Chapter 572 You can refuse! (Third more)

This statement came out.

Lang Heng was stunned immediately.

Obviously, he didn’t expect that Su Zhan would dare to talk to him like this.

The demons who were onlookers also flashed their eyes one by one, and they looked forward to it.

To them, it didn’t matter whether it was the wolf smashing Su Zhan to death or Su Zhan smashing Langheng to death.

Just watch it lively.

“You are so tired of living!”

The killing intent in Lang Heng’s eyes surged, and the devilish energy on his body was surging. He just wanted to test Su Zhan’s strength, and suddenly saw two black energy rolling in, his eyes condensed, and he put away the thought of doing it.

“Fortunately for you, you actually ran into the Mu’s messenger.

Mu’s family doesn’t allow anyone to do anything in the assessment area, let you go first, and we will settle the accounts after the assessment is completed! ”

The wolf snorted coldly, then turned and left.

After the assessment is completed?

Su Zhan lowered his head and glanced at him, still a little frightened. He was hopeful and prepared to participate in the assessment and entered Mu’s House without Tooth, frowning slightly.

Then settle the account after the assessment.

Just look at the demons’ assessment, and whether Toothless has any special talents.

After all, the creatures of Yuandan were born, so they shouldn’t be just ordinary creatures.

Thinking like this in his heart, Su Zhan didn’t make a move either.

Wolf Heng has no threat to him at all, so there is no need to worry.

at this time.

Those two black qi also fell on the stone platform.

Appeared stature.

He is about three meters tall, his eyes are surging with black light, and his skin is also jet-black.

Surrounded by black air on the body, Cultivation Base is the late stage of the sixth-order demons.

It is almost equivalent to the fifth change of the Terran Yulong.

The two Mu family envoys came to the stone platform, without saying anything, waved their hands.

Several things flew out of their storage ring and landed on the stone platform.

A half-person-high black stone was carved with some runes that Su Zhan couldn’t understand.

A small black ball suspended in the air, and a demon corpse about five meters away from the ball.

After putting these things in place, an emissary from the Mu’s family spoke: “I won’t say much nonsense, I will briefly describe the rules.

Put your hand on the test stone to test the talent of conventional cultivation.

Hold the Controlling Orb in your hand, Mental Energy communicates with the Controlling Orb, controls the corpse refinement, and tests the mental energy talent and corpse control talent according to the number of steps the corpse can take.

Both talents are qualified, or one talent reaches the first class, you can follow me to Mu’s house for the final assessment of core and outer disciple!

Those who pass will stay on the stage and go down if they fail.

Okay, let’s get started! ”


The two Mujia deacons stepped aside, quietly watching the demons test.

Immediately, there was a demon going up.

As a result, only one of the two items was qualified, and he retreated with disappointment.

After he stepped back, the second Mozu jumped on the stone bench to test.

Under this one-by-one test, the entire process is carried out very quickly.

217th place.

Toothless also summoned the courage to test.

Unexpectedly, the conventional talent is unqualified.

But the talent of controlling the corpse has reached the top level, and he has taken ten steps to control the corpse!

“Such a talent for controlling corpses is rare in reality.”

“It’s almost comparable to some direct Young Masters in the family!”

The eyes of the two Mu Family’s messengers were slightly bright, and they were quite surprised.

The better the geniuses brought back, the more benefits they will get.

“Is this a genius? But so!”

At this moment, Lang Heng also flew onto the stone platform, glanced at the excited Toothless, and directly pressed his hand on the test stone.

In an instant, most of the stone rune lights up!

Excellent talent!

Immediately afterwards, he held the small ball again and manipulated the corpse to take seven steps, which was also an excellent talent!

Double excellent talent!

The two family emissaries were pleasantly surprised.

The demons below also made some exclamation sounds.

Feeling the gathering of the eyes of all the people, the awkward vanity was greatly satisfied, and he smiled grinningly: “Yes!

Unexpectedly, you can also enter Mu’s house?

That’s right, when I arrived at Mu’s house, I was having fun with you! Hey-hey! ”

Toothless’s face turned pale, and she shrank away, not daring to speak.

Soon, all demons were tested.

Seeing that the two Mu’s deacons were about to leave with those people.

Su Zhan also boarded the stone platform and stopped in front of the two Mu family envoys and said, “I also want to go to Mu’s house and take me over.”

“who are you?”

The two Mu Family Messengers found that they couldn’t see through Su Zhan Cultivation Base Realm, and they were a little wary.

At this moment, Lang Heng’s eyes fell on Su Zhan, and he sneered: “So it’s you!

If this Young Master remembers correctly, you haven’t come to the test yet, have you? ”

“I don’t need to test.”

Su Zhan shook his head.

Since they are all ready to go to Mu’s house to grab that spiritual heart, they have to test a fart!

I have to tear my face anyway.

Moreover, these test tools are also very simple, even the things of Xuantian Sacred Land can’t compare with them, and they can’t measure much.

“No need to test?”

Lang Heng sneered: “I think you think your talent is low and you dare not test it?

But that’s okay, now I’ll give you a chance.

As long as you can come up and defeat Ben Young Master, how about Ben Young Master giving you the spot? ”

Seeing that Su Zhan didn’t even dare to test his talent, Wolf Heng Yue felt that Su Zhan was just pretending to be here. In fact, he was just an ordinary Tier 5 demon!

Therefore, the tone has become more and more unceremonious.

Su Zhan glanced at him, ignored it for the time being, and looked at the two Mu Family’s messengers: “You should answer my question first!”

“Go away!”

Seeing that Lang Heng dared to be so arrogant to Su Zhan, the two Mu Family’s envoys also became polite.

One of them, not even talking nonsense at all, directly blasted Su Zhan with all his strength!

Coldly said on his face: “Since you are looking for death, please satisfy you!”

Wolf Heng also rushed over: “If you need an envoy to make a move, I can—”


Before the wolf cross talk was finished, the Mu Family Messenger who shot directly exploded and turned into a bloody mist!

And Su Zhan just stretched out his left hand gently and pressed it towards him in the void.

His face was dyed red by the blood mist, and he felt the bloody breath in the surrounding air, the wolf’s horizontal voice stopped abruptly, and the whole person was stunned.

what’s the situation?

The messenger of the Mu Family, that is the demon of the sixth-order late stage!

One step further is the little Saint Demon Realm powerhouse like my father!

But this kind of strong man was actually killed by this black-robed man in front of him?

No, not just kill!

It’s simply crushing!

Even the crushing is indescribable!

That person is just, just…

Just pressing the air lightly, the Mu Family’s messenger was abruptly crushed by a terrifying force!

This kind of terrifying power, I am afraid that even the strong demon clan in the Little Saint Demon Realm would not be able to do it!

Could it be that.

The person in front of me is actually a holy demon? !

In other words, just now did I actually want to challenge the existence of a holy demon? ? ?

Lang Heng’s heart was shocked, and after the shock, there was an uncontrollable fear!

His legs began to tremble, and he knelt down without hesitation.

With his head against the ground, he stammered in horror: “Front, senior, forgive, forgive me!

It’s me, it’s me who was wrong!

I am willing to pay compensation!

Please forgive senior, forgive me once! ”

While speaking, the huge body of the wolf, two or three meters high, was shaking constantly, and even a piece of wet under the crotch!

After witnessing a Mujia Deacon whose strength is far superior to him, he was easily bombarded and killed, at this moment, he was already terrified to the extreme.

Su Zhan shook his head: “You have no chance.”

“Do not–”

The roar of horror stopped abruptly.

The wolf crossed his head and flew out directly from the body.

To death, there was still a look of horror and regret.

That headless corpse was still urinating, apparently before he died, he had almost reached the limit of the Demon Race’s fear!

Killing Langheng casually, Su cut his head and looked at the Mu Family’s messenger who was trembling with hands and feet, kneeling in panic, and said flatly: “Say it again, take me to your Mu’s house.

Of course, I never force others.

You can refuse. ”

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