Chapter 575 I Can Withstand It!


Kill me as soon as you come up?

That’s it.

You said my brain is broken?

Insult my IQ? ? ?


The demons are extremely vicious, and it is even more heartbreaking to kill people, too cruel, too vicious!

This kind of vicious guy, even if I borrowed from him, he wouldn’t agree to it, right?

That being the case… then there is no need to talk nonsense!

Su Zhan’s eyes were cold, directly inspiring the Sun Moon Star Chaos Body!

The golden sun, the cold and bright moon, the night, the three kinds of heaven and earth anomalies of Star appear in the sky!

The power of Five Elements rotates in the sea of ​​chaos and fog!

The blood of the demon god in the body, one hundred and eight divine veins are also instantaneous!

The Law of Chaos Realm is cast, covering a radius of fifty miles!

Under the suppression of this law Realm, except for the toothless who was specially taken care of by Su Zhan who did not lower the power of suppression, the other people, under Heavenly Demon, all showed horror!

Just a Realm’s suppressive force made the holy demon Elder a little hard to resist!

“The Great Heavenly King actually has this power!”

Patriarch Mu was startled, purple light flashed in his eyes, and without hesitation, his body retreated violently, and at the same time, with a wave of his hand, a huge ten-meter-high corpse appeared stronger than himself!

That corpse was as dark as iron, exuding metallic luster, with a pair of jet black wings behind it, and two hands each holding a thick iron chain. The black energy on the body surged, and the magic power that was cast had reached the level of the Deva of the Second Tribulation!

After throwing out the corpse, the Mu Family Patriarch retreated to the shelter of formation.

The other Elders also threw their own corpses, and then retreated to the protection of formation.

As for the low-level demons on the wall, they didn’t move much.

Their corpses are too weak, and they are cannon fodder when thrown out, so they just watched from a distance.

“Human ants, I didn’t expect it!”

The Patriarch of the Mu family sneered in front of the huge city gate: “Our Mu family kills the enemy, we don’t need to do it ourselves!

These refining corpses are extremely powerful and fearless of Mental Energy attacks. I want to see how you, the ant of the sacred king of heaven, can fight!

Today, you must die without a burial place!

Li Hun, kill those two for me! ”

The voice just fell.

The Heavenly Demon corpse of the Two Tribulations that stood in front of Su Zhan with a hideous look, was originally devilish to the sky, and suddenly rushed towards Su Zhan!

Seeing this, other Elders also ordered their respective corpses to rush towards Su Zhan!


Toothless is a little scared.

“Just hide behind me.”

Su Zhan’s expression was calm. When the corpse of the Second Tribulation Heavenly Demon rushed to him less than 50 meters, the imprint of the Heavenly Thunder Extreme Volcano on his left hand suddenly brightened, the true magic power of Chaos was operating, and the shadow of a Primordial Demon was behind him. Emerge.

The law of chaos and the law of power shine in the purple mansion!

A punch, suddenly blasted out!

At the moment of punching.

Another cluster of starlight exploded on the fist!

Star God Body Tempering punch!


There was an explosion in the space!

Under this torrent of brilliant fists like Galaxy Cluster.

Two Tribulations, Heavenly Demon, the magic light of corpse refining body protection instantly shattered!

His chest was sunken, black blood was spitting out of his mouth, and his huge body “dangdangdang” took more than a dozen steps before standing still!

When Su Zhan fisted and retreated the Second Tribulation, Heavenly Demon refining the corpse, the other altogether thirteen corpse refining attacks also approached!

Two of them reached the Heavenly Demon level!

The other eleven are equivalent to half a step Heavenly Demon!

“Tian Lei is extremely hot, give me town!”

Turning his left hand, Tianlei extremely volcano appeared and flew upward.

Instantly transformed into the size of a kilometer, a force of repression enveloped Su Zhan’s area within a radius of ten miles!

And those refining corpses suddenly slowed down under this suppression!

Immediately afterwards, the Heavenly Star Heavy Sword appeared in Su Zhan’s right hand. He did not use Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship either. He just mobilized the power of the law of kendo and threw it towards the nearest corpse!

call out!

A starlight flashed!

That half-step Heavenly Demon level refining corpse head was directly cut open!


The next moment, Su Zhan turned into an electric light, and directly grasped the high-speed blasting star epee, and slashed towards the stronger corpse!

The vitality of heaven and earth gathered in an instant.

Then broke out!


After this sword.

In that Heavenly Demon refining corpse, a deep Sword Qi gully appeared in the area 100 meters behind him!

In the gully.

Heavenly Demon’s corpse refining body was turned into two halves, and the blood rushed to lie in it, motionless.

After that, Su Zhan blasted out a punch directly.

Kill the two refining corpses that are closer together!


The Heavenly Demon refining corpse roared and rushed over again.

Su Zhan’s eyes flashed, urging the Yan Shen Jue to the extreme.

The Heavenly Star Epee turned into Starlight to kill those refined corpses, while he took back the Tianlei extremely volcano, with toothless in his right hand, his body did not retreat but moved forward, avoiding other corpse refining attacks at the same time.

Came to the front of the Heavenly Demon refining the corpse of the Second Tribulation!

The fist that has always been combined with the power of stars, lightning, and sky fire suddenly blasted out!

It happened to be hit by a black chain fist with that Heavenly Demon refining corpse of the Second Tribulation!


Two Tribulations Heavenly Demon’s huge fist suddenly sank in the place where Su Zhan touched!

Among them, the bones shattered and blood flowed out!

Not only that.

The frenzied violence in Su Zhan’s fist directly ran through his entire arm along his fist!

Meridians burst one by one!

The bones were broken, and the entire arm was deformed!

The body also flew upside down, fell to the ground, and let out a low growl that I didn’t know if it was because of anger or pain!

With one punch and two tribulations, Heavenly Demon refining corpses, Su Zhan’s figure flashed, and continued to bombard other refining corpses!

In a situation where various abilities could be called crushing, these corpses were quickly killed by him!

Of course, the corpse refining was originally dead once, and the death again was actually just completely incapable of action.


Just when Su Zhan bombarded and killed those refining corpses.

Toothless panicked voice came from behind.

Su Zhan didn’t even look at it, the holy thoughts poured out, and he immediately sensed the situation behind.

His face changed slightly, his body almost teleported and came behind Toothless. The Meteorite Glove appeared on his left hand, stretched out in an instant, and slammed it directly into the mouth of the Heavenly Demon Refining Corpse that opened up and wanted to swallow the Toothless!


Perceiving something enters his mouth, the Second Tribulations Heavenly Demon refining the corpse subconsciously bit it!

It happened to bite Su Zhan’s fist!

The terrifying bite force that is enough to bite the material like the best Gengjin broke!


Two Tribulations, Heavenly Demon’s huge front teeth suddenly appeared a gap!

As he irritated, he used force again.

That one front tooth was directly collapsed!

And Su Zhan’s hand is still good.

The extremely superficial spirit of the Heavenly Demon Refining Corpse of the Second Tribulation stopped at this time.

Looking at Su Zhan with his eyes wide open, he was dumbfounded.

He dignified a Second Tribulation Heavenly Demon to refine the corpse, and went to bite a Deva without reaching a human being.

Known as the weakest human beings.

Did the other party actually have a shit?

That’s it.

He even broke his teeth!

What is this f*ck operation? ? ?

“Is it tasty?”

Su Zhan asked, and then, in the horrified gaze of Heavenly Demon’s corpse refining in the Second Tribulation, he grinned, “I’ll give you a bigger one!”

The voice just fell.

Tianlei extremely volcano flew out from his left hand!

It skyrocketed directly in the mouth of Heavenly Demon’s refining corpse in the Second Tribulation!


The Second Tribulation Heavenly Demon’s corpse refining was extremely painful, staggering backwards holding his head, desperately trying to suppress the Tianlei Volcano and vomit it out.

If it were before, he did have this power, but now he has been seriously injured and can’t suppress the Tianlei Volcano in his body at all!


Less than three seconds.

Two Tribulations Heavenly Demon refining corpse head thunder light, the fire light flashed, and then, it exploded directly!

Tianlei extremely volcano flew out, the slightest blood was not stained, the light was shining, floating in the air.

And this time.

Su Zhan didn’t mean to take back the Tianlei Extreme Volcano, his eyes swept over those Elder and the Mu Family Patriarch who were hiding in the Mu Family’s large array, who were extremely horrified and terrified.

He was a little surprised: “What are you doing in a daze?

Keep putting the Heavenly Demon-class corpse!

Your family, the family of refining corpses.

Isn’t it just that?

One hundred more, I can stand it! ”

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