Chapter 564 Let me do the rest

And Vajra Holy Lord was sitting in the main seat, listening to the report of an Elder below, his face was extremely ugly, as if he had encountered something very headache.

Seeing Su Zhan coming in, he also looked at Su Zhan, and seemed to have something to say.

But it is not convenient to say so.

Hesitate to speak and stop.

Jin Hai and Che Heng sat silently, and quickly saluted Su Zhan: “I have seen the young master.”

Because he had already decided to join Xuantian Sacred Land, Jin Hai’s name for Su Zhan also changed.

Su Zhan nodded to them, saying hello.

Immediately he looked at Vajra Holy Lord with some doubts: “Vajra Holy Lord, what’s wrong with you Sacred Land?

Is it because Jinhai wants to enter my Xuantian Sacred Land to help refine the equipment?

But this was not what I forced him, it was brought up by him himself, let’s talk about it.

Even if you are dissatisfied, there is no need to summon everyone over, right?

Are you trying to siege me? ”

“No, no, Young Master Su misunderstood!

Jin Hai, he left our Sacred Land. Although we are very sorry and reluctant to give up, it is his own decision, and we have no way to stop it.

The reason why we gather here is that the biggest demon battlefield of our Vajra dynasty broke out in advance! ”

Vajra Holy Lord said this, frowning his brows: “That demon battlefield is called Nanhuangpingquan. That spatial passage has existed for more than ten thousand years, and it can pass under Deva.

The interval between each opening is about five hundred years, but now it has been less than three hundred years since the last opening, and the Demon Realm Channel has actually opened again!

These demons, I am afraid that they have mastered the space nodes of the space channels here, and they can still control them by themselves! ”

“The Devildom Channel was opened in advance?”

Su Zhan said in surprise: “But since that passage has existed for 10,000 years, you shouldn’t have a lot of formations there long ago, and you have deployed a lot of manpower for defense, right?”

“It’s true.”

Vajra Holy Lord said: “Actually, if it were just like before, although we were a little caught off guard, we wouldn’t be so panicked.

Mainly, this time the demons are coming fiercely, and their strength is far beyond before! ”

With that, Vajra Holy Lord waved his hand, and a large map appeared between him and Su Zhan.

“Lord Su, please take a look. This is the Southern Wilderness Plain.

Covers an area of ​​about three thousand seven hundred miles!

Our defenses are layered layer after layer, and they are laid out within a thousand miles of the center of that passageway!

In the past, they could occupy a region of about 300 miles at most, and we would be forced to gradually retreat, but only then, I have already obtained information.

In just two days, they occupied a radius of five hundred miles! ”

Vajra Holy Lord took a deep breath: “Among the demons who have appeared on this trip, there are three and a half steps Heavenly Demon!

There are more than thirty holy demons!

Demon beasts, Magical Item weapons, demon cavalry… more than one hundred thousand!

This level of attack is no longer something we Vajra Sacred Land can resist at will. I have sent people to send messages to the neighboring Sacred Lands and ask them to come and help.

The royal family of the Vajra dynasty will also fight alongside us, but this time the demons are too powerful, and that space channel will last for seven days!

In the next few days, there may be a steady stream of support from the Mozu!

This time, the demons didn’t just want to looting, it is estimated that they want to occupy a place in our Eastern Wasteland domain and develop! ”

“so serious?”


Vajra Holy Lord said, thinking of something, gritted his teeth, bit his scalp and knelt down on one knee: “Young Master Su, you are not a member of the Vajra dynasty. Logically speaking, the demons disaster of our Vajra dynasty has nothing to do with you.

You are not responsible for the shot.

But today I really can’t help but cheekily ask Young Master Su once! ”

As he said, Vajra Holy Lord changed from kneeling on one knee to kneeling on both knees, and knocked his head: “Please take action from Young Master Su to save us from this crisis!”

When the other holy kings heard this, they also knelt down together: “Please take action from Young Master Su!”

“Get up, you guys! I agree to this.”

Su Zhan didn’t think much, nodded directly.

There was a hint of joy on Vajra Holy Lord’s face, and he quickly said: “We also have some treasures in the Vajra Sacred Land treasure house. Please ask Lord Su to choose at will later—”

“no need.”

Su Zhan shook his head.

Sometimes, when others are unwilling to give it to him, he prefers to take it.

Sometimes, he doesn’t necessarily have to accept what others are willing to give him.

Besides, Vajra Sacred Land, what else does he see?

Moreover, the demon infringement is a matter for the entire human race, he is also a human, and he should take action.

What’s more, these demon races are so powerful, that demon race channel must be closer to the nuclear Heart’s Demon domain than the space channel in the Wumeng sea area at the time!

In this way, didn’t he find the most suitable spatial passage to the Demon Realm?

Could it be said that this is the power of the aura of luck?

Others have to work hard to explore, and what I need, what will I have?

This luck is really a little bit better…

Su Zhan thought so in his heart, and said with a smile on his face: “Okay, Vajra Holy Lord, don’t talk nonsense, let’s go now!”

“Well, the sooner you go, the better!”

Vajra Holy Lord was overjoyed and stepped down from the big chair.

Next, he issued several orders to take away ten holy kings, and the others stayed at Vajra Sacred Land.

And Su Zhan directly asked Che Heng to take Jin Hai back to Xuantian Sacred Land first. He, Vajra Holy Lord, and ten Vajra Sacred Land holy kings headed towards the Southern Desolate Plain.

It only took two hours before Su Zhan came to the Southern Wilderness Plain.

In front of me, layers of formation light curtains appear.

There are flying giant birds, biting the demons, and cultivators of the human race, rushing into the demons, fighting desperately!

The corpses piled up into mountains.

The blood gathered into a river, and it was gurgling by Su Zhan’s feet.

The whole land was dyed red, and there were stumps and arms everywhere!

Just like.

Shura The Underworld!

“Holy Lord!”

A saint king whose left hand had been cut off was full of blood, and his eyeballs were missing. His expression was extremely ferocious. He rushed out of the demons, passed through the formation mask, and knelt in front of the Vajra Holy Lord.

“Chen Elder, get up quickly and go back to treat your injuries!”

The other Chen Elder was unaware, and shouted hoarsely: “There are a total of 468 Sacred Land people in the Southern Desolate Plain, and there are still 112 people who have killed more than a thousand enemies!

We did not retreat!

We don’t need to retire either!

We can still kill demons! ! ! ”

“I know I know!”

Vajra Holy Lord, a rough man of two meters, five to six meters, was actually kneeling on one knee at this time, tears flashing in his eyes: “You will not retreat, but you have done your business well, the next thing is ours Come and do it.

Believe me, I will not retire! ”

“But Holy Lord… I actually know that there is no hope.”

That Chen Elder calmed down from his madness just now, and smiled bitterly: “This time the strength of the demons is not something we can resist. Now that I have become like this, Holy Lord, let me Go fight those demons!

After death, I hope I can leave a name, as for the Holy Lord, tell everyone, run away!

The southern barren plains can resist for three days.

Three days later, the Vajra dynasty will be temporarily destroyed, but it doesn’t matter. As long as you are alive and unite with the other top five Sacred Lands, you can definitely counterattack back!

As for now, there is no need to make fearless sacrifices, just let us people die…”

With that, Chen Elder struggled to stand up from the ground, took a deep breath, pinched his fist, covered in blood, and walked towards the battlefield.

But just when he took a step.

Behind him, there was a gentle voice of a teenager.

“You are badly injured, go to heal your injury, as for the rest… let me do it!”

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