Chapter 548

Top grade Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier Grade Meteorite Gloves?

Dozens or hundreds of swords?

Lu Hai felt horrified in his heart, and cried out in shock: “Don’t–”


Before he finished his words, Su Zhan’s sword had already been cut down!

Although the Meteorite Gloves are top grade Heavenly Dao sage soldiers, they only have a huge increase in physical strength, and their swordsmanship performance is mediocre.

Moreover, Su Zhan couldn’t exert too much power.

Therefore, although this sword is slightly stronger than before, it is not much stronger.

But even so.

After taking this sword.

The hundreds-meter-high mountain at the foot of Lu Hai still cracked in an instant!

And his body fell into the ruins, vomiting blood.

He hurriedly threw another defensive treasure, which turned into a huge mysterious tortoise phantom and stood in front of him.

At the same time, he also inspired the law of heaven!

His law of Tianxiang, like Zhang Qing, is also a sword, but there are some differences between the law of attributes, the law of kendo and the law of strength.

At the same place of the law, a repressive force enveloped Su Zhan.

If according to the previous, the law of heaven is stimulated, you will definitely put your opponent to death.

But now Lu Hai didn’t have the courage to make a move at all. He just panicked and said, “Sue fellow daoist, you–”


Su Zhan didn’t wait for Lu Hai to finish, but he slashed out again!

It’s hard to find someone who can practice swords, of course he wants to practice it to the fullest!

Moreover, Sword Technique, only in actual combat, can it continuously improve and become stronger!

As for the laws of land and sea, in front of Su Zhan who is now in all states, it is not very useful at all.

He was slashed with a sword again, his internal organs were damaged, blood was vomiting at the mouth, Lu Hai turned his left hand over, took out another defensive treasure and threw it out.

But immediately, the treasure was cut off again, and he flew out again!

Next, no matter what defensive means Lu Hai used, or magic talisman, or treasure, it was broken by Su Zhan’s sword!

Twelfth sword.

Lu Hai’s hand holding the sword was almost abruptly shattered, his mouth was full of blood, and his breath was weak.

Seeing Su Zhan rushing again, he was terrified, and when he flipped over his palm, the sky sword picture appeared in his hand.

The next moment, he threw the sky sword picture out!


The sky sword picture instantly rose to a hundred meters huge!

The minimalist long sword on the sword picture was suddenly cut out from the sword picture!

“This sword picture…”

Su Zhan’s eyes narrowed.

For some reason, he actually had a somewhat familiar feeling towards Tianjian Tu.

Familiar and familiar, now he is competing with swords, he has no time to think, and without hesitation, he cuts out with a single sword!

The shadow of the giant sword suddenly shattered, and the Heaven Sword Tu wailed and flew back to Lu Hai’s hands.

However, this sword was also blocked for him.

“Su fellow daoist, stop using the sword! I can’t stop it!”

The final hole card was also defeated, Lu Hai cried out in horror.


Su Zhan frowned: “You hold the sword in your right hand and the sword picture in your left hand. It is clear that you are going to fight me!”

“No! No no!”

Hearing what Su Zhan said, Lu Hai was terrified. The two treasures in his hand were like hot potatoes at the moment. He didn’t hesitate to throw the Heavenly Dao sword and the Heavenly Dao Golden Wind Sword. Su Zhan’s voice trembled a little and said, “Don’t get me wrong! Don’t use the sword again!

All these things are for you, all for you, please don’t make a sword!

If you take the sword again, I will die! ”

“Give it all to me?”

Su Zhan said displeased: “Lu fellow daoist, what do you mean?

Could it be that you think that I am this kind of person who wants to steal people’s treasures? ”

“No! Sue fellow daoist certainly not!”

Lu Hai quickly said, “I voluntarily gave it to fellow daoist Su!”

“Two Heavenly Dao Saint Soldiers, you have no reason, why would you give it to others casually?”


Lu Hai almost cried in a hurry.

This is so special!

I want to give you treasures, you just accept them!

What a lot of bullshit! ! !

Seeing Su Zhan’s expression getting more and more unhappy, Lu Hai thought of something and hurriedly said, “It’s for thanks!”

Su Zhan was taken aback: “Thank you?”


As if grabbing a life-saving straw, Lu Hai quickly said: “Thank you fellow daoist Su for solving my kendo puzzle!

From then on, my kendo road will be smooth sailing. This is a matter that has a major impact on my entire cultivation path!

Two Heavenly Dao Saint Soldiers as a thank you are nothing! ”

“Is that right……”

Su Zhan was quite regretful: “Lu fellow daoist, do you have only one doubt? Are there any others?

I have always been very helpful. If you have anything to say, I will definitely help you out! ”

“No! No more! Su fellow daoist’s kindness is appreciated!”

The corners of Lu Hai’s mouth twitched.

This one almost died!

Any other doubts?

Why shouldn’t I be hacked to death by you? ? ?

But speaking of it, although life is saved, this injury will not be healed even after decades of cultivation…

Lu Hai smiled bitterly.

The heart is full of regret.

I knew that Su Zhan was so outrageous. Why did he trouble Su Zhan when he was idle?

While regretting in his heart, thinking of something, Lu Hai cautiously asked: “By the way, fellow daoist Su, you said that you had to fight hard before you killed Zhang Qing… how did you fight hard?”

“It’s nothing, it just couldn’t kill him at first, and then I took the time to break through a Realm, and three swords killed him, Lu fellow daoist, you, Lu fellow daoist, what’s wrong with you?”

As Su Zhan said, he was surprised when he saw Lu Hai staggering and retreated a few steps while holding his forehead.

“I, I’m fine…”

Lu Hai took a deep breath, feeling extremely depressed.

It turns out that this is what you said about the hard fight!

Three swords beheaded Zhang Qing…This f*ck also called a hard fight?

You said that earlier.

Can you still have these shit today? !


Lu Hai bitterly, wishing to draw a big ear to shave himself.

Ask you not to ask clearly!

Now I am fine. Not only did he lose the last two Heavenly Dao soldiers of the Heavenly Sword Dao Sect, but he also suffered such serious injuries!

I lost my wife and broke down again!

“Su fellow daoist, let’s not talk about it, don’t you want to choose the materials to repair the puppet? Come with me!”

Lu Hai took down a Medicine Pill and said slightly to suppress the injury.

“Fellow daoist Lu looks like this, let’s talk about it later!”

“No, no! I’m fine!”

Lu Hai quickly said.

He now only hopes that Su Zhan will get the materials and leave as soon as possible.

As far as you go, it’s best not to see each other for a lifetime!

Naturally, I don’t want to delay for a moment.

Seeing this, Su Zhan also nodded, put away the Heaven Sword Diagram and the Golden Wind Sword, and left with Lu Hai.

When the two left this area, they were almost out of sight. Those Elders and disciples who had been staring in a daze, or had been stunned by the mountain peaks shattered by the two, came back to their senses.

One face was full of horror and shock!

“Sect Leader, Sect Leader has lost!”

“Not just defeat, but a miserable defeat!”

“Second Tribulation Deva, in front of that Su Zhan, he doesn’t even have the power to parry!”

“The Great Heavenly Sage King… Is this really the Great Heavenly Sage King?!”

“I am also the Saint King of the Great Heaven, but in front of Su Zhan, I feel that I am no different from a fish dragon realm… I am afraid that I will be killed by a single sword!”

“Horror, terrible! Fortunately, we didn’t go out to stop him ten days ago, otherwise, where would we have the life to speak here?!”

After one after another, frightened, the voice of horror sounded.

At this moment, the entire Heavenly Sword Dao Sect was trembling and shocked!

Yue Zong’s hands were trembling at this time, and he kept wiping cold sweat on his forehead.

Wipe it again and wipe it again.

His face was pale and his teeth were trembling.

At this time, he understood.

His master provokes a kind of terrifying existence!

As for himself, ten days ago, if Lu Hai hadn’t told him to retreat, he would say a few more words, angering Su Zhan…

That day, I am afraid it will be his sacrifice day! ! !

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