Chapter 559 Do you want to learn?

“Don’t worry, I know.”

Su Zhan nodded and walked directly to the center of the forging field.

Seeing this, Vajra Holy Lord also took out a special token.

Saint Yuan poured the token, and a series of special runes were shot out immediately on the token, hitting the ground of the forging field.

About ten seconds passed.

The whole forging field suddenly buzzed!

The light on the ground shone, and it dimmed quickly!

And Su Zhan also instantly sensed the changes in the forging field.

“This is… Gravity has become stronger?”

Su Zhan raised his foot curiously.

Gravity is about Ascension dozens of times.

However, it’s not just gravity.

The surrounding air has also become solidified!

No matter what Su Zhan wanted to do, it was much harder than usual!

Moreover, a peculiar force in the forging field has been constantly compressing towards him.

Under this compression, even if he stood still, he would have to endure great pressure, and at the same time, his physical strength would increase invisibly!

Just as Su Zhan curiously felt the mystery of the forging field, a stone statue suddenly lit up!

Vajra Holy Lord was not surprised when he saw this. He smiled and said: “That is my master, who passed away nine hundred years ago, Young Master Su, your physique is very suitable for cultivation of my master’s Cultivation Technique. At the same time, Recognized by my master’s spirit!


That was the twelfth generation of Holy Lord, he also recognized Su Young Master, and the fifteenth generation also recognized it! ”

Looking at the two stone statues that were lit up one after another, Vajra Holy Lord was a little envious, but he was not too surprised, and said, “Sure enough, Young Master Su is very talented.

Just standing in the forging field, before starting the forging, I got the approval of the three ancestors, the Holy Lord, and so on! That’s—fuck! ”

Before I finished speaking, I saw that stone statue suddenly lit up!

Erupting a bright light he had never seen before, straight into the sky, like a hundred flowers fighting to express himself.

Vajra Holy Lord was completely dumbfounded, and even subconsciously burst out a foul language!

Isn’t Su Zhan a sword repairer?

Body training is only a part-time training, not a major one. Even if the talent is good, it is almost enough to motivate the three stone statues of ancestors, right?

I can understand the ten heaven-defying.

What the hell does this directly provoke all the stone statues?

Since he has such a heaven-defying talent for body refining, how about practicing a fart sword? ? ?

No, from another angle, his talent for refining is so terrifying, so his kendo talent…

Vajra Holy Lord took a deep breath.

It seems that it is not nonsense that Su Zhan that I heard before is the reincarnation of the sword immortal.

No, even Sword Immortal does not necessarily match his talents!

Twenty-three ancestors all recognized…In fact, it is not a bad thing.

He inherited the inheritance of Martial Dao, our ancestor of Vajra Sacred Land. Doesn’t it also mean to have a bond with our Vajra Sacred Land, and then…

We, Vajra Sacred Land, are not embracing a thick thigh?

Thinking of this, Vajra Holy Lord’s heart dissipated from depression, with a smile on his face.

But Su Zhan didn’t touch those stone statues at this time.

Regarding the perception of refining, these 23 Vajra Sacred Land ancestors, Holy Lord, added up, I am afraid that they are not comparable to him!

In that case, why should he do such useless work.

The Star God Body Tempering fist appeared in his mind, and Su Zhan took a deep breath and began to cultivate.


As he started cultivating this martial art, a few faint stars appeared in the sky clearly, emitting invisible energy and impacting his body!

As he practiced Insight, the Star God Body Tempering fist, the light of the 23 stone statues gradually dimmed.

In the end, everything converged, and even a little trembling shook!

That is fear, and even surrender!

How powerful is Ye Xing’s Martial God, and how vast is his perception of Martial Dao in refining?

Even Deva must be impressed!

Not to mention the ancestors of these Vajra Sacred Land, the Holy Lord!

After Su Zhan rehearsed the Star God Body Tempering fist that condensed Ye Xing’s Martial God’s lifelong Martial Dao essence, the spirits of these stone statues did not dare to let Su Zhan accept their inheritance.


They are not worthy!

“The ancestors actually surrendered to Su Zhan!

Could it be said that Su Zhan’s artistic conception on body refining has reached the Deva level? ! ”

Vajra Holy Lord was extremely shocked, his eyes widened, and he watched Su Zhan practice Fist Technique intently.

Soon, he discovered that although he could not understand what Su Zhan was practicing, invisibly, some of the confusion that had always existed with him on the path of cultivation had suddenly been solved!

“A body refining together, the same origin, everything can be understood by analogy, and Su Zhan’s Martial Dao mood… has reached an extremely terrifying point!

Therefore, even if I watched, I only learned a small part of it. For me, it is a great Ascension! ”

Vajra Holy Lord was ecstatic in his heart, took out a token, coldly transmitted the voice: “Big Elder, help me push away anything in the next ten days, no matter what it is, even if the sky falls, I shouldn’t come to the gym to bother me. I!”

After speaking, he put away the token, and continued to watch Su Zhan practicing boxing without blinking. At the same time, the Insight in his brain was also fast, combining with own Martial Dao to practice!

Two days later.

Su Zhan general Star God Body Tempering Fist cultivation entry.

A faint starlight appeared on the surface of the body, which was different from the starlight protection layer of the Star Promise Body, and the starlight of the Star God’s Body Tempering fist seemed to be gushing out of flesh and blood.

It seems that there is no sense of hierarchy at all, it seems that Su Zhan’s flesh and blood.


Su Zhan stretched out both hands, looking at the two starlight fists that were like two-hundred-watt large light bulbs, feeling a little depressed.

Ye Xing Martial God’s boxing skills are indeed strong.

But this is too fancy, right?

Fortunately, there is no such thing as a light bulb, otherwise, if I fight with people, don’t others think I’m holding two light bulbs?

That would be too embarrassing.

Thinking silently in his heart, after Su Zhan felt the mystery of the Star God Body Tempering fist, he began to cultivate.

The tenth day.

His Star God Body Tempering fist cultivation to Xiaocheng Realm.

A random punch can induce fluctuations in the law of space in front, causing extremely terrifying destructive power!

Moreover, it’s not just the power of the fist being enhanced.

After ten days of forging, Su Zhan’s physical body was also much stronger than before!

The Star God Body Tempering fist is worthy of being one of the top body training methods.

Now if you confront Lu Sect Leader of the Heavenly Swordsman Sect again, you don’t need to move your sword, relying on the Star God Body Tempering fist, you can kill him!

Feeling the huge Ascension of strength, Su Zhan showed a smile on his face.

It was at this time.

The forging field hummed, and the mysterious power dissipated.

Su Zhan felt his body lighten.

Is the forging field running out of energy?

I was thinking about cultivating for a few hours, forget it.

Su Zhanpo walked out with some regret.

Just walking out of the valley, I saw the Vajra Holy Lord standing at the mouth of the valley to greet him.

“Young Master Su, how does it feel to build your body?”


Su Zhan glanced at the Vajra Holy Lord and said, “Vajra Holy Lord, you have been guarding here for ten days. Are you afraid that I will damage your forging field?”

“No no no, Young Master Su misunderstood!”

Vajra Holy Lord was startled, and quickly smirked: “I was just attracted by Young Master Su’s Fist Technique, and didn’t want to leave for a while.

Young Master Su, can your Fist Technique, can it…”

“You want to learn? Can’t.”

Seeing the appearance of Vajra Holy Lord, Su Zhan shook his head decisively.

The Star God Body Tempering fist is the core of Ye Xing’s Martial God inheritance. Even if it was Mo Wentian and the others, he didn’t talk about it, so how could he pass it to the Vajra Holy Lord casually?

However, Fist Technique cannot be passed, but Sword Technique can!

Thinking of the great ambition of letting everyone in the world have sword practice when I was a founder of Swordsmanship, I also looked at the unusually strong figure, and at first glance it didn’t look like the Vajra Holy Lord who exploded and died so easily.

Su Zhan’s eyes lit up and he flew up and patted Vajra Holy Lord’s big bald head, who was much taller than him, and comforted:

“Vajra Holy Lord, this Fist Technique is the inheritance of a senior and cannot be passed on to others casually. However, I have a Sword Technique that is no less powerful than this Fist Technique!

Except for a little side effect, it is almost perfect!

Do you want to learn? ”

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