Chapter 561: Experience it for yourself!

Thinking of this in his mind, Jin Hai looked forward to Su Zhan’s smelting.

But as time passed, Su Zhan added the materials again and again, and the smile on his face solidified a little.

The sixth time!

Six times in a row, adding the type of material, the quantity, and even the timing of the addition… it is perfect!

Yes, there is no trace of flaws!

It’s like smelting these three treasures. It’s very simple for Su Zhan, just like an imperial examination champion doing a question for a private school student.

You don’t even need to think, it’s all right, there is no omission!

Jin Hai was a little surprised.

Even if you are lucky, it can’t be so good, right?

Could it be said that Su Zhan is really a master refiner?

However, he is so young, even if he starts to learn in the womb, how much can he learn?

This is unreasonable!

Jin Hai was puzzled and kept watching.

Two days later.

The materials of the three treasures are completely integrated, without any repulsion, just like one, quietly hanging over the flame furnace, being smelted by the Innate flame.

Saint King Che Heng smiled at Jin Haidao who had been stunned: “How about Lao Jin, I said that the young master has a very high level of refinement!”


Jin Hai blushed. He wanted to admit his mistake and be soft, but when he thought that Su Zhan was just a Junior, he was four or five thousand years old, and he was the most experienced person in the Eastern Wasteland domain.

Suddenly couldn’t pull this face off, coldly said, “I admit, Young Master Su has some abilities.

However, smelting is only the first step.

It is also the easiest step!

Later, it is portrayed, connected to the inscription, and re-refined by adding materials to make it contain all kinds of magical powers, as well as the last plastic gift…

It’s all very difficult!

Moreover, sometimes an inscription may be stuck to the owner for a day or two or even several days, and it may go wrong, causing the whole board to collapse!

No matter how good Young Master Su is, there are only eight days left, and it is absolutely impossible to complete the refining! ”

Su Zhan glanced at Jin Hai a little displeased: “I am here for refining tools, and I haven’t asked you to help, you keep talking ass!”

“The old man is just telling the truth!”

“Oh? What if I refine it in eight days?”

Refined in eight days?

Jin Hai smiled: “The old man will worship Young Master Su as his teacher!”

Su Zhan shook his head, a little disgusted: “You are too old, I won’t accept a disciple like you.”


Jin Hai was anxious, but when he thought of Su Zhan’s strength, he suppressed his anger, flipped his palm, and took out a golden Medicine Pill: “This is the forging Gold Core, only my Alchemy friend can refine it!

It has an obvious Ascension effect on the body of the Holy King and the Cultivation Base!

Even the Holy Lord cannot easily get it!

The value of this forged Gold Core is not much worse than a supreme holy king artifact!

If you can really successfully refine it in the remaining eight days, this forged Gold Core will be yours!

If you fail to practice…”

Jin Hai looked at the extremely rare Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier materials and said with some red eyes: “You give me all those materials!

how? ”

“You want to exchange a forged Gold Core for two Heavenly Dao Saint Soldiers plus my Extreme Thunder Mountain?”

Su Zhan shook his head and said: “At least one hundred, otherwise no discussion!”

Hearing Su Zhan’s words, Jin Hai was obviously taken aback.

One hundred forged Gold Core?

Isn’t that worth billions of sacred stones? !

Don’t say that my old friend doesn’t have so much energy to refine, even if he has energy, those materials probably cost more than a dozen or two billion sacred stones, right?

Unless I sell all the Vajra Sacred Land, where can I get so many sacred stones?

However, if you can’t take it out, you can’t take it out.

I don’t need to take it at all!

Refining a Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier in eight days, even a fool would not believe it, right? Ha ha!

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that he had a chance to win, Su Zhan was giving him something for nothing.

Jin Hai smiled and said, “Yes, one hundred for one hundred!

But Young Master Su, let’s talk about it first, the finished product must be Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier.

Vaillant must at least surpass our previous Vajra beads in Sacred Land, otherwise, it will not be considered a success! ”


Su beheaded nodded.

After that, he didn’t say much, and began to refine it.

Under the refining halo.

As long as he starts refining, he will automatically give birth to thoughts such as “It should be refined in this way, the following inscriptions are described in this way, and the most suitable materials will be added later.”

And these thoughts, without exception, are the best choices he can make at the moment!

Before he came here, I read Alchemy books for a whole night, and they were all useful for this refining, so this time it was refining very fast!

The only thing that can cause him so little trouble is that some materials are missing, and he can’t reach the perfect ideal state, so he can only choose replacements.

However, there is no alternative.

Under the effect of the refining aura, his vision was too harsh. In fact, what was made in his eyes was perfect in the eyes of other refining masters!

When Su Zhanfei was quickly refining.

Jin Hai’s complexion was getting harder and harder to look, and she rubbed her eyes from time to time, wondering if she had any hallucinations.

There is no error.

Yes, Su Zhan’s refining process is indescribably smooth!

It’s like a natural fit!

This kind of feeling is not uncommon for him, Jin Hai.

But that will only happen when refining the holy king’s artifacts!

But now, it is Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier!

How can this be so smooth? ! !

Roaring in his heart, unacceptable.

But seeing Su Zhan’s refining with his own eyes, even if it was unbelievable, he had to believe it.

The current Jin Hai can only hope that Su Zhan will not be able to complete it within the specified time. Otherwise, if he sells one hundred gold cores, he can’t afford it…

Jin Hai faintly regretted it, but now there is no other way but to bite the bullet and watch.


Su Zhan retracted the sky fire fan, pendant, and looked at the ten-meter-high hill floating in front of him, showing satisfaction.

Compared with the previous Extreme Thunder Mountain, there are more cracks on the surface of the hill that are like red magma. Is there a trace of thunder on the surface of the mountain, and at the core, there is a spiritual Qi that can absorb the heavens and the earth. The golden light group that bursts out of power in an instant!

The magical powers of the former Thunder Mountain are inherited by Xiaoshan. In addition, the flame magical powers of the Fire Lin seal and the Vajra of the Vajra beads are not bad for the mask magical powers, and they have all the magical powers.

And its rank has also reached the middle rank Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier!

It can be said that whether it is power, appearance, etc., it has completely surpassed Extreme Thunder Mountain by too much!

The holy yuan surged, turning the thunder fire hill into a mini form, and retracted it into the palm of his hand.

Su Zhan remembered something, turned around, and stood still in front of him, as if he could not believe the Jinhaidao that a Heavenly Dao holy soldier had made: “Holy King Jinhai, I have refined it, you What about the one-hundred-forged Gold Core?”

“I, I, I…”

Jin Hai was sweating profusely, holding the forged Gold Core in both hands, bending over to Su Zhan, and said bitterly: “I can’t get so much…”

“Can’t get it out?”

Su Zhan raised his brows and suddenly realized:

“I see, you must think that although the hill I refined has reached its rank, it is not as powerful as your Vajra beads, so you don’t give it to me.

In that case, stand here and don’t move.

Let me smash it with the newly-made hill, you can see for yourself and see if the power meets your requirements!

Only in this way can I prove that I really won, and you can be convinced! ”

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