Chapter 547: Solve the doubts!

Su Zhan was taken aback, a little unbelievable: “You came to find me to practice swords?”


Lu Hai’s eyes were sharp, and he said aggressively, “Don’t you dare not fellow Daoist Su?”

Do you dare to kill me, Elder, the deputy Sect Leader of the Heavenly Swordsman Sect. Now, do you dare not even practice swords with me? ”

“What dare you?”

Su Zhan shook his head, and said with excitement: “I just didn’t expect Lu fellow daoist, you are so considerate. It just so happened that I was so good at swordsmanship. If I wanted to find someone to practice swordsmanship, you asked me!

This is simply great! ”


Very good?

Lu Hai curled his lips and said lightly: “I hope you can wait a while, fellow daoist Su, you can still think like this.”

“Lu fellow daoist, since you and I have the same wishes, then draw your sword!”

“Not urgent.”

Lu Hai smiled lightly: “You and I are experts in swordsmanship. We can benefit a lot from swords compared to swords and other people watching. Therefore, I plan to try the sword platform and Su Fellow Daoist in the first number one of our Heavenly Swordsman Sect. You are better than a sword.

I will also call you Elder, disciples, to see fellow daoist Su fellow daoist sword fairy style, what do fellow daoist Su think? ”

“It’s just a sword…”

Su Zhan hesitated: “Don’t be so aggressive, right?

Moreover, if this is the case, if you lose, fellow daoist Lu, you will be very losing face, right? ”

“I will lose face if I lose?”

Lu Hai laughed and said, “Su fellow daoist really loves to tell jokes. Okay, if you don’t bother with these things, you can just say yes or not!”


Seeing that Lu Hai was so stubborn, Su Zhan also nodded in agreement very simply.

Where to compare swords is actually the same to him.

However, considering that Lu Hai is the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect, if he is defeated, it is indeed a bit losing face.

However, why is Lu Hai today… so different from ten years ago?

Is his vitality restored?

Su Zhan thought about this in his heart, and didn’t take it too seriously.

Even if Lu Hai’s vitality recovers, he is not afraid.

Moreover, it’s just a sword practice, not a life-and-death relationship.

Shaking his head slightly, clearing out these mixed thoughts, Su Zhan followed Lu Hai to the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect, a sword test platform located on the top of a mountain peak hundreds of meters away.

At this time, people were already standing around the sword test stand.

Even on the peaks around the mountain where the sword test platform is located, there are many people watching here in the sky.

They were all Elder, disciple, deacon of the Heavenly Sword Sect… They were summoned by Lu Hai.

“Su fellow daoist, let’s go!”

After standing hundreds of meters apart.

Lu Hai said with his hands clasped on his chest.

Su Zhan flipped his palm and the Heavenly Star Epee appeared in his hand. He was a little surprised: “Lu fellow daoist, don’t you take out the sword yet?”

“To reach my Realm, everything in the world, even a piece of air, can be a sword.”

Lu Hai confidently said: “Su fellow daoist, you are just a great heavenly saint king, you don’t understand it, you just need to use the sword, not only the sword, but also your strongest strength!

Even, you have to take a desperate posture, only in this way, can I solve the kendo puzzle for me!

Sue fellow daoist, do you understand? ! ”

As soon as this statement came out, coupled with Lu Hai’s self-assured expression, everything was masterful.

Immediately aroused the admiration of those disciples.

“Sect Leader is Sect Leader, gaseous Bufan!”

“This is the posture of an expert. Look at that Su Zhan, how is he like an expert?”

“Sect Leader is the Second Tribulation Deva. No matter how strong Su Zhan is, I am afraid it will be difficult to survive Ten Swords, right?”

A round of discussions sounded.

As the Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect, Lu Hai clearly has the advantage, and everyone is expecting him to show off his power.

At this time, Su Zhan’s eyes stayed on Lu Hai’s face for two seconds, and he saw that he was really very confident, as if he had a much stronger power than himself, and his originally relaxed heart also became solemn.

“Well, I will do my best!”

With that, Su Zhan retracted the Heavenly Star Epee in his hand.

A little starlight flew out from the center of his eyebrows, and the Dahi Star sword fell into his hand.

In terms of power alone, today’s Da Ri Star Sword is actually the same as the Sky Star Epee, but Da Ri Star Sword is Su Zhan’s Life Sword, and it is actually stronger when using Sword Technique!

“Your natal sword is actually not weaker than a Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier?”

Lu Hai’s eyes narrowed slightly, somewhat surprised.

After reaching the Deva level, he has rarely used his natal weapon, because the power of the natal weapon is weaker than that of the Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier. If it is damaged, it will hurt itself.

In his cognition, with the exception of a few who insist on constantly tempering the natal sword, most high-rank sword repairers do not regard the natal sword as an important combat power.

Su Zhan…somewhat contrary to common sense.

Although surprised in his heart, Lu Hai didn’t panic either, and continued to hold his hands on his back and watched indifferently.

His indifference did not last long.

When I saw Su Zhan explode with the bloodline of the Sun Moon Star Chaos Demon God, one hundred and eight divine veins… the aura was overwhelming, as if the Primordial Demon God looked at him coldly.

His face changed, and even a feeling of fear grew in his heart!


He is a sacred king of heaven, and I am Deva.

Am I afraid of a fart? !

Lu Hai cursed secretly, flipped his palm, took out a pale golden Heavenly Dao long sword, proudly said: “Su Fellow Daoist, today, let you see, our Heavenly Sword Dao Sect’s strongest Everlasting Swordsmanship. !”

After speaking, the long sword in his hand slashed towards Su Zhan Void!

Suddenly, the space in front of Su Zhan fluctuated, and countless worlds of Spiritual Qi, guided by the laws of kendo, turned into a huge sword shadow!

Every sword shadow possesses a power that the Tier 1 Deva can hardly match!

However, such a powerful sword shadow was shattered after Su Zhan cut out the star dragon Sword Qi that burst out instantly!

“How can this be!”

Lu Hai was shocked and turned his sword into a block!

A sword gang shield is generated!


The star dragon bombarded the shield.

Lu Hai’s complexion changed drastically, and his body could not help but flew thousands of meters away!


His body hit a surrounding mountain peak, breaking the top of that mountain peak!

Just when he was still a little dazed, he didn’t know how he was slashed by a Great Heavenly King Deva with a single sword, an electric light appeared in front of him less than a hundred meters, and it was a sword cut without a word!

Perceiving the terrifying power contained in that sword, Lu Hai was horrified, and quickly threw a defensive top-quality holy king weapon.


The Supreme Sacred King Sword was cut off, and his body flew out again, hitting another mountain, and that mountain suddenly collapsed!

Buried in the gravel, Lu Hai rushed out with horror: “Wait! Su fellow daoist——”


Before he finished speaking, he was cut off again!

Once Su Zhan’s Three Swords were connected, Lu Hai’s robes of the high-grade Saint King Item level were torn, his hair was scattered, and the sword in his right hand was still trembling.

The tiger’s mouth is cracked, and his hands are full of blood!

Lu Hai’s eyes on Su Zhan were full of shock and fear. Although he hadn’t used the rules of the sky, he still looked at Su Zhan’s current terrifying power.

Even if it is used, the result will not change much!

“Su fellow daoist! I have something to say!”

Seeing that Su Zhan was about to slash down with another sword, Lu Hai roared hoarsely.

And Su Zhan also remembered something, paused, remembered something, and said, “Fellow daoist Lu, you don’t need to say, I know what you want to say!”

“Sue fellow daoist, you know?”

Lu Hai hesitated.


While talking, Su Zhan took out the pair of meteorite gloves from the Dongtian ring and put them on.

“Lu fellow daoist, don’t you mean that I will do my best to help you solve your puzzles?

Unexpectedly, Lu fellow daoist, you also know that I still have double top grade Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier’s gloves that I didn’t wear!

Alright, now I am putting on meteor gloves!

Lu fellow daoist, you stand still and let me cut dozens of swords to solve your doubts! ”

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