Chapter 560 Do It Yourself!

Is it not weaker than the Sword Technique of boxing just now?

Vajra Holy Lord’s eyes lit up. Suddenly, thinking of something, he shook his body and cautiously said: “Young Master Su, the Sword Technique you are talking about is not Wanxiangyuan Sword Technique, right?”

“Yeah! Do you also know that my Sword Technique is amazing?”

“Know, know…”

The corners of Vajra Holy Lord’s mouth twitched.

It is said that Blood Demon practiced this Sword Technique abruptly and killed himself. The Sword Technique is so powerful that he can kill himself…

Can I not know? ? ?

Thinking of the horror of this Sword Technique in the rumors, Vajra Holy Lord trembled in his heart, and shook his head repeatedly: “Forget it, I’m body training, I don’t practice swords.”

“Really not practicing?”

“No, don’t practice! Kill and don’t practice!”

“Forget it.”

Seeing such resistance from Vajra Holy Lord, Su Zhan did not force it.

His Sword Technique is infinitely powerful. If these people don’t practice, it’s because they have suffered a lot.

“Young Master Su, if there is nothing else, I will go back to deal with the matter first.”

“Well, you go!”

Su beheaded nodded.

After the Vajra Holy Lord left, he took out the map given to him by the Vajra Holy Lord and swiftly flew towards the furnace.

Soon, he arrived at Yanlu.

Looking at the three treasures that were only half smelted, Su Zhan frowned slightly: “Didn’t it mean that it can be completely smelted in half a month?

Why did you smelt half of it in ten days? ”

Being questioned by Su Zhan, Saint King Che Heng and Saint King Jinhai were a little embarrassed.

“Su Zhan, we underestimated the tenacity of these Heavenly Dao Saint Soldiers…”

Saint King Che Heng said helplessly: “Even if we do our best, it is estimated that it will take at least 20 days to be smelted together.

Moreover, the first step is so difficult.

After adding various materials, reconsolidating… I am afraid it will take at least four months to complete! ”

“Four months?”

Su Zhan doubted: “Really it will take so long?”

“Young Master Su, you don’t understand refining tools.”

Saint King Jinhai shook his head: “Actually, four months are not long at all for refining a new Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier!

This is because these three treasures are all finished products, and many of the inscriptions and links we can learn from or even keep, the time is greatly shortened.

Otherwise, I am afraid that it may not be completed in half a year! ”

“Lao Jin, what are you talking about!”

Saint King Che Heng on the side hurriedly said: “Young Master, his accomplishments on the refining device are far beyond me!

Even if you are slightly better than me, you are not as good as the young master! ”

Hearing this, Jin Hai was stunned.

Su’s skill on the refining tool is stronger than me?

You say he cultivation, those of kendo, then of course I am far inferior.

It’s your turn…

What are you talking about?

This thing needs to be accumulated over the years, and those who are not more than a thousand years old, at best, can be regarded as a worthy entry in the way of refining!

Although I don’t know how old Su Zhan is.

But he is estimated to be two to three hundred years old, right?

Can you surpass me on the refining device at the age of two or three hundred? ? ?

Jin Hai shook his head and sighed, looking at King Che Heng with a hint of contempt in his eyes.

It seems that Che Heng has now become a flatterer.

Will slap Su Zhan’s flattery!

Although he was very disdainful of Che Heng’s words in his heart, Jin Hai was not a fool either. Knowing that Su Zhan was strong, he did not speak at the moment, but stood silently on the side.

Su Zhan shook his head: “Four months are too long…I can only wait ten more days at most!”

“Ten days?”

King Che Hengsheng was okay, although he felt outrageous, but he didn’t say anything.

When Jin Hai heard this, he jumped up immediately: “Ten days, ten days to melt these three treasures is not bad!

It is absolutely impossible to refine into a new treasure in such a short period of time! ”

Jin Hai said with great certainty: “Even if Young Master Su, your hands and eyes are open to the sky, it is impossible to call a Deva-level pill refining division from another domain!”

“In other words, can’t you?”

“It’s not that I can’t!”

Jin Hai said angrily, “No one can do it, let alone Young Master Su!”

“If you can’t do it, just retreat!”

Su Zhan shook his head: “I’ll do it myself, Saint King Che Heng, you refining with me.”

In fact, the level of Jinhai’s refining equipment is still second.

It’s just that he doesn’t do it by himself, and others will definitely not do it, which really makes Su Zhan a little unhappy.

So I didn’t bother to let him do something to help, anyway, the impact was not big.


King Che Heng was a little embarrassed: “Lao Jin, would you like to admit a mistake to the young master?”

“What did I say wrong?”

Jin Hai was extremely annoyed. Thinking of Su Zhan’s strength, he suppressed his anger and calmly said as much as possible: “As the saying goes, there is a sequence of learning, and there is a specialization in the art!

My Jinhai is 4,512 years old this year!

This is first!

When I was twenty-five years old, after I started to learn the way of refining tools, I focused on it!

Except for cultivation, the rest are used to study refiners!

This is dedicated!

Young Master Su’s talent in cultivation and kendo, even if it is a hundred times more than mine, I have nothing to say in Jin Hai!

Speaking of refining equipment…”

Jin Hai’s tone aggravated, and said to King Che Hengsheng: “Che Heng, you are touching your conscience, am I really not as good as Master Su?”

“Touching the conscience”

Saint King Che Heng looked helpless, thinking of Su Zhan’s refining skills in refining Extreme Thunder Mountain, he smiled bitterly: “Lao Jin, it’s really not as good as…”

“Good! Good! Good!”

Jin Haiqi’s beard trembled, and he put away the holy yuan: “You practice, I will see, how high is Young Master Su’s refining skills!

Is it really possible to make old people feel ashamed! ”

“Then look at it!”

Saint King Che Heng said silently, and then he smelted with Su Zhan.

Su Zhan also didn’t have Jin Hai, who was incapable of anger, flipped his palm, took out the sky fire fan, and the pendant that Su Zhaoyue gave him, the holy yuan surged, and the God Yan Secret Art was running.

The two treasures erupted at the same time, and shot on those treasures!

Immediately afterwards, Su Zhan turned on the refining halo!

After smelting for a while, he selected one of the materials that had been prepared for a long time by the volcano crater and added it.

There is almost no need to think, and he has an affinity for the Five Elements law. Under the urging, the Innate flame in the furnace is also several times violent!

Jin Hai looked a little moved in this scene.

Unexpectedly, this kid can actually control the Innate flame!

And Mental Energy is so powerful that it is divided into three, while controlling two treasures, while refining!

And his physique, it seems to be a god of flame attribute!

Feel free to mobilize the Earth Fire flame law to bless the Innate holy fire and make it more powerful!

With so many special features, it’s no wonder that he dared to say such things!

However, the refiner does not only look at these external forces, but also depends on the refiner’s own level!

Well, it’s correct to just add some materials just now.

But I didn’t even look at it, and I joined it without thinking about it. Obviously, it was a mistake, and luck was right!

Luck…Is this thing reliable and hard work?

Jin Hai sneered and waited for Su Zhan to add the wrong materials. As a result, the smelting could not be carried out, and the three treasures were rejected, and then he had no choice but to ask him for help!

At that time, he must teach Su Zhan well to respect senior’s principles of life!

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