Chapter 546 I think you are very suitable for practicing swords with me! (The third one, two in one)

“Unexpectedly, you are so enlightened, it’s not right!”

Su Zhan was surprised: “Then why did you say I was not qualified to reason with you?”


Lu Hai was sweating like rain, and quickly said: “Actually, I mean, there is no need to talk too much between us!

Because Sue fellow daoist, I agree with what you said. Why do you still speak so much truth? ”

“So it’s like this…”

Looking at Lu Hai with a sincere expression on his face, Su Zhan smiled, took the Heavenly Star epee from his hand and looked at it.

The Heavenly Star Epee and Qingquan Liuxiang are both Heavenly Dao sage soldiers, which are about the highest rank of inferior Heavenly Dao sage soldiers, and are stronger than most inferior Heavenly Dao sage soldiers!


Qingquan Liuxiang is a water sword, suitable for specializing in water attributes. Su Zhan has the Chaos Five Elements body, which is not inappropriate to use, but after all, it is not a perfect fit.

But the Heavenly Star Epee, the whole body is made of meteorite fragments, it belongs to the kind of Heavenly Dao holy sword with strong destructive power, and it coincides with Su Zhan’s attributes.

Moreover, this sword is very heavy, at least more than 100,000 catties, even if you only rely on physical strength, holding this sword can bring huge damage to the enemy!

Not to mention the frontal slash with Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship!

The gaze was aroused, and after a closer inspection, Su Zhan nodded: “Well, this sword is not bad. Since you have said so, then I reluctantly accepted it.

You get up! ”


Lu Hai breathed a sigh of relief.

Know that life is saved.

“Although you said it doesn’t matter, I still want to make it clear to you.”

Su Zhan put away Qingquan Liuxiang and Tianxing Epee, and said seriously: “It’s not that I want to kill Zhang Qing or Yue Elder, it’s because they refuse to let me go, so I fought back a little.

do you understand? ”

A little counterattack…

The corners of Lu Hai’s mouth twitched.

But when he thinks that Su Zhan has the power to kill himself on the spot, he also put on a serious look: “I understand, as the saying goes, self-inflicted, you can’t live!

They take the blame, no wonder anyone! ”

“It’s great for you to think so.”

Su Zhan said gratifiedly: “Well, now that the matter has been clarified and I have accepted your gift, then I will leave first. If I come to Heaven again in the future, I will come to see you again.”

“Sue fellow daoist walk slowly!”

Lu Hai quickly cupped hands and said.

Su Zhan turned and left.

Just after taking a step, thinking of something, he turned around and said, “By the way, I heard that your Heavenly Sword Sect has a very famous sword washing pond?

Can you let me wash my sword too? ”

Wash the sword pool?

Lu Hai was taken aback, and then smiled bitterly: “Sue fellow daoist, the sword washing pool is not for washing swords…

That is to refine the sword heart. The pool there contains the Sword intent of our Taoist ancestors, plus the unique spiritual liquid, and the formation of tempering the sword heart.

Originally, the sword washing pool was not allowed to be used by outsiders, but you and Su fellow daoist hit it off as soon as you saw it. There is no problem with this matter. ”

“Thank you very much, then.”Su Zhan smiled.

Just as they swept towards the sword washing pond of the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect, a young man suddenly appeared and stopped in front of the two of them.

Kneeling down towards Lu Haidao: “Sect Leader, the Ye family gave me a portrait, I recognize him, it was this person who killed my master! He—”

“Your master did it first. You can’t blame others if you die!”

Lu Hai’s face changed slightly, and his big sleeve flicked, pushing Yue Zong away.

At the same time, his gaze swept down, and he said loudly, “Su fellow daoist was a guest from afar, but it was a bit misunderstanding. You don’t have to panic, go back separately!”

After finishing speaking, he took Su Zhan to move on.

Yue Zong’s face was dumbfounded.

If you say yes, let me take revenge for Master personally?

Why did you suddenly come here as a guest?

And just now… Sect Leader seems to have given him all his swords?

What the hell is this? ? ?

Yue Zong was puzzled.

Just now, because he felt that Su Zhan and Lu Haihui would be overturned, he, like everyone else, did not dare to come close for fear of being affected.

So far apart, he only saw Lu Hai sending swords, and he couldn’t see anything else clearly.

That’s why I didn’t understand what Lu Hai did.

At this moment, not only Yue Zong, but the other people who hoped that Lu Hai would take action to suppress and kill Su Zhan were all dumbfounded, not knowing what had happened.


Elder, who reached the Holy King Realm, was taken aback for a moment, and then followed in the direction where Lu Hai was leaving.

They must ask, what exactly did this person say to make Sect Leader treat this way?

It didn’t take long for Su Zhan to reach the top of a mountain peak with white snow on top.

At the top of the peak, there is a circular pool about ten meters in diameter.

The ground around the pool is full of sword marks. Those sword marks are different, and they contain completely different Sword intents.

Apart from that, the top of the mountain was very empty and empty.

“Sue fellow daoist, this is the sword washing pond. You can hone your swordsmanship by sitting in the pool. By the way, fellow Sue daoist, I have something to ask.”

Lu Hai hesitated for a moment, and asked cautiously: “Zhang Qing Realm is far more than Su fellow daoist, how did Su fellow daoist kill him?”

“Zhang Qing is indeed very strong. I have also gone through a hard fight. By the way, you talked about it…”

Su Zhan thought of something, and waved his hand, the broken puppet Seventeen appeared: “Zhang Qing broke my puppet. Do you have any high-rank materials such as metal or wood in the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect? Give me a little bit. , I want to repair the puppet!”

Fix the puppet?

You killed someone and we didn’t ask you to compensate you. We still want us to compensate you for the materials used to repair the puppet?

The corners of Lu Hai’s mouth twitched, and he was very upset, but he said, “This is okay, but I’m not in a hurry. I’ll wait for you to finish the cleaning of the sword, Fellow Daoist Su, and I’ll take you to choose it myself!”


Su beheaded nodded.

“Su fellow daoist, you are here to temper your swordsmanship, I will leave first.

If you have anything, you can come to Daozong Great Hall to find me. ”

With that, Lu Hai handed a map of the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect to Su Zhan.

Su Zhan took the map and nodded: “Thank you fellow daoist Lu, go!”

Seeing Lu Hai turned and left and disappeared, Su Zhan was a little emotional: If everyone in the world can be as reasonable as Lu fellow daoist, then why should I use a sword?


Sighing, he entered the sword pond.

As soon as he walked into the sword washing pool, Su Zhan felt that the water in the pool seemed to be composed of countless small Sword Qis. Those Sword Qi entered through the pores of his skin to wash his veins and body.

It’s not just Sword Qi.

When he closed his eyes, Sword intents appeared one after another, and when he opened his eyes, he suddenly realized that he was already in a world full of various Sword intents!

Those Sword intents impacted his body and made him feel ascension of kendo.

“Sword Washing Pond is a bit like the ability of Wanjiantu… But in terms of effect, it is definitely more than a hundred times that of Wanjiantu!

Moreover, it is not just Ascension my kendo insights, but the Insight Sword Technique and sword practice in the sword washing pool seem to have greatly increased!

It seems that my Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship may have a chance to be accomplished here! ”

With a whisper in his mouth, Su Zhan began to concentrate all his attention, washing Jianxin Sword intent.

at this time.

Hundreds of miles away from Xijianchi.

At the foot of a mountain peak.

Lu Hai looked back at the direction of Xijianchi, did not see any changes, turned around, faced the puzzled holy kings, and said, “I know your doubts.

However, I am absolutely compelled to do so.

This person’s name was Su Zhan, and he slayed in Ye’s family, killing my Dao Sect’s Yue Elder! ”

“What? How dare he kill our Dao Sect Elder?”

“I said, how could he have Yue Elder’s fire lin seal, he really killed Yue Elder!”

“This is simply challenging our entire Heavenly Sword Dao Sect!”

“Unbearable, absolutely unbearable!”

The holy kings were filled with righteous indignation and became angry.

“At first, I thought the same as you.”

Lu Hai said helplessly: “However, when I learned that he had even killed Zhang Qing, my mind changed.”

Even Zhang Qing… also killed?

As soon as these words came out, those angry holy kings suddenly opened their eyes, and a sense of fear appeared in their hearts.

Logically speaking, Zhang Qing’s position in the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect is higher than that of Yue Elder.

They were angry at Su Zhan’s killing of Yue Elder, and they should be even more angry at Su Zhan’s killing of Zhang Qing.

But the fact is just the opposite.

After hearing this. In addition to shock, those holy kings only have fear!

The powerhouses who can kill Deva are not not angry, but they dare not be angry!

What’s the use of anger?

Can you get revenge?

There was a moment of silence.

A holy king couldn’t help but said: “Sect Leader, then this matter, just forget it?”

“Forget it? How can it be so easy!”

Lu Hai looked cold, recalling Su Zhan’s words, sneered and said: “I have just found out that although he killed Zhang Qing, he still fought hard!Even the precious puppet was destroyed!

It can be seen that although his strength is better than Zhang Qingqiang, his strength is very limited!

Of course I am not willing to confront him at the moment, but after ten days, my vitality has recovered and my state has reached its peak…


At that time, not only the Heavenly Star Epee, but also the clear spring and the Fire Lin seal, I want to get them back!

I will seize his treasures and chances too! ”

“But Sect Leader”

A holy king is a little worried: “Deva breaks the realm, and it takes years to stabilize Realm! You can’t break the realm for more than a month, and the strength may not reach the normal Deva…”

“If you wait for me to stabilize Realm, where can I find him?”

Lu Hai shook his head: “Don’t worry, I have my own measures. He needs to fight hard to defeat Zhang Qing, but if my vitality recovers, defeat Zhang Qing, it will be easy!

There is still a big gap between me and him!

While I am recovering from my damaged vitality, you must not provoke this person, or even discuss the matter in Sect, understand? ”


Those holy kings nodded one after another, some of them expected Lu Hai to kill Su Zhan, but some worried to leave.

“The Great Heavenly King has the power to kill Deva. What’s the secret in your body…

If I get your secret, chance, I am afraid, I also have the hope to ascend the Nine Tribulations Deva and become the Martial Dao myth in the eyes of the world! ”

Muttering in his mouth, a trace of enthusiasm appeared in Lu Hai’s eyes, and he also turned and left.

Ten days later.

Wash the sword pool.

Su Zhan opened his eyes.

In ten days, Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship was finally completed!

Of course, to be precise, he only spent about three days cultivating Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship. For the rest of the time, he was feeling the Sword intent and guiding Sword Qi to temper his body.

The advantage of this is that the shadow of the law of swordsmanship in his Purple Mansion that could only be said to be Xiaocheng of the Saint King Realm has also been achieved, and even, is pushing towards Consummation Realm.

And his physical body, divine veins, have also become more suitable for swordsmanship, condensing Sword Qi!

Sword Ascension goes up, and after the Cultivation Base is reached, it will be easier to cultivate Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship to the summit!

If he only cultivates martial arts, in ten days, in addition to Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship, he can also Ascension with the Wind Thunder God Wing, Soul Slashing and Sword Speaking.

Even Ye Xing’s Martial God’s super Body Tempering boxing, the Star God Body Tempering boxing, can also be successfully cultivated!

However, there is no blessing for cultivation in Xijianchi, and cultivation in other places is the same.

Therefore, Su Zhan will only cultivate the law of swordsmanship and Wanxiangyuan swordsmanship, and the rest will have time to practice in the future.

“Xiaocheng’s Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship can kill Zhang Qing with three swords. What about Dacheng’s Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship?

It’s a pity that I don’t have enough people or Demonic Beasts to try the sword with me… alas! ”

Su Zhan sighed, just thinking about whether to ask Lu Hai, where is there any powerful sky demon or the like, try the Heavenly Star Epee plus the power of Swordsmanship to achieve Wanxiangyuan, and see Lu Hai from the sky Coming here at extreme speed.

Soon, Lu Hai came to the sword washing pond, his expression was neither humble nor overbearing, and said, “Sue fellow daoist, how do you feel about washing the sword in ten days?”

“I think it’s good, but fellow daoist Lu, I have something I want you to help.”

“I have something to help? Su fellow daoist, I have helped you enough, why don’t you help me once!”

Su Zhan was surprised: “What do you want me to help you with?”

Lu Hai carried his hands on his back, with a posture of a worldly expert, and said lightly: “It’s nothing, it’s just that there is some confusion in the recent cultivation Sword Technique, and you need to compare the sword with others to solve the puzzle.

Sue fellow daoist, I think you are a good match for me, what do you think? ”

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