Chapter 567 Can he still beat me to death with one punch?


The giant axe demon clan looked very unhappy: “These bastards have never seen them so brave in fighting with other demon clan. They are rushing to be the vanguard!”

“This is normal.

The demons are powerful, bloody and violent, and the human races are weak and easy to bully. Of course they will.

Moreover, this time our two big stone armor demon tribes have joined forces, and the strength is far beyond before!

It can be said that for those unsuspecting human races, it is almost a one-sided massacre!

And our two tribes have hidden the elite heavy cavalry for many years… Let alone the Eastern Wasteland domain, at least the Vajra dynasty, which is not too strong, will definitely be over!

As for Zaku and the others…”

The Beast Robe Demon Race smiled: “They have been in the Demon Realm for a long time, and it’s okay to let them play this time.

Moreover, according to the previous information, the human race of the Vajra dynasty could not stop them, relying on the dense formations, at most, they would stick to it for three days!

No, I almost forgot…”

The Beast Robe Demon Race paused, and laughed happily: “The true elite heavy rider of our Stone Armor Demon Race has not yet gone down!

After another day, if we make sure that the Vajra dynasty has no other backs in ambush and will not compromise our elite strength, we can put it in the Eastern Wasteland domain and occupy the Vajra dynasty!

And once we stand firm, slowly expand our forces, and eventually cannibalize the entire Eastern Wasteland domain, it is not impossible! ”

“Dominate the entire Eastern Wasteland domain…”

The great axe Heavenly Demon thought for a while, and shook his head: “For a long time, people from other big regions won’t just sit and watch, but after the captivity, they will slaughter the Eastern Wasteland human race by 30% to 50%, and then plunder all the treasures and resources. , It’s still possible!”

“Hey, someone is back!”

As soon as the beast robe demons wanted to say something, they saw the ripples in the space channel, and their eyes suddenly fell on it.

The Great Axe Heavenly Demon has some expectations: “I hope that Zaku and the others can bring good news, such as having broken through the seventy percent line of defense in the Southern Desolate Plain!


Who is this person? ! ”

While talking, seeing the boy who was not their stone armor demon clan at first sight, the giant axe Heavenly Demon was stunned.

The beast robe Heavenly Demon also froze for a moment, and then coldly said to Su Zhan: “The sacred king of the big heaven, dare to enter the area of ​​my stone armor demon?

Are you captured by Zaku, like our demons surrendered? ! ”

“What Zaku Tashi’s, of course something will happen when I come to your Demon Realm.”

Su Zhan glanced at the two Heavenly Demons, and found that they were all a catastrophe Heavenly Demon, he didn’t care too much, and asked casually: “Do you know the corpse refining family, where the Mu family is?”

As soon as these words came out, the two Heavenly Demons suddenly became a little confused.

A great heavenly saint king, it doesn’t matter if he is not afraid in front of them.

Still looking for them to ask directions?

Is this person tired of life? ? ?

The beast robe Heavenly Demon laughed loudly: “Last time I heard that there were individual races in the Wumeng waters, I was also asking for directions. As a result, it made a mess of the Wumeng waters and even some demons were destroyed.

I didn’t expect this to happen to our Stone Armored Demon Race too, which is really funny! ”

“Langu, you can’t say that!”

The Giant Axe Demon Race was a little displeased: “How can the stinky fish and shrimps in the Wumeng Sea compare with our Stone Armor Demon Race?

That unknown human race, that is, able to dominate in the Wumeng Sea, if it appeared in front of me, I would have beaten him into flesh with a punch! ”

“That’s true.”

Beast Robe Heavenly Demon smiled, and casually stretched out a finger towards Su Zhan and pressed it in the air.

As if he had been squeezing to death, he didn’t care about it, and said, “In this case, kill the ants that don’t know how to get in!”


With his finger pressed out.

The space in front of Su Zhan suddenly twisted, and then it turned into a huge black qi flood dragon roaring towards him!


Su Zhan waved a holy vitality energy, and blasted the black qi flood dragon away.

When he looked at the two Heavenly Demons again, his eyes were obviously colder.

“Sure enough, as I expected, I don’t even know you, you are going to kill me!

Originally, I also thought that the demons were not all vicious and cruel.

I only intend to abolish your Cultivation Base, not necessarily to kill you, but now it seems that you demons are all guilty of death! ”

After that, Su Zhan directly broke out of the Sun Moon Star Chaos Body!

The golden sun, the cold and bright moon, and the night, Star, three heaven and earth visions have emerged one after another!

The power of Five Elements flows in the sea of ​​chaos and fog Samsara!

At the same time, the true magic power of chaos is also operating.

Inspired by the blood of the demon god and the one hundred and eight divine veins, Su Zhan’s body was filled with devilish energy, and a shadow of the Primordial Mad Demon appeared behind him!

Seeing this scene, the two Heavenly Demon were a little surprised.

And those demon heavy riders in the rear also rushed up!

The beast robe demon clan named Lan Gu drew a distance, with a solemn expression towards Su Zhan said: “A trivial sacred king of heaven can block my blow, and also cultivated the high rank Cultivation Technique of our demon clan!

Who are you! ”

“I am the Wumeng Sea Territory Human Race in your mouth.”

Su Zhan’s body was suspended in the air, his eyes swept over the two Heavenly Demons and the demon heavy riders behind them, and said lightly: “Aren’t you going to beat me into mud? Why don’t you do it?”


The giant axe, Heavenly Demon, was furious, and the giant axe in his hand exuded bursts of magic light, and roared: “Sage King, I will chop you into sludge!”

“and many more!”

Just when the giant axe Heavenly Demon was about to shoot, the eyes of Heavenly Demon’s robes flashed: “This person can actually break through Zaku’s line of defense and rush into the demon world from this space channel, and dare to be in front of us. It must be something extraordinary!

Don’t be reckless, let the heavy rider try his hole cards first! ”

“What kind of shit is extraordinary, daddy doesn’t care!”

The Great Axe Heavenly Demon shook his head in disdain: “Furthermore, what if he really hides his strength?

If it is really a difficult guy, use a heavy cavalry formation to kill him!

I just tried to chop it, is it possible that he could kill me with one punch? ! ”

After speaking, the giant axe Heavenly Demon no longer hesitated, his body erupted, his muscles bulged, and he slashed towards Su Zhan with an axe at a distance of 100 meters!


When this axe fell, the space in front was split!

Those black space cracks appeared, and around the cracks was the power of violent thunder and lightning!

A huge axe light that is a thousand meters long slashed towards Su Zhan!

The hurricane roars, the thunder and lightning are masterful!

In the face of this power, Su Zhan is like a negligible gravel!

Seeing Su Zhan standing still, seeming to be frightened, a look of contempt appeared in the eyes of the giant axe Heavenly Demon.

Terran is Terran, timid and weak, now so scared that he can’t even pull his legs!

Heavenly Demon, the beast robe who watched the battle not far away, was relieved and smiled and said to himself: “It seems that I was the one who was worrying too much.

After all, that human race is just a great heavenly saint king, even if it is a bit special, how can he get a Heavenly Demon—”

Before he finished speaking, seeing the scene ahead, Heavenly Demon the beast robe suddenly widened his eyes, his eyes were full of shock, fear, and his voice came to an abrupt end subconsciously!

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