Chapter 558

Compared to other Sacred Land.

Vajra Sacred Land looked very old-fashioned and serious.

The other Sacred Lands are mostly surrounded by mountains and rivers, and the environment is pleasant, but Vajra Sacred Land is located in a desert.

The architectural style is also very simple.

It is like a huge temple, divided into large courtyards.

“See Holy Lord!”

The Vajra Holy Lord returns.

Everyone Elder came out to greet them in a hurry.

“Well, Elder, this is the number one powerhouse in Eastern Wasteland today, Young Master Su Zhansu, this is the Saint King Che Heng of Xuantian Sacred Land, who is proficient in refining tools.”

Vajra Holy Lord introduced.

Those Elders also saluted respectfully: “I have seen Master Su, fellow daoist Cha.”

Su Zhan and Che Heng also replied.

After a few words of greeting, Vajra Holy Lord told them to retreat, bringing Su Zhan and Cha Heng Sheng Wang to a pagoda in the central area of ​​Vajra Sacred Land.

“Young Master Su, this is the Vajra Pearl.”

Coming to the top of the pagoda, Vajra Holy Lord took off the golden ball and handed it to Su Zhan: “Vajra beads are made of special materials, and ordinary flames are difficult to smelt. Young Master Su can smelt them in the flame furnace of our Vajra Sacred Land. There is the Innate sacred flame in the furnace, and there are many formations to guide the flame, which is very suitable!”


Su beheaded nodded.

Vajra Holy Lord thought of something and said with a smile: “By the way, Young Master Su, don’t you want to merge the three treasures into one?

With such a large workload, even King Che Hengsheng would be very strenuous by himself.

We also have a master craftsman in Vajra Sacred Land, who is second to none in the Vajra dynasty, and he should also know King Che Heng.

If Young Master Su agrees, I think he can help Young Master Su refining together! ”

Su Zhan looked at Saint King Che Heng, who nodded and said: “Vajra Holy Lord is talking about Master Jinhai. He is the oldest master craftsman in the Eastern Wasteland domain. His understanding of craftsmanship is better than mine. Go deeper!”

“Okay, let him come together!”

Su Zhan said: “As for rewards–”

“Young Master Su joked, what kind of compensation is needed for this!”

Vajra Holy Lord smiled and said: “For being able to participate in the refinement of such a treasure, let alone no compensation, even if Jinhai is asked to make a large sum of sacred stones to join him, he will not hesitate to agree!”

“In this case, let’s go to the furnace of your Vajra Sacred Land first! Take a look at that master by the way.”

“Okay, Young Master Su will follow me.”

Vajra Holy Lord led the way, and at the same time, through some means of communication, he informed the King of the Golden Sea.

It didn’t take long for Su Zhan to arrive outside that “flaming furnace”.

The so-called Yanlu, from his eyes, is actually a volcano.

Moreover, it is the kind that is very unstable at first glance and will erupt at any time.

Of course, unlike ordinary volcanoes, this volcano contains the Innate flame.

The mountain is engraved with dense inscriptions.

Su Zhan landed on the volcanic crater and observed for a while, he felt that although these magic circle inscriptions were not very subtle, there was nothing wrong with them, and there would be no accidents during refining, so he withdrew his gaze and waited quietly.

About half an hour later.

An old man with a squat body hurriedly hurried over and greeted Vajra Holy Lord casually. After his gaze was swept away, he immediately fell on Su Zhan: “You are the Young Master Su that the Holy Lord said!

The old Jinhai has some understanding of the art of refining. I heard that Su Shao mainly fuse two Heavenly Dao holy soldiers, one of the best holy king artifacts is true. ”

“it is true.”

Su Zhan glanced at Jin Hai, waved his hand, and threw the Fire Lin Seal, Extreme Thunder Mountain, and Vajra Pearl, floating above the volcano.

Jin Hai’s gaze immediately fixed Huo Lin Yin and Ji Lei Shan, a few seconds later, his face was full of surprise: “It really is Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier!

Even that hill, the material has definitely reached the level of Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier!

Two pieces of Heavenly Dao saint soldiers, one piece of supreme saint king artifacts fusion, this kind of masterpiece… This is the first time I have seen you! ”

When Su Zhan saw Jin Hai’s enthusiastic surprise, he also smiled and said: “Elder Che Heng, Elder Jinhai, how long will it take for these three things to become a new treasure?”

Saint King Che Heng and Saint King Jinhai looked at each other and said at the same time: “It will take at least two months!”

“What if it’s just the early smelting process?”

“Just smelt…”

Jin Hai thought for a while: “The materials of these three treasures are similar. We have all the auxiliary materials needed for smelting in Sacred Land. Actually it is not very troublesome. It should be done in about half a month!”

Half a month…

It’s not too long, but I also need to cultivate the Star God Body Tempering fist.

As for them, they said it would take two months to make it.

Under my refining attainments and refining aura, it is actually the most difficult for them, time-consuming portraying inscriptions, adjusting fit, plasticity…

These procedures, which require a higher level of refiners, will be much simpler than smelting the three treasures at the beginning.

It shouldn’t be too long!

Thinking like this, Su Zhan nodded.

Later, after explaining some key points of refining, he and Vajra Holy Lord left here.

ten minutes later.

Su Zhan came to a forbidden valley in Vajra Sacred Land.

The valley space is not very large, it is estimated to be about three miles in radius.

The ground is paved with a special material that is extremely hard, even the holy king can hardly break it.

Around, there are 23 stone statues of different appearances, either carrying a large axe, or naked, topless, holding a sledgehammer, or bare-handed, with muscles…

In short, they all look sturdy, the shortest one is more than two meters tall!

Su Zhan glanced over the stone statues, a little surprised: “Vajra Holy Lord, your master carver of Sacred Land is really unique. Of the 23 stone statues, none of them looks normal.

Could this be your unique technique in Vajra Sacred Land? ”


Vajra Holy Lord was a little embarrassed: “Don’t talk nonsense, Young Master Su, these stone statues are the twenty-three ancestors of our Sacred Land Holy Lord, including my master!”

“Oh, it turned out to be like this…but, you Holy Lord of Vajra Sacred Land”

Su Zhan looked at the huge stone statues with hideous colors on their faces, and looked at the Vajra Holy Lord, who was more than two meters tall and looked like an iron tower, and said: “Why do they look so naive? ”


Vajra Holy Lord was full of depression, but he didn’t dare to talk back to Su Zhan, so he had to change the subject and said: “Don’t talk about this, Young Master Su, these ancestor stone statues are more than just decorations.

They are connected to the whole body forging field, and after they are excited, they can sense the body refining talents of the person who enters the forging field, and the body refining method suitable for cultivation.

A stone statue emits light, which means that the stone statue recognizes the body training talent of the body builder. By then, you only need to place your hand on the stone statue to get the Martial Dao insight of one of the ancestors, the body training Cultivation Technique!

In addition, the forging field can only be opened for ten days at a time, and it will close itself after ten days. It takes a month to restore energy before it can be opened again! ”

As he said, Vajra Holy Lord paused, thinking of certain things, he specifically asked: “There is also Young Master Su, you can practice boxing in it, but remember not to use your full strength!

Just Insight, you can do a drill, otherwise, with your power from Young Master Su, our Sacred Land forging ground, I’m afraid it will be gone…”

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