Chapter 562 Don’t you want to rely on us Sacred Land? (Sixth more)

“no, do not want!”

Hearing Su Zhan’s words, knowing that Su Zhan is the number one powerhouse in Eastern Wasteland, Jin Hai’s heart trembled and his face turned pale with fright. He quickly knelt on one knee and said with a trembling voice: “Master Su, yours. Treasure, obviously one level higher than Vajra beads!

Power must be far exceeded!

I lost, I am convinced! ”

“Do you admit that you lost?”

Su Zhan was surprised: “Then why don’t you give me a hundred forged Gold Cores?”

“I, I really can’t take it out!”

Jin Hai wanted to cry without tears: “Even if my net worth adds up, I can’t afford ten forged Gold Cores, one hundred, let alone…”

“But, since you can’t take it out”

Su Zhan said displeased: “Then why are you betting with me?

Empty glove white wolf?

Or do you think I am good at bullying? ”

This statement came out.

Before Jin Hai spoke, King Che Hengsheng’s mouth twitched and his face became speechless.

It is estimated that this guy Jin Hai really wants to empty the glove white wolf and make a big wave.

But Su Zhan, you are good at bullying…

If you are good to bully, is there anyone in the world who is not good to bully?

Besides, why have I only seen you bully others?

Who bullied you?

Well, except for those who are no longer alive, you name one, who is bullying you? ? ?

With slander in his heart, King Cha Heng thought that although he and Jin Hai could not be good friends, the other party had instructed him to refining equipment, and it was considered a little indifferent, so he opened his mouth and said: “Young Master, Jin Hai, he certainly wouldn’t dare to bully you. As for Forged Gold Core…

He really can’t take it out, I can testify about it. ”

“Yes, yes, yes! I am an old guy who is about to fall into the soil. It is too late for you to be in awe of Young Master Su, so how can I bully you!”

Jin Hai also hurriedly said: “Young Master Su, accept this forged Gold Core first, and the rest…I will think of a solution later!”

“Think of a solution later?”

Su Zhan said: “How long will it be?”


Jin Hai was depressed.

Do you want to say, even if I die, I can’t afford it?

Then you can’t treat me as if you beat me to death?

But the problem is, I really can’t set a deadline!

Huh, there is it!

Thinking of something, Jin Hai hurriedly said: “Five hundred years! Five hundred years later, if I fail to give a hundred forged gold cores to Young Master Su, I will leave Young Master Su at his disposal!”

Su Zhan looked at Jin Hai with a foolish look: “You are really Alzheimer’s. Looking at you like this, maybe you can live for five hundred years, but five hundred years later?

Besides, five hundred years later…

I want you to have these forged Gold Cores for ass? ”

“But I really can’t get it out!”

Jin Hai said helplessly: “It’s not that I don’t want to give it, but that I can’t…”

“never mind”

“never mind?”

Jin Hai was taken aback, and immediately ecstatic.

“Yes, forget it”

Su Zhan nodded: “I’ve heard a sentence called’Debt Elimination of People’s Death.’ Since you empty the glove and the White Wolf can’t get it out, you break your promises and trample on integrity, then you–”

“No no no no!”

Hearing the words behind Su Zhan, Jin Hai felt horrified in his heart, cold sweat, and horrified: “I have a way, I have a way!”

Su Zhan said: “What can you do?”

“To Young Master Su, although my refinement skills are far from that of Young Master Su, it is still the highest level in the Eastern Wasteland domain.

Moreover, I am quite qualified, have a wide network of contacts, and I can get all kinds of materials that are difficult to find!

I am willing to work with you. I will spend the rest of my life in Xuantian Sacred Land to help you refine tools and pay off debts! ”

Working to pay off debts?

This old guy still knows this method?

Su Zhan was a little surprised.

After thinking about it, Su Zhan felt that it was really useless to kill Jin Hai.

And even though he doesn’t rely much on other people’s refining tools, Xuantian Sacred Land, if there is an extra Saint King who will try his best to refine all kinds of treasures all day long, there will indeed be a lot of benefits.

Don’t say anything else, after returning, let this guy directly tailor a set of treasures to Tang Liuxue and Tang Wujian first!

Thinking about this, Su Zhan took the forged Gold Core away from the air, checked it and put it away, nodded and said: “Okay, as you said, this time you will come back to Xuantian Sacred Land with me. , Give us the Sacred Land mixer.

No remuneration, no shirk! ”

“Yes, yes, thank you, Young Master Su!”

Jin Hai heaved a sigh of relief and smiled bitterly.

Although he is said to be the first person in Eastern Wasteland’s refinery industry, going to another Sacred Land to work as a refiner is a bit of a loss.

But it’s better than losing one’s life.

Moreover, in just six days, he completed the refining of a Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier. This kind of refining attainments…

Even if you let yourself be a teacher, it’s not an exaggeration!

Thinking about it this way, it doesn’t seem to be so unacceptable anymore?

Thinking of this in his mind, Jin Hai felt a lot better, stood up from the ground tremblingly, and asked cautiously: “Young Master Su, can you ask the old man, where did you learn the art of refining?”

“Books go to school.”

“On the book?”

Is it some kind of magic book?

Jin Hai moved in his heart and continued to ask, “Dare to ask Young Master Su, what book are you reading?”

“Basic refining tools, detailed explanation of high rank refining tools, smelting methods, 100,000 refining materials… these.”

“that’s it?”

Jin Hai was stunned, and he hesitated: “But I’ve seen all of these! Why are you far less skilled in refining tools than Master Su?”

Su Zhan played with Xiaoshan, and said casually: “At first glance, you are not serious about reading.”

“How can this be!”

Jin Hai shook his head and said, “I only study word by word when I read a book. Only after thorough research will I continue to read it down!”

“Study word by word?”

Su Zhan turned his head to look at him with some surprise: “It seems that you are too stupid to be saved, otherwise you won’t be four or five thousand years old and still have this refinement attainment.”


Jin Hai was very uncomfortable when he was choked. He wanted to refute, but he couldn’t refute it.

no way.

Su Zhan’s refining skills are indeed higher than him, I don’t know how much!

In front of him, he made a Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier in six days!

This is so special!

How can he refute? ? ?

Jin Hai clutched his chest, feeling qi and blood stagnant, uncomfortable.

“Why do you look like this?”

Su Zhan saw Jin Hai’s expression and said, “You are not too old and your body is not good enough. You will vomit blood after standing here for a few days, right?”

“Young Master Su joked, how is this possible—”

“Hematemesis returns to hematemesis, I am not responsible for the treatment!

Don’t think about spitting blood and then ask me for a pile of holy stones, saying that you are buying elixir to cure the injury.

I heard that some people like to cheat and do these things when they are old, but let me talk about it first, I don’t care about it! ”


Upon hearing this, Jin Haiqi spit out a mouthful of blood that was already stagnant.

He is the first person in Eastern Wasteland to be the first person in the Eastern Wasteland domain. What kind of despicable guy has become in Su Zhan’s mouth?

This is simply an insult to his personality!

Angry, too angry!

But I can’t beat it!

The more I think about it, the more qi, the more qi, the more dare not to speak, and eventually the blood rushes through the brain, and blood is vomiting at the mouth!

“Really vomiting blood?”

Seeing this scene, Su Zhan looked at Jin Hai suspiciously: “The physique is so bad, I’m afraid I won’t be able to live long…

You didn’t deliberately depend on our Xuantian Sacred Land, want to find a good place to stay for the elderly and wait for death, right? ”

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