Chapter 573 I Can Save You Again

“no no!”

Upon hearing Su Zhan’s words, the Mu Family’s messenger was so frightened that he was about to pee his pants, and quickly cried out in panic: “I’ll take you senior!

I am willing to take senior back to Mu’s house!

Senior has something to say, don’t do it! ”

The voice trembled a little.

After seeing that Mu Family’s messenger who was similar in strength to him was killed instantly.

This messenger from the Mu Family really couldn’t help but be afraid.

Even, for fear of speaking slowly, I will be bombarded with blood!

As for the refusal Su Zhan said…

The messenger of Mu Family didn’t even think about it.

The companions were all caught in a flash.

Still refused, refused to shit!

Isn’t that looking for death?

The Mu Family’s messenger knelt on the ground, panicked in his heart, and waited for Su Zhan to speak anxiously.

“Did you really take me to the Mu’s house, or did you want to take me to some dangerous place and use traps or the like to besiege me?”

Su Zhan raised his brows: “You demons…”

Realizing that he is also a Demon Race now, Su Zhan paused, and then said: “You Mu Family Demon Race, sinister and cunning, now that I have killed your Mu Family members, you may already be thinking of a way to get revenge. Right?”

“no no!”

The Mu Family Messenger desperately shook his head and said: “Senior, don’t get me wrong!

In the eyes of outsiders, I am the messenger of the Mu family, but in fact, I am just a very peripheral deacon in the Mu family!

It can be said that Mu’s family is just one of my backers. If it falls down, I will continue to change it. Not to mention that one of their deacons is dead, even if the Patriarch is dead, it doesn’t matter to me!

Besides, senior, your strength is so terrifying, you can kill me with just one finger, how dare I!

Even if I dare, I don’t have the ability! ”

“That’s true, well, get up, take me to your Mu’s house, and I will let you go.”

“Yes, much, thank you senior!”

The Mu Family’s messenger breathed a sigh of relief and stood up, wiping cold sweat on his forehead.

The eyes of Su Zhan were full of fear.

If you don’t agree, you will hit the person with nothing but scum. This person is really terrible!

Moreover, he knew that we were the messengers of the Mu’s house, but he had no scruples, and even took the initiative to go to the Mu’s house!

This person is either extremely powerful.

Or, the status is extremely high, enough to make the Mu Family Patriarch jealous!

No matter what it is, it is definitely not something we little people can offend!

With this in mind, the messenger of the Mu Family’s original thoughts that he wanted to notify the Mu Family in advance through some special means also disappeared.

Honestly waiting on the sidelines, dare not say a word.

At this time, the other demons were also terrified one by one, looking at Su Zhan in shock.

When Su Zhan first came, they already felt that Su Zhan was not an ordinary person. After Su Zhan didn’t even give a face to Langheng, they felt that Su Zhan was more powerful.

But they did not expect to kill them.

Su Zhan is actually so powerful!

In front of him, the late stage demons of the sixth stage were killed instantly without the strength to fight back!

Panicked in his heart, the demons also knelt down one by one, their bodies trembling.

Although, they did not offend Su Zhan.

But the strength gap is so big, who knows if the opponent will kill them all if they are upset?

Apart from kneeling and begging for mercy, they couldn’t think of other ways to increase the probability of survival!

Toothless also opened his eyes wide at this time, staring at Su Zhan in a daze.

I thought that senior was only a late stage demons, but now it seems that senior’s strength is far more than that!

The pinnacle of the Little Saint Demon Realm… even a Saint Demon!

It turns out that saving own senior is such a strong man!

Toothless looked at Su Zhan, with a look of worship in his eyes.

But immediately, she thought of something, approaching Su Zhan, and whispered: “Senior, you killed the Mu’s people, you can’t go to the Mu’s house anymore!”


“Because Mu’s family is very powerful!”

Toothless seriously said: “According to the information I have collected, there is a Heavenly Demon in Mu’s family!

Moreover, the Heavenly Demon-class refining corpse of Mu’s family is more terrifying than the average Heavenly Demon!

Although senior, you are very powerful, but you still can’t fight against the whole Mu’s family. No matter what you have to do with the senior, which one of the Mu’s troubles…

Just hold back for the time being and don’t act recklessly! ”

“You think too much.”

Su Zhan shook his head and thought for a while. He threw out a few Cultivation Techniques that he got from the two Heavenly Demons, and said: “I’m not looking for trouble with the Mu family. I just asked them for something. It’s going well, I don’t need to take action, if it’s not going well…

I also have a way. Of course, going to Mu’s house is indeed dangerous. Take these magic techniques and cultivate them.

As for Mu’s house, don’t go! ”

As Su Zhan said, he released the Heavenly Star Heavy Sword, took the Mu Family Deacon directly, and glanced at the kneeling demons. He thought for a while and said: “You have all passed the assessment. If you want to go, I I can pick you up on the way.”

“No no! Senior please!”

“I thought about it, this year I am not suitable for entering Mu’s house!”

“Mu’s house is not a good thing, I won’t go to Mu’s house!”

“I heard that Mu’s house rules are very cruel. I don’t like these rules the most. I won’t go to kill me!”

Listen to Su Zhan’s words.

The demons who had just hoped to enter the Mu Family Cultivation all shook their heads and quickly refused.

They are not fools.

Who can’t tell, Su Zhan obviously has a contradiction with the Mu family.

If this were to go, Su Zhan and Mu’s family would fight, and they would be gone without any incident. Wouldn’t they be crying to death? !

Oh, it’s not right.

I am afraid that there is not even a chance to cry, only dead words are left!

Su Zhan didn’t force it, and said, “Since you don’t go, then forget it.”

After speaking, he turned around, and just about to urge the Heavenly Star Epee, he suddenly felt an extra breath behind him.

Looking back, Toothless was already standing behind him.

Su Zhan frowned slightly: “Are you not satisfied with those magic skills?”


Toothless handed the volumes of Jade Slip back to Su Zhan: “I must go to Mu’s house!”

“I said, Mu’s family is very dangerous.”

“Because it is dangerous, I have to follow.”

It seems that some determination has been made, and toothless eyes are extremely firm and said: “Senior, you saved my life. If you are in danger, you will be seriously injured…

I will save you again! ”

“You save me once?”

Su Zhan was stunned for a moment, and became a little speechless.

He was an existence that could kill Deva, and was rescued by a demon girl equivalent to the Yuan Dan realm…

It’s a little funny to think about it.

However, from the toothless look, Su Zhan could also see that she was indeed very serious.

After thinking about it, I feel that my own ability is enough to protect my periodontal health.

Su Zhan also nodded.

“Follow me and don’t leave.”

“Yes, senior!”

Toothless face solemnly replied.

Afterwards, under the guidance of the Mujia deacon, Su Zhan inspired the Star Epee and turned into a starlight to leave!

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