Chapter 570: Sirius City!

“Senior, I am nothing…”

The girl Toothless said, feeling that there was something wrong with this, and changed her words: “No, I mean, I am not a thing, I am, I am…”

“what do you?”

Su Zhan asked curiously.

“I don’t know what I am…”

The girl Toothless thought for a while, lowered her head and said in a low voice, “I was in a little demon clan when I was born.

I always thought I was a demon, and everyone thought I was a demon.

But later, later…”

As he said, Toothless opened his mouth, revealing four small tiger fangs that seem to have no attack power: “Senior has seen it too. I don’t have the fangs of the monster clan at all, so I was rejected by the monster clan.

Until I was nine years old, apart from being able to cultivate the special Cultivation Technique of the Monster Race, I still didn’t have any characteristics of the Monster Race.

They all said that I was not a demon, but a demon clan, so they drove me out of the demon clan.

I also thought I was a demons, but in the next few years, I also found some demons and wanted to join them, but they were all thrown out…

Even, it was almost eaten! ”

Toothless looked very disappointed: “This year, I am fifteen years old. I don’t know what I am. I am not a demon, nor a demon. of……”

“Perhaps, you are both a demon and a demon?”

Su Zhan smiled and said, “Has half-demon and half-demon is good, and, I heard, half-demon and half-demon are often more powerful?”

“I’m not……”

Toothless shook his head, and said in a low voice: “Born by demon, strong demon is half-demon, strong demon is half-demon, this kind of creature will not be discriminated against in the demon world.

Because their talents tend to absorb the growth of the two demons, and they will be stronger than ordinary monsters and demons!

But I have very little demonic nature and very little demonic nature. Whether it’s cultivation demon Cultivation Technique or demon Cultivation Technique, they are all inferior talents. ”

“But you are already a pill at fifteen years old…No, Realm, the fifth-order Demon Race peak, isn’t the talent not bad, right?”

“Senior doesn’t know anything about it. I was born as a Tier 5 Demon Race, which can also be said to be the pinnacle of Tier 5 Demon Race Realm. After so many years, I have not made any progress at all.”

Born to be equivalent to Realm?

Su Zhan’s eyes narrowed.

True spirits like real dragons and heavenly phoenix are indeed born with Realm, and they are born with a holy realm!

However, that also only existed in the true spirit, or those wild and beasts that were second only to the true spirit. Toothless was obviously not a true spirit bloodline, otherwise it wouldn’t have been so inferior in talent.

It’s not a demon, it’s a Realm…what is it?

Su Zhan thought about it for a while, and didn’t have any clues. He was too lazy to think about it, and asked: “I don’t want these magic stones. You only need to answer one question.

Where is the Mu Family located in the Demon Cloud Mountain Range? ”

“Senior, don’t want magic stones? Thank you senior!”

Hearing that Su Zhan didn’t want her magic stone, Toothless quickly thanked him, put away the magic stone storage bag, and then said: “Senior doesn’t know it, Mu’s family has moved away from the Demon Cloud Mountain Range for more than 20,000 years!

I don’t know where Mu’s house is now, but I know how to get to Mu’s house!

Senior, every ten years in the Mu’s family, it will recruit a group of talented disciples from the outside world as genius training, and this time I will also go to one of the places to recruit disciples in the Mu’s family, Sirius! ”

Su Zhan said in amazement: “Didn’t you say that your talent is low, why would you go to participate in this kind of thing? Can you be selected?”

“Senior, the Mu family is different from the general Devil Dao family, very special.

The Mu family mainly relies on the technique of refining the corpse. My cultivation talent is almost okay. As long as the Mental Energy meets the standard and the special talent test of their Mu family, the regular talent can almost pass!

I also only learned about the Mu’s family not long ago, so I set out to go to Sirius City, wanting to enter the Mu’s family, relying on the technique of corpse refinement to become a strong man! ”

“Listen to what you mean, the last time the Mu’s family recruited disciples was in the last few days?”


Toothless nodded and said: “But this time I have no plans to participate. I have to arrive in Sirius City first, and then wait for ten years to participate in the next Mujia recruitment.”


“Too far……”

Toothless face helplessly said: “Senior, the distance from Sirius City to this point, it will take me at least two or three years to get there!

And it was only two days before the Mu family recruited disciples…I couldn’t keep up. ”

Can’t keep up?

Su Zhan groaned for a moment, and said, “Give me the map to Mu’s house, and I’ll take you a ride!”


Toothless quickly took out an animal skin map and gave it to Su Zhan. Seeing Su Zhan looking through the map carefully, she cautiously asked, “Senior, you are also going to Mu’s house?”

Su Zhan responded at will: “Yes.”

Recalling the strength that Su Zhan had just revealed, toothless heart moved and asked curiously: “Senior, you can kill the Demonic Beasts of the sixth early stage in seconds. I am afraid that the Cultivation Base has reached the peak of the sixth stage?

Even the little holy demon early stage? ”

The sixth-order demons, that is, the Yulong Realm.

The little holy demon is the holy realm.

Su Zhan naturally knew these common senses.

Hearing Toothless’s words at the moment, he shook his head and didn’t say much.

Do you want to tell her that you can already kill Heavenly Demon?

It is estimated that Toothless will not believe it.

It’s better not to say.

Moreover, it was originally just a meeting, and there is no need to say so much.

Toothless saw Su Zhan shook his head, feeling a little lost in his heart.

It seemed that this senior should only be a Tier 6 late stage demon, and his breath just now seemed to be a random attack by senior on the surface.

But in reality.

It should be senior’s strongest means!

But speaking of it, this senior doesn’t know what demon race it is, and the talented supernatural powers actually blow out Sword Qi… It’s really peculiar!

Thinking of this in his heart, Toothless eyes blinked, full of curiosity about Su Zhan.

Of course, curiosity belongs to curiosity. After all, she just met, she didn’t dare to ask more, who knows if this senior has any quirks.

Eat yourself if you ask too much!

This kind of thing has not been encountered before.

Toothless remembered his past experience, retracted his gaze a little, blinked his eyelashes, looked at the ground, a little uneasy.

One minute later.

With a wave of his hand, Su Zhan shot a starlight out of his hand and turned it into a Star giant sword that was dozens of meters long.

With a flash of his body, he came to the Heavenly Star Epee, Su Zhan said to the toothless who was still a little timid and hesitating: “Come on!

With the speed of the Star Epee, it was not difficult to reach Sirius City within two days. ”

“You can arrive in Sirius City in two days?!”

Toothless opened his eyes wide, in disbelief.

Immediately urged half of the demon power in the body, half of the special power of the demon energy, stepped into the sky and came to the Heavenly Star Epee: “Is what senior said is true?”

“Is it true? You will know if you feel it.”

Su Zhan smiled, concentrated, and urged the Star Epee with all his strength.


The star epee buzzed.

The next moment, directly turned into a dazzling starlight, tearing through the sky and leaving at speed!

In less than a minute, the Heavenly Star Epee had exploded dozens of miles away.

And Su Zhan also turned his head and smiled and said: “How, do you feel the speed of my sword–huh?”

Seeing the empty sword body behind, Su Zhan was stunned.

“What about people?”

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