself into the net?

“Emperor, you are someone who was once an emperor anyway, haven’t you heard a word?

The most dangerous place is the safest place! ”

“But Su Zhan, the meaning of that sentence…”

“Meaning, I understand!”

Su Zhan said: “As long as we go to a dangerous place and solve the source of the danger, it will become a safe place!”

Hearing this, Ye Qingyu’s mouth twitched.

This is so special!

Does this mean this? ? ?

There was a moment of speechlessness in his heart, and Ye Qing said, “Su Zhan, are you a bit too risky?”

“It’s not an adventure, it’s soundness!”

Su Zhan said: “For example, if you are targeted by a killer, how do you ensure your safety?”

“Hidden? Arrange the agency? Incognito?”

“Do not.”

Su Zhan shook his head, revealing that you were so wrong: “The most correct way is to kill him before he kills the manual hand!

Then, based on the killer’s clues, the entire killer organization behind him was uprooted!

Then, according to the clues of the killer organization, all those behind the hired killers were killed!

You will be safe only if everyone who wants to kill you is dead!

This is the truth that I have realized in countless battles!

This time, the same applies to the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect!

Of course, I don’t have to kill them, just to see if their Heavenly Sword Dao Sect is willing to reason with me. ”


Ye Qingyu was stunned by Su Zhan’s words, always feeling that something was wrong, but for a while, he couldn’t find words to refute.

“Okay, no time, come in!”

The Deva Transcends Tribulation of the Sky Sword Sect was injured. It is best to go now. If it is too late, it will definitely be more difficult when he gets better.

With this in mind, Su Zhan directly cast Sheng Yuan to wrap Ye Qingyu.

Ye Qingyu didn’t resist either, and was put into the ring of Dongtian by Su Zhan.

After that, Su Zhan took out the map, and the Wind Thunder God Wing was excited to the extreme, and headed towards the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect at the fastest speed.

Half a day later.

Heavenly Sword Dao Sect.

One is located by the Linghu Lake at the foot of the green hills.

Lu Hai, the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect, was sitting in the Huxin Pavilion, holding an obscure ancient scroll in his hand, looking at it leisurely.

Suddenly, he frowned slightly and looked at somewhere: “Yue Elder’s disciple, why are you bothering me again?”

With a murmur, he took the young man who was still ten miles away in front of him.

“Sect Leader!”

The young man knelt down quickly and said: “There is already information on the Ye family’s side!

My master was really murdered!

The man who killed him was named Su Zhan!

According to the people of the Ye family, Su Zhan is an out-and-out great demon!

Cultivation magic is extremely violent!

At a glance they didn’t agree, and they killed the three Ye Family Masters, one Patriarch, and the Young Masters, guarding Daoist!

My master just went to persuade him to put down the butcher knife, but I didn’t expect that he was so brutal and brutal that he would even kill my master! ”

“Su Zhan…I’ve never heard of this name.”

Lu Hai frowned slightly: “So what is Realm?”

“Central Heavenly Saint King Realm!”

“In the middle of heaven?”

Lu Hai was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed blankly: “Yue Elder actually died in the hands of a middle heavenly holy king… it’s really ridiculous.

Since his Realm is so humble, don’t worry, if I didn’t expect it wrong, he is dead at this moment! ”

As he said, he flipped his palm, took out the sky sword picture, closed his eyes and felt it.

Before long, he opened his eyes and said with a smile: “Sure enough, the sword emblem in the Yue Elder storage ring is less than three hundred miles away from our Heavenly Sword Dao Sect, and it will arrive in at least one minute.

It seemed that Zhang Qing’s trip went very smoothly. He resolved the matter without any delay and returned with Yue Elder’s storage ring.

However, I don’t know if he killed that Su Zhan or captured him back alive? ”

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