Chapter 574 Are you tired of life or your brain is broken?

It was less than an hour after Su Zhan left.


In the hall of the City Lord’s Mansion.

A huge wolf-headed demon with a height of at least five meters listened to the demon soldier who was kneeling on the ground.

His face is getting more and more ugly.

At the end, he directly overturned the long table in front of him!


A huge table fell below, and tea cups, fruit plates, food boxes…etc. scattered all over the place!

“Asshole! Asshole!”

The giant wolf head demons roared like crazy: “Even if my son provokes him first, he will at least teach him a little bit how dare to kill me Heng’er!!!

Hurry up, where did he go after killing the Mu family messenger and Heng’er!

No matter where he escapes, I want him to bury Heng’er! ”

“To the city lord!”

The demon soldier below quickly said: “According to our investigation, the mysterious person should be holding the Mu’s messenger and heading to the Mu’s house!”


Hearing this, the Sirius City Lord, who had been extremely angry, was stunned for a moment: “He killed the Mu’s messenger, and dare to go to the Mu’s house?

Is he going to die? ! ”


The soldier cautiously said: “I speculate that he might want to sneak into Mu’s house secretly and steal some special items.

Otherwise, he won’t kill the Mu Family so casually, he doesn’t worry at all, because he will escape to other places after he succeeds!

Of course, it is also possible that he is extremely strong and is not afraid of Mu’s family! ”

“Extremely strong… not afraid of Mu’s family?”

The Lord of Sirius City snorted coldly: “You mean, he is a Heavenly Demon, and he is also a strong man in Heavenly Demon?

This is impossible!

How powerful and arrogant Heavenly Demon is, and, with the power of those characters in the demon world, can’t find the Mu Family’s location yet, do you need a Mu Family envoy to take him there? !

It seems that this person is probably going to Mu’s house for a special purpose, he wants to sneak into Mu’s house!

However, he too underestimated the Mu’s family, if it was just some peripherals, he would definitely be discovered if he wanted to enter the core of the Mu’s family! ”

“City Lord, if you say that, isn’t that guy going to die?”

“It’s really looking for death!”

The city lord of Sirius City flashed his eyes and said: “But we can’t do nothing. You go to the Alien Demon Tower and inform the half-demon bird that the city lord brought back some time ago, and let him go to Mu’s house.

If the guy has not been exposed, he will be exposed. If he has been exposed and died, he will return to his life. At his speed, it is estimated that he will go back and forth within half a month. Most of the little holy demon realms are also incomparable, and should be enough to catch up. That guy! ”


The soldiers left in response.

The Lord of Sirius City thought of something, took out a jade medal, and tapped it twice.

Soon, a demon general in armor came to the hall and knelt on one knee: “City Lord, what’s your order?”

“With Sirius City as the center and a radius of 2,000 miles, a sentry post will be set up. If you encounter a small demon in a black robe who is less than two meters tall, you will immediately capture me back alive!

If he resisted, he would kill him on the spot and bring his head back! ”

“Yes, City Lord!”

Although the demon in the late stage of the Little Saint Demon Realm did not understand why he did this, he still left.

After doing this, the Lord of Sirius City sat down slowly, his eyes full of killing intent.

“Whether you go to Mu’s house, or change your mind, go back the same way, don’t try to escape!

Dare to kill my son, in any case, you have to pay for your life! ”

More than half a day later.

Su Zhan arrived at Mu’s house.

It is located in a vast mountain range.

Occupying about a hundred miles of territory, there are many hidden formations and defensive formations.

Su Zhan aroused Lingqing’s eyes, and through those formations, he saw the tall walls of Mu’s family that stretched for hundreds of miles.

It is already like a city wall, tens of meters high, extremely thick, and many inscriptions on the surface, which are connected to the formation.

Even if Su Zhan stimulated his divine eyes to the extreme, he couldn’t see the things inside those walls.

“The Mu family, a big family with more than one Heavenly Demon, can actually shrink into such a small place.”

Su Zhan was a little surprised.

A radius of a hundred li, compared to the Mu Family, is indeed very small.

“Senior, this is the core of Mu’s family.”

The Mu’s deacon quickly said, “Only a handful of people can stay here, and most of them will be sent to other strongholds in Mu’s home. It seems that Mu’s home is very small.

But in fact, it controls many other forces such as business alliances, assassination organizations, and underground black markets. The influence is huge in the nearby hundreds of thousands of miles!

Senior, you stay here for a while, I’ll go in and let you know! ”

“How long will it take you to report?”

“Half an hour is enough!”

“Then I’ll do it myself!”

Su Zhan shook his head, and immediately, in Mu’s deacon’s suspicious eyes, a punch directly hit the Mu’s mountain gate, which was about a kilometer away!


Mu’s defense formation flashed.

Among them, the family members were also alarmed.

“Who attacked our Mu’s family formation!”

“Even our Mu’s family dare to break through, are you tired of life?”

“This person dares to attack our Mu family head-on, he must be extremely strong, go and inform the Elders!”

A demon with different names and images flew out, his eyes fell on Su Zhan, and he found that he couldn’t see through Su Zhan’s Cultivation Base Realm, and his expression became solemn.

“Previously, senior, I’m leaving now!”

When the Mu family Deacon saw Su Zhan directly acted, he was a little frightened.


Su Zhan nodded and watched the Mu Family Deacon run away in a panic. His eyes swept over those Mu Family Deacon people who obviously did not belong to the same Deacon on the Mu Family City Wall.

According to the deacon.

The core lineage of the Mu family is the Purple Blood Demon clan, whose image resembles the spirit world human race. These inferior demons are just side lines of the Mu family, or subordinates.

The low status does not represent Mu’s family.

Thinking of this in his heart, Su Zhan spoke directly: “I want to see your Mu family Patriarch.”

When the demons heard this, they looked at each other, neither responded nor refused.

After waiting for two seconds, it was discovered that the Mu Family Mozu had no response.

Su Zhan continued to bombard the Mu Family’s Great Array.

The rumbling sound shook the sky!

Under this bombardment.

Less than half a minute.

The door of Mu’s house opened, and one of them was three meters tall, his eyes exuded a strange purple light, and his skin was also black and purple. Other middle-aged demons who looked little different from the human race rushed out of the big array and came to Su Zhan. Meters away.

Behind him, a well-known Elder also walked out.

“I am the Patriarch of the Mu family, you attacked my Mu family formation, yelling to see me, what the hell is going on, wait, you…”

Halfway through.

Purple light flashed in the eyes of the Mu Family Patriarch, staring at Su Zhan carefully.

Ten seconds passed.

The purple light in his eyes narrowed, and his face was full of surprise: “You are actually a human!

Cultivation Base, but only a trivial holy king? ”

Just finished saying this, what came to mind, the astonishment on the face of the Mu Family Patriarch disappeared, turning into contempt and cold killing intent:

“We Mu’s family didn’t go to your spirit world to slaughter you ants, and you are considered lucky. You human race ants dare to come to our demon world.

Even came to the gate of our Mujia Mountain?

Hey, I haven’t seen a human race who knows whether they live or die, but like you, I sent them to your door to find death…

See you for the first time!

Come, tell me, are you bored with your life or your brain is broken? ? ? ”

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