Chapter 571 I Only Give You One Way

Frozen for a moment.

Su Zhan aroused Lingqing’s eyes, the light in his eyes was bright, and his eyes penetrated the clouds.

I saw the dazed and bewildered young girl standing on the grass dozens of miles away.

Why is Toothless still there?

Didn’t she come up?

Su Zhan was a little puzzled.

Immediately, he drove the Star Epee and turned back.

Soon, he fell in front of the girl Toothless, frowning slightly: “What are you doing?

Why didn’t I say a word when I got down? ”


The toothless girl was a bit wronged.

I don’t want to come down either!

Who knew you were so fast, you just set me off!

Moreover, you are so fast, even I can fly directly with the gust of wind, and I shout that you will also be overwhelmed by the sound of the wind!

what can I do?

I am also very helpless…

My heart was so depressed, Toothless didn’t dare to complain about Su Zhan, so I felt wronged and said: “I was not careful. I didn’t stand firm and fell off…”

“You are too careless.”

Su Zhan shook his head: “Come on!”


The toothless girl hesitated for a moment, and said a little embarrassed: “Can I hold you?”

Su Zhan was taken aback: “Huh???”

“Senior don’t get me wrong, it’s because my Cultivation Base is too low and low, senior, your speed is too fast, I, I can’t stand steady…”

Toothless hurriedly explained: “I definitely didn’t mean to assault senior!”


Su Zhan was a little speechless: “If you haven’t read the book, talk less and talk nonsense!

Come up quickly, don’t touch me.

As for your unsteadiness…”

Su Zhan waved his hand at random, and a transparent mask appeared around the Star Epee: “It’s okay now, but it will be a bit slower to do so, but it shouldn’t be a problem to arrive within two days.”

“Oh, good senior!”

Toothless jumped onto the star epee.

After the lesson just now, she was still a little scared, standing next to Su Zhan, and asked in a low voice: “Senior, if I can’t stand still, can I…

Pull your sleeves? ”

“Can not.”

Su Zhan directly refused.


“My clothes are expensive, and you can’t afford to pay if you tear them.”


Toothless was speechless for a while, and felt even more aggrieved in his heart, silently looking at the toes and no longer talking.

“Well, if you are really unsteady, I will hold you back, let’s go!”

Seeing Toothless’s aggrieved appearance, Su Zhan smiled and rubbed the head of a girl who was much shorter than him, and immediately urged the Star Epee, turning into a starlight to break through the sky!

after one day.

Su Zhan arrived in Sirius City.

Of course, he put away the star epee outside the city and walked into the city.

With the power of the dark demon robe, plus his own blood of the demon god, cultivation of magic skills, the guards did not have the slightest doubt.

In fact, for the current Su Zhan, unless he is of the Heavenly Demon level, it is already difficult to find that he is not a demon.

After taking a break in the Sirius City restaurant, after spending money to let the maid serving the wine Sirius, and the Mu family’s recruitment of disciples, he gave a brief introduction.

Su Zhan also came to a huge stone platform in the north of Sirius City.

At this time, there were already hundreds of people standing around the stone platform.

Seeing Su Zhan and Toothless, many people also looked towards them.

However, after discovering that he could not see through Su Zhan Cultivation Base Realm, even after the race, he looked back with some fear.

When this happens, either the opponent’s Cultivation Base is much higher than them, or they have cultivated the advanced Cultivation Technique, or they are carrying special treasures. No matter what it is, it means that Su Zhan is not an ordinary person.

Of course they will be a little jealous.

Su Zhan glanced over those people, and didn’t care.

Randomly found a place to stand, waiting for the messenger of Mu’s family to come here.

According to the restaurant maid, it was around this time in previous years, and it shouldn’t be too long.

Others also waited silently, and occasionally exchanged a few words in a low voice.

This calm was broken after half an hour.

“Go away, don’t get in the way!”

A arrogant voice sounded.

Su Zhan turned his head in amazement. He was about two meters tall and a wolf-headed demon. He was wearing a golden armor and carrying two golden long swords on his back. He directly kicked the demon who was in the way. , Seems very overbearing.

“The wolf is coming!”

“Langheng, the son of the city lord of Sirius City? He wants to go to Mu’s house to learn how to refine the corpse?”

“It’s probably just a relationship. Compared to Mu’s family, Sirius City can only be regarded as a small power. If it can climb the big tree of Mu’s family, Sirius doesn’t have to worry about the threats of other nearby forces!”

“This wolf is really overbearing!”

“No way, he is the son of Sirius City Lord. This is his site. Don’t think he has brought anyone over, but just call, Sirius City master can arrive soon!”

“Yes, and Langheng itself is also a Tier 5 Demon Race, better than us, let’s bear it…”

Those demons were a little afraid of the wolf head demons, and they all talked in whispers, clearing the way, so that Lang Heng could easily go to the forefront.

“A bunch of trash, scumbag!”

The wolf glanced at the demons with disdain.

The demons were all angry, but no one really dared to go against the wolf.


As he walked, Lang Heng’s gaze fell on Toothless’s body, which was completely inconsistent with the aesthetics of the general demons, and his eyes lit up.

Immediately he looked at Su Zhan who was beside Toothless, and found that he couldn’t see through, his eyes condensed, and the defiant posture was a little restrained. He walked to Su Zhan and pointed to Toothless and asked: “This is your servant. ?”


Su Zhan said flatly.

“No… Then do you have her control?”

The wolf smiled horizontally, flipped his palm, and took out a royal weapon equivalent to that used by the Terran Yulong Realm and said: “Sell her to me, this Tier 6 magic weapon is yours, how about it?”

Su Zhan frowned, before he could speak.

Toothless is already anxious: “Senior is not my master, I am a free agent, you can’t buy me!”

“Free body? That’s better!”

The wolf laughed loudly: “If you are his slave and maid or something, I still need to worry about one or two things, but if you are not, then I have no fear!”

Toothless was surprised: “What are you going to do!”

“What are you doing?”

Lang Heng laughed and said: “I’m tired of playing with the beauties of the wolf demon clan, you are a strangely shaped guy who looks a bit like a human clan I haven’t played yet.

Of course I have to play it!

Now, this Young Master gives you two paths.

1. Take the initiative to surrender, as an obedient dog at the feet of this Young Master, this Tier 6 magic weapon will be rewarded to you!

Second, you don’t know what it is, you refuse the Young Master’s good intentions, and then you are randomly called by a few masters by the Young Master to tie it back. If you don’t give the king’s weapon, you still play to death!

You choose! ”


Toothless is a little scared, and the little feet are retreated one step.

Su Zhan’s brow furrowed more severely, his eyes became cold, and he looked at Langheng.

“I only give you one way.

Get out now! ”

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