Chapter 545 What do you think of my sword?

“It’s better to be captured alive!”

Young Yue Zong gritted his teeth and said: “In that way, I can personally avenge my master!”

“Well, just wait here!”

The old man Lu Hai also nodded: “If I come back alive, I will leave it to you after I ask what I want to know.”

“Thank you Sect Leader!”

Yue Zong respectfully kowtows to thank you.

After half a minute.

An electric light appeared above the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect, and Su Zhan’s figure appeared as soon as the light converged.

He glanced at the bottom, and found that his vision was cut off by the large array, and even the divine eyes could only look vaguely.

“If I follow the normal route, I still need to report to the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect. It will definitely waste a lot of time and give them more time to prepare.

In this way, it would be better to use my own method to inform the Sect Leader of the Sky Sword Sect. ”

Su Zhan simply ignored the force of the forbidden air, hovering in the air, after a little thought, the 108 divine veins were running, and the God Yan Secret Art urged!

The light flashes in the hand!

Huo Lin Yin, Sky Fire Fan, and Extreme Thunder Mountain flew out of his hand one after another, blasting wildly at the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect.

Under Su Zhan’s emissary.

Huo Lin Yin Huo Qilin phantom stepped on the big seal, spewing a beam of flame in his mouth, every time the big seal hits the big array, it can make the big array light flash.

Extremely Leishan turned into a hundred meters in size, and it had no other magical powers. It was smashed from the sky by brute force, and bombarded the big array abruptly!

The sky-fire fan, on the other hand, fanned out a bright flame, completely covering the top of the large array, continuously melting!

These attacks seem to be good from the outside, but from the eyes of the people in the formation, they only feel that the world is about to collapse, and everyone is panicked, and they dare not step out of the formation to stop Su Zhan.

“Who is that! Why break into my Heavenly Sword Dao Sect!”

“How can he use three treasures at the same time!”

“Huo Lin Yin, that is Yue Elder’s Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier! This person even killed Yue Elder!”

“Hurry up and ask Sect Leader to take action. We are not his opponents. If we go out, we will die!”

A series of frightened voices sounded.

Heavenly Sword Dao Sect, the Outer Sect disciple from the main realm of soldiers, and the holy king Elder, under those terrifying attacks, they were all shocked!

Under this level of bombing, just ten seconds later, the outermost formation of the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect was blasted!

It was at this time.

Suddenly there was a huge palm print with the size of a kilometer below, and he directly photographed Su Zhan’s falling Extreme Thunder Mountain.

At the same time, the old man who made the handprint flicked his sleeves, and a visible Sword Qi wind tore through the space, directly fanning Su Zhan’s Fire Lin seal back.

Immediately afterwards, the old man flashed and appeared less than a hundred meters away from Su Zhan, looking at Su Zhan coldly: “Since Yue Elder’s fire lin is in your hand, then you must be the Su Zhan who killed him? ”

Sensing the old man with a stronger aura than Zhang Qing, Su Zhan also took back those treasures that had limited effects on Deva, nodded and said: “Yes, but he wanted to kill me first, and I killed him. of.

I came here today to tell you about this. As the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect, and Deva of the Second Tribulation, you should be reasonable, right? ”

Come here specially… to reason with me?

What the hell is this?

Besides, isn’t Zhang Qing going to intercept and kill this person?

Could it be that this person was on the way to that place to transmit the formation, and suddenly turned back and came towards our Dao Sect.


He and Zhang Qing just missed it?

It should be like this!

This kid, luck is really good!

However, since he is here, then I kill him, it is the same.

Thinking of this in his mind, Lu Hai’s eyes cold: “I am the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Swordsman Sect. You killed my Sect Elder. What more reasoning needs to be said!

Moreover, the only thing in the world-Huh?

Actually breakthrough has reached the great position? ”

Perceiving Su Zhan’s Realm Ascension, Lu Hai was a little surprised, but immediately, he continued to say coldly, “A mere saint king, are you qualified to reason with me?”

As he said, Lu Hai flipped his palm, and a huge sword with four fingers wide that was inconsistent with his tall and thin physique appeared in his hand with a new blue light on the surface.

Holding the Star Giant Sword in his hand, Lu Hai proudly said: “Ignorant person, today, let you see my Heavenly Star Heavy Sword–that’s it?!”

Before I could say anything, I saw the Qingquan Liuxiang sword appearing in Su Zhan’s hand.

Lu Hai’s voice suddenly stopped, and the whole person was stunned.

How could Zhang Qing’s clear spring sound in his hands?

Could it be that they did not stagger, but met!

But Zhang Qing is not the opponent of this person, so he was beheaded by this person and took away the Qingquan Liuxiang sword?

A great heavenly king, beheading Deva… this is absolutely impossible! ! !


This seems to be the only explanation!

Although Zhang Qing is only a devastating Deva, his strength is not weak. Even me, with my vitality now greatly damaged, I can only fight against him.

If this person can kill Zhang Qing, wouldn’t he also kill me? !

His brain swiftly turned, Lu Hai’s pupils shrank, and cold sweat on his forehead instantly seeped out!

At this time, Su Zhan took out the Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier-level Qingquan Flowing Sword, the Sun Moon Star chaos body burst out instantly, staring directly at the land and sea, coldly said: “Sure enough, your Heavenly Sword Dao Sect will never listen to me. reason.

That being the case, there is no need to say more!

Today, I can only fight to the death! ”

“No! No no!”

Hearing Su Zhan’s words, Lu Hai, who was frightened by his own guessing of the truth, suddenly recovered, a feeling of horror in his heart, without hesitation, he knelt on one knee!

The Heavenly Star Epee, which was originally held in his right hand, moved horizontally, but instead held it with both hands and raised it above his head.

The voice trembled a little and said: “Su fellow daoist wait a minute! What I want to say is, Su fellow daoist, how about my star epee?

Like it?

If you like it, when you meet for the first time, this sword will be given to you as a gift to fellow daoist Sue! ”


The sword came out not to kill me, but to give it to me?

The rushing Saint Yuan in Su Zhan stopped and looked suspiciously at Lu Hai: “You are not pretending to send the sword. You will attack me while I relax, right?”

“No, no, no!”

Lu Hai was sweating profusely, and his hands holding the giant sword trembled a little: “Su fellow daoist joked, I really want to give this sword to you, otherwise what would I do with the sword?”

“But, I killed your Elder.”

“it does not matter.”

“Your deputy Sect Leader was also killed by me.”

“It doesn’t matter.”

“It doesn’t matter??”

Su Zhan was a little surprised: “I just broke your Heavenly Sword Dao Sect’s great formation, protecting the mountain, that’s the equivalent of a Sect’s face.

As the Sect Leader of the Dao Sect, don’t you want to kill me and stand up in front of the rest of the Dao Sect? ”

“How can I have this idea?”

Lu Hai shook his head and sighed:

“It’s true that the old man is more than eight thousand years old, and his faces are all looked down upon, but I believe in opportunity Heavenly Dao the most in my life!

Just now, when I first saw Fellow Daoist Su, I felt like I couldn’t get acquainted early, and because of this, I wanted to give you this epee of Heavenly Star to you fellow Daoist Su!

You killed Yue Elder, Zhang Qing, it was God’s will, and when you and I met, it was also God’s will. If I gave you the sword, it was God’s will!

God’s will cannot be violated!

Su fellow daoist, if you don’t take this sword today, the old man will kneel here and won’t get up! ”

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