Chapter 565: The Might of Sky Thunder’s Extreme Fire!

“You come?”

The Chen Shengwang looked suspicious and looked at the Vajra Holy Lord: “Holy Lord, who is he?”

“Chen Elder, Su Zhantou, the number one powerhouse in Eastern Wasteland, have you heard of it!”

He is Su Zhan! ”

“Su Zhan!”

There was a little hope in Chen Shengwang’s eyes, but soon the light dimmed again: “Useless, useless Holy Lord…

This time, the Demon Race has three and a half Heavenly Demon, and even our large formations that specifically restrain the Demon Race have been destroyed one by one.

Even if the Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord came alone, I am afraid that he would not be able to change the situation, although Young Master Su was stronger than the Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord.

But since it is not Deva, it is strong and limited, and useless…”

As he said, he faced Su Zhan and smiled bitterly: “I really appreciate Young Master Su for your willingness to come and help us, it’s just.

Young Master Su, you are so talented that you shouldn’t die here!

Therefore, please go back, Young Master Su!

Here, it is enough for us to die, there is no need to compromise the human power any more! ”

“I won’t die.”

Su Zhan shook his head and smiled, flipping his palms, and took out a high-grade Saint King-level healing Medicine Pill into the blood-filled hands of King Chen.

The long gown fluttered and walked towards the battlefield like the Shura field of Purgatory.

Watching those demons wantonly slaughter, devour the human race, proudly show off.

His voice was cold: “They will die!”

After that, Su Zhan’s body suddenly turned into an electric light, entering those formations that only had great damage to the inner demons!

“Vajra Holy Lord, don’t you stop—”

“Relax! Young Master Su’s strength is beyond your imagination!”

Vajra Holy Lord patted Chen Shengwang on the shoulder, and immediately led the ten holy kings towards the battlefield!

Strength is beyond my imagination?

Not a Deva, no matter how strong it is, where can it be so strong?

Chen Shengwang shook his head and smiled bitterly.

But soon, his mind changed completely!

As his eyes fell on the battlefield of the demon race, the demon energy on the surface of that statue surged, almost relying on the power of the flesh to smash it arbitrarily, and the demon clan’s impact was thrown into chaos!

Even with a random punch, Su Zhan, a Cultivation Base that is no weaker than his holy demon, can be bombarded and killed.

Chen Shengwang’s eyes widened suddenly, his mouth was slightly open, his face was full of disbelief!

Even with a half-step Deva, it is impossible to achieve such a terrifying combat power, right?

Could it be said that Su Zhan’s strength is not only a star and a half better than Eastern Wasteland Holy Lord?

But Su Zhan seems to be less than three hundred years old!

At such a young age, there is this kind of terrifying power, it is simply-not good!

Thinking of this in my mind, I saw a mighty demon sneak attacking behind Su Zhan, and Chen Shengwang exclaimed, “Be careful, Master Su! There is a half-step Heavenly Demon behind you——”


The words are not over yet.

Seeing the starlight on Su Zhan’s body surface, his left hand blasted out!

A torrent of punches visible to the naked eye burst out!

That piece of space is trembling!

After those starlight fists dissipated.

That piece of sky, including the half-step Heavenly Demon, a dozen demons were gone!

The sky is raining blood!

That rain of blood contains the remnants of bones and flesh!


One punch knocked that half-step Heavenly Demon away!

This terrifying power… is it really a half-step Deva? ? ?

Especially if you tell me that he is Deva, I believe it!

Chen Shengwang was shocked, and immediately, extremely excited, he bowed to Su Zhan who had killed the enemy in the distance, choked up and said: “The Vajra dynasty… is saved!”

at this time.

Su Zhan was a little uncomfortable.

Just now, he stimulated the Chaos True Magic Skill, and then used the Star God Body Tempering fist to blast out.

As a result, it seemed to hit the air.

Not even a little resistance was encountered.

This feeling is very uncomfortable.

“It seems that these demons are no longer suitable for me to practice boxing…”

Su Zhan’s gaze swept over those demons who had retreated in horror because he punched Heavenly Demon in half a step, and turned his left hand.

Tianlei extremely volcano appeared.

The sacred yuan surged, filling the Tianlei extremely volcano.

The next moment, Tianlei extremely volcano flew out suddenly!

Turn into a thousand-meter-high giant mountain in the air!

The word “Tian Lei” suddenly lit up on the mountain!


Thunder and lightning!

The battlefield here is like a thunderstorm area!

A famous demon was killed by thunder and lightning!

Immediately afterwards, the word “Extreme Fire” in Tianlei Extreme Volcano also lit up!

Streams of fluid flames like magma spewed out from those fissures!

Those flames poured below, turning this demons battlefield into a sea of ​​flames!

The land shrouded in the power of the sky fire extremely thunder mountain, has already turned into a terrifying thunder fire at this time The Underworld!

“What kind of treasure is this! It can summon such a terrifying sky thunder and sky fire!”

“These thunder fires are too powerful! You will die if you touch them!”

“Deva, it must be Deva, only Deva can use the power of the Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier to this level!”

“Run, run back!”

A series of terrified voices sounded.

Just now he was full of disdain, and the demons who regarded the human race as pigs and sheep to be slaughtered, all fleeing Su Zhan in horror at this time, wanting to escape back to the devil world!

“Since it’s already here, don’t leave.”

With a whisper in his mouth, Su Zhan’s finger lightly touched the Heavenly Leiji Volcano, and through the manipulation talisman formation in it, he rose up.


Tianleiji Volcano suddenly flew!

Although it is huge, the speed is not slow!

There are still about ten miles away from that space passage.

A golden light broke out!

The golden light contains a terrifying force of suppression!

Suppress those demons who are about to flee back to the demon world!

Falling from the sky!

The Cultivation Base is weaker, even directly crushed!

“That human race is driving this treasure! Kill him!”

Those demons were forced to be helpless and could only kill Su with red eyes.

However, it is of no use.

After cultivating the gods cultivating technique, Su Zhan could use all kinds of Cultivation Technique magical powers at the same time as he imprisoned the sky thunder extremely volcano.


Seeing the large swath of demons rushing towards him, Su Zhan let out a sigh of relief.

That breath, turned into Sword Qi, the wind blew!

In front, nearly a hundred corpses of demons were left behind!

And those slightly stronger holy demons.

Su Zhan also killed him with a fist!

Plus Vajra Holy Lord, and the help of those holy kings.

The battlefield situation suddenly reversed!

It’s almost a slaughter on one side!

Of course, what is different from before is that the demons are now being slaughtered!

“Damn it’s human race, even if I die, I will drag you with you!”

A half-step Heavenly Demon roared, a layer of gray stone armor appeared all over his body, his body grew to ten meters high, holding a huge battle knife in both hands, tearing the sky, and slashing towards Su Zhan.


Su Zhan blasted out with a punch, and the half-step Heavenly Demon was killed instantly, the sword flew out of his hand, and his body fell into the sky!

Seeing this scene, those demons became even more desperate.

After half an hour.

The battlefield is silent here.

Tianleiji Volcano returned to Su Zhan’s left hand, his eyes swept over the miserable demons who died under his hand, and his heart was very calm.

These demons were originally meant to invade the territories of the human race in the Eastern Wasteland domain, slaughter the human race, and grab resources and treasures.

Let alone tens of thousands.

Even hundreds of thousands, millions.

He can’t kill it!

And this time.

Those human races who survived were also ecstatic.

After the ecstasy, they were all fanatical, admired, and shockedly cast their gazes on Su Zhan, who stood upright on the sea of ​​dead mountain and blood, like a god of death!

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