Chapter 568 The Demon Races Heavy Riding, Comes Back!

I saw the front, at the moment when the giant axe Heavenly Demon smashed with an axe!

A faint starlight appeared on Su Zhan’s body, and his hands exuded dazzling light like two Star celestial bodies!

The sky thunder extremely volcano appeared on the left hand, the 108 Divine Veins Saint Yuan poured into the left hand, and the Primordial Shadow of Chaos True Magic Power roared and blessed, and he punched it out!


A bright starlight burst out from his hand!

That starlight formed a huge fist mark during the flight!

Where the fist stamp passes, the space is trembling!

As for those axe lights, in front of the fist marks, they dissipated in an instant!

Feeling the arrogant force in this punch, the pupil of the giant axe Heavenly Demon suddenly shrank, and a sense of horror appeared in his heart.

The subconscious cross-axe is blocked, and at the same time, it retreats quickly!

But it’s too late!

The punch hit his great axe.

Li Dao penetrates his body through the giant axe!

The jaws of his hands were shattered in an instant, and he couldn’t even hold the giant axe and fell to the ground!

Immediately afterwards, his chest was dented backwards by that punch!

A mouth, spit out the dark red blood mixed with visceral debris!

The body flew upside down for thousands of meters, and fell into the heavy riders of the demon race, and the strength carried even crushed the two heavy riders!

And he himself, after struggling on the ground for a while, visceral fragments constantly gushing out of his mouth, in less than five seconds, he was completely breathless!

The heavy riders of the demons dispersed immediately, freeing up a large area, one by one looking at the corpse of the giant axe Heavenly Demon in disbelief.

They really can’t accept it.

The strongest of his own Demon Race, Heavenly Demon, existed, so he died!

at this time.

The stunned beast robe Heavenly Demon also trembled in his voice and then muttered to himself: “Really, really punched, punched to death!”

Hit a Heavenly Demon to death!

Moreover, he is still a human race!

How is this possible! ! !

Human race, isn’t it the weakest physical body?

Moreover, the human race doesn’t look like a body cultivator. His body is thin and normal. In front of the ten-meter-high Heavenly Demon, it looks like an ant!

But it was this human race that looked like ants existed, and actually killed a Heavenly Demon with a punch!

This situation is like a ten-year-old boy with a normal figure and slender arms, going to wrestle his wrist with a giant man weighing more than 300 kilograms and taller than 2.5 meters.

But it was so amazing that he won in one go!

Even, the performance is very relaxed, it seems that the power of that giant man is less than one-third of his!

It feels very contrary, even too outrageous!

If someone had told Heavenly Demon the beast robe that the physical strength of the human race could be strong enough to kill Heavenly Demon, he would have sneered at him and didn’t believe it at all.

But now, I have seen it with my own eyes.

Can he not believe it?

This person is definitely a monster!

too frightening!

After the shock in his heart, Heavenly Demon, the beast robe, became uncontrollable in fear!

Since this human race can kill the giant axe Heavenly Demon with one punch, it can naturally kill him too!

“Kill this person and avenge the leader Lanshi!”

Roaring in his mouth, the Heavenly Demon Langu, the beast robe, retreated quickly!

And the heavy riders of the demon race had undergone strict special training. Although they knew that Su Zhan was terrible at this time, they also rushed forward one by one!

The thirty holy demon auras are connected, it seems that they are some kind of special army formation, forming a huge demon phantom, exuding power, and it is not weaker than a Heavenly Demon too much!

“The demon army is so powerful. If these demon races fight in a scattered way, they will not add up to a Heavenly Demon opponent, but now they are formed into an army. With only 30 holy demons, it can be comparable to a Heavenly Demon!

And those demon heavy cavalry forces charging…no wonder, humans are always invaded, and in terms of unit abilities alone, at least in the Eastern Wasteland domain, there is no such thing as a heavy cavalry! ”

Su Zhan’s gaze swept over the torrent of more than 30,000 heavy riders, and he was a little surprised.

However, astonishment to astonishment, although these things are quite powerful, they have no effect on Su Zhan today.

Even, if he had to kill these demons before, it would indeed be quite laborious.

At least it will be very tired.

But now, there is the Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier with the extremely wide kill range of the Tianlei Volcano.

Everything is fine.

Su Zhan flipped his left hand, and Tianlei extremely volcano flew out, directly blasting through the phantom of the demon god!

Grow to a kilometer high!

Thunder and lightning, flames burst from the kilometer giant mountain!

Directly turn that area of ​​tens of miles into purgatory!

In front of Tianlei extremely volcano, those demons had no power to resist. They were either killed by the sky thunder or burned to ashes by the extremely fire!

Some of the slightly more powerful demons will be hit and killed by the violent volcano of Tianlei!

When the Tianlei Volcano was slaughtering the demon and riding heavily, Su Zhan’s body turned into an electric light and directly caught up with the beast gown Heavenly Demon, coldly asked: “Where is Mu furniture ** located?”

“You swear, as long as I say you will let me go, so that I will tell—”


Beast Robe Heavenly Demon hadn’t finished speaking yet, Su Zhan had already punched his forehead!

The beast robe Heavenly Demon was killed instantly, in addition to unwillingness, resentment, and regret in his eyes, there were also some embarrassment.

He couldn’t understand until he died.

Why didn’t Su Zhan get the answer from him before killing him?

In that case, he still has room for mediation!

But this human race actually killed him directly!

Is this man a fool? ? ?

With endless unwillingness and doubts, the Heavenly Demon demon soul of the beast robes dissipated and died!

“When death is approaching, I dare to play scheming. I really won’t repent!”

Su Zhan retracted his fist and said coldly.

He doesn’t care what tricks the Heavenly Demon has, as long as he kills him, then any trick will not have a chance to be used against him.

As for the location of Mu’s house, just ask Sixth Luo. The reason why he wants to ask these people is just to double-check.

After slaying Heavenly Demon, Su Zhan also began to attack those demons.

Under this one-sided massacre, the number of heavy riders of those demons dropped sharply!

The military spirit also began to waver.

When there were only a thousand people left, the demons finally couldn’t restrain their fear and fled in panic.

It’s not that they are not brave, but that in front of Su Zhan and Tianleiji Volcano, they have no meaning except to die!

Seeing those demons fleeing, Su Zhan retracted the heavier Tianlei extremely volcano, flicking his sleeves, twelve golden streamers burst out, chasing and killing those demons.

Before long, tens of thousands of demons all died without suffering!

Mount the two Heavenly Demons and those who have reached the Holy King Realm on their storage bags, and search for the treasures.

Su Zhan looked at the corpses of the other demons and began to think.

He really didn’t like these things of the Demon Race, and he didn’t bother to pick them up.

However, for the other human cultivators in the Eastern Wasteland domain, the weapons, heavy armor, and even the flesh and blood of the Magical Beasts are definitely a very precious resource.

It’s a pity that it was wasted.

However, it is also very troublesome to say these things into storage rings…Huh?

Isn’t there a passage there?

I’m still thinking about these shit things!

Su Zhan’s eyes fell on that space passage, his eyes lit up.

Afterwards, his Saint Yuan surged and threw all these demons corpses into the space channel.

In this way, you can not waste resources, and you can also dispose of these demons’ corpses, so that no one will discover the tragedy here and use a lot of force to search for his existence!

At this time, the spirit world, the Vajra dynasty, and the southern desert plains.

Those strong human races are cleaning the battlefield, searching and collecting the things from the dead demons.

Vajra Holy Lord just picked up a special Spiritual herbs that only the Demon World has. He was so happy that he suddenly sensed something and looked up.

I just saw a stone armor demon wearing a heavy armor riding a huge 10-meter-high Magical Beasts rushing out of the space channel!

He was shocked, the smile on his face suddenly disappeared, his body surface was golden, and he yelled at those who were not as good as him in Cultivation Base, but had not yet discovered the matter:

“Alert! The Stone Armored Demon Race is back! Ready to fight!”

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