Chapter 563 Heavenly Thunder is extremely hot, spiritual puppet!


Jin Haiqi was dizzy, holding his forehead with his hand, staggering back a few steps, and finally fainted with his eyes black.

“What’s wrong with this again? I fainted after having a good chat?”

Su Zhan shook his head, “I’m afraid I can’t do things with this kind of physique!”

When King Che Hengsheng heard this, the corners of his mouth twitched.

Have a good chat…

Do you have a young master who chats so well?

That is to say, Jin Hai can’t beat you, otherwise it is estimated that he will be really desperate today…

In his heart, Cha Heng quickly said: “Young Master, Jinhai people are still good. If we Xuantian Sacred Land have his help from the master refiner, there will definitely be a lot of benefits in the future!”

“Well, since you have said so, then you take him to the Vajra Sacred Land Great Hall and wait for me!”

“Young Master, are you going to re-train this mountain into your body?”

Cha Heng immediately guessed Su Zhan’s thoughts, hesitated for a moment, and reminded: “Young Master, although the Psychic Refining Treasure Jue can refine the treasure into the body, it also depends on the level of the treasure, as well as the cultivation person’s own. Cultivation Base.

Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, contains extremely powerful power of law. Although your physical body is strong, Young Master, Realm is only a great heavenly king. If you can’t bear the power of this law…

That one of your hands may be abolished! ”

“I have my own measures. Go ahead.”

Su Zhan waved his hand.

“Yes, young master.”

Seeing this, Che Heng didn’t say any more, and left with Jinhai who was in a coma.

“New treasures must have new names…”

Su Zhan looked at the mini hill in his hand, thinking.

Fire Thunder Mountain?

It’s a bit earthy.

Extreme Thunder Volcano?

It’s not so good either.

Well, Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, the power of thunder and fire…

It’s better to call it Tianlei extremely volcano!

Five words, it happened to match my Dahi Star sword!


A smile appeared on Su Zhan’s face, and when he flipped his right hand, a spirit pen appeared. Using a special inscription, he engraved the four small characters “Tian Lei Ji Huo” on the hill.

The thunder and lightning in the font strokes, the sky fire flashes, it is very mysterious!

And when Su Zhan was giving his name, Tianlei Extreme Volcano also buzzed, as if expressing own joy.

Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, after condensing it, actually already has a very weak intelligence.

At this time, Su Zhan gave it a name, and it also recognized Su Zhan as the master, and it was even more handy when used afterwards!

“Psychic alchemy can increase my physical combat power with treasures. The former Extreme Thunder Mountain can bring me a huge increase. The power of Tianlei Extreme Volcano is far beyond Extreme Thunder Mountain. I don’t know, what will happen. What kind of effect?”

Su murmured, looking forward to it very much.

Looking around, he casually chose a quiet and empty place to sit down.

Operate the psychic alchemy technique and begin to refine the Tianlei Volcano into the left hand.

The process of cultivating this mountain was even more difficult than Su Zhan imagined.

It took six days!

Only then succeeded in making it into the left hand!

“The words of Saint King Che Heng are really right. Tianleiji Volcano is extremely difficult to cultivate, and the power of the laws of heaven and earth is too violent.

If I hadn’t refined the Heavenly Pill of Divine Bone, and achieved the supreme physique of body refining, Divine Bone, it would never be possible to refine it successfully within six days!

It will take at least ten days!

Moreover, it may be difficult to fit so well! ”

Su Zhan stretched out his left hand and made a fist slightly.


The space near his fist suddenly vibrated, mixed with the sound of air bursting!

And this is only one-tenth of his power!

Then, Su Zhan suddenly shook it!

A thunder and fire hill appeared on the back of his left fist!

On that hill, the four words sky, thunder, pole, fire, light up one after another!

And around Su Zhan’s left hand, there was a glimmer of lightning!

There are also flames roaring!

But as his heart moved, the word “Jihuo” dimmed, and his left hand turned into pure thunder and lightning!

When he tried to stimulate with all his strength, the left hand bones faintly glowed with golden light, and his strength greatly increased!

“The Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier is really mysterious. I can control the manifestation of the various powers of Tianleiji Volcano… But, I don’t know how this treasure performs in actual combat?

I am afraid that no one will take my blow in the Eastern Wasteland domain, so I can only wait to go to the Demon Realm and use those evil demon heads to practice hand skills. ”

Su Zhan murmured, his left hand Tianlei was extremely dim, and finally merged into his hand and disappeared.

After thinking for a while, he took out the Heavenly Sword Diagram, his gaze fell on Heavenly Demon Sixth Luo who was imprisoned by the Heavenly Sword Diagram, and said: “I have almost done everything right now, and I am about to go to the Demon Realm.

The first thing I want is to transfer my puppet 17 Ascension to Deva level. You can tell me the exact location, and then which space channel in the Eastern Wasteland domain is better? ”

“Puppet Seventeen Ascension to Deva… It’s actually very simple.”

The sixth Luo said: “In the Demon Realm, there is a method of refining corpses, with a ‘spiritual heart’ as the control center, and a corpse refining with a ‘spiritual heart’ is spiritually wise.

It can grow. The reason why your puppet can’t Ascension to Deva is simply because your Cultivation Base is not in Deva, you can’t inject your law power into him, and can’t portray special inscriptions that only Deva can portray.

But these things can all be replaced by spiritual heart. You are a genius with the puppet, and adding a spiritual heart to the puppet is not a troublesome task for you.

The puppet emperor had done this before. This method is even better than the traditional puppet refining method. Because of the spiritual heart, the puppet will no longer have the ability to think, and will only obey the death orders blindly.

And the refining corpse that gave birth to the spiritual heart… at least has reached the Deva level!

The strongest corpse refining in the devil world is the corpse demon clan.

But the corpse demon clan is powerful, not something you can afford now.

I know that there is a family named Mu in the Demon Realm who has studied the method of refining corpses for generations. Their family strength is not too strong. You can go to the Mu family to get spiritual heart.

As for which space channel from the Eastern Wasteland is more convenient…”

Sixth Luo shook his head: “I don’t know about this, but Mu’s location is also considered to be the location of the Heart’s Demon domain. Last time, the space channel in the Wumeng Sea must be far away.

You should choose the demon battlefield channel with the stronger demon strength as much as possible! It is also easier to go to Mu’s house! ”

“Lingxin puppet, Mu Family…”

Su Zhan thought for a while, always felt that Sixth Luo was a bit unreliable, but now he had decided to go to the Demon Realm, and it was useless to think about it too much.

Hurry up and say goodbye to the Vajra Holy Lord, and after returning to Xuantian Sacred Land, use the power of Sacred Land to find the most suitable space channel to enter the devil world!


The sky sword picture closed suddenly.

Su Zhan put away the sky sword map and headed towards the Vajra Sacred Land Great Hall.

Not long after, Su Zhan arrived at the Vajra Sacred Land Great Hall.

To his surprise, the Great Hall is already full of people, with more than 20 people!

All are the holy kings of Vajra Sacred Land, Elder!

Seeing Su Zhan walking into the Great Hall, the holy king Elder had different eyes, expecting and disappointed, and even some hostile people looked towards Su Zhan.

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