Chapter 576: Conquering!

As soon as these words came out, the corners of the Elders who had been stunned by the Mu family suddenly twitched.

Heavenly Demon-class corpse refining…A hundred more?

Do you think this is Chinese cabbage? ? ?

Especially if our Mu family had a hundred Heavenly Demon-class corpses, and they would expand their power before long, how could they shrink here? !

Those Elders were annoyed one by one.

At the same time, it was also frightened.

Unexpectedly, the corpse refining they depended on the most would be easily beheaded by Su Zhan!

Although, in addition to these private exclusive refining corpses, the Mu Family also stores a lot of Heavenly Demon-level refining that can only be activated with the Patriarch’s token. Among them, there are even Heavenly Demon-level refining of the Second Tribulation, but .


Two Tribulations Heavenly Demon refining the corpse, there is nothing to do with this person!

Now, the only hope is that the ancestor’s end, Ascension, arrived at the psychic demon corpse of the Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon not long ago!

However, the ancestor of the demon corpse has not been completely tamed, and I am afraid that it will be difficult to use at the moment. If you say so… Mu Family, there is no way to subdue this person!

Those Mu Family Elder quickly calculated, and in the end, it was calculated that Su Zhan was not something that Mu Family could fight against.

They all looked at the Mu Family Patriarch.

Of course, the Patriarch of the Mu family also understands the current situation. Although he can’t wait to chop Su to pieces, he can only bow his head and say: “This fellow daoist is joking, where is there a hundred Heavenly Demon in our Mu family? Level Refining Corpse…”

“Isn’t your Mu family a family that has existed for hundreds of thousands of years? The background is so weak that there are not even a hundred Heavenly Demon-class corpses.”

Su Zhan was quite regretful.

Now his Star God Body Tempering fist, Sky Thunder Extreme Volcano, Meteorite Gloves, three things that greatly increase the explosive power of the physical body are available, so he wants to find something that can be beaten to practice his fist.

Just now, the Heavenly Demon refining the corpse of the Second Tribulation is very suitable. If the dead hand is not lost in the end, it is estimated that a dozen punches will not be able to completely kill him. Ascension, a close combat technique, is definitely very useful!

It’s a pity that Mu’s family is weaker than he thought.

According to Sixth Luo, there were five or six Heavenly Demons in the Mu’s home hundreds of thousands of years ago, and even the Heavenly Demon of the Three Tribulations. There were also two or three. Together with their corpse refining, they were stronger than Mu’s today. Home is too strong!

Unexpectedly, like the Ye family, even though they have survived hundreds of thousands of years, they still weakened.

While Su Zhan was a little regretful thinking about this, the Mu Family Patriarch also smiled bitterly: “Fellow daoist knows nothing about it. Since the Demonic Beasts in the Demon Cloud Mountain Range went mad, our Mu Family couldn’t resist and was forced to move out. The vitality is badly hurt.

Now we really don’t have more Heavenly Demon refining corpses.

By the way fellow daoist, what’s your name?

What is coming to our Mu’s house? I don’t think we are enemies. We just met for the first time. Why bother to fight to death?

Maybe we can talk about it! ”

“Talk about it?”

Su Zhan shook his head: “In the beginning, I really wanted to have a good talk with you, but you Mu Family, you Mu Family Patriarch, are going to kill me!

I won’t talk to you for a cruel and vicious person like you. ”

After that, Su Zhan no longer hesitated, and the Tianlei extremely volcano skyrocketed to the size of a kilometer!

The Heavenly Star Epee also appeared in his hands again, slashing out towards the Mu Family’s Great Formation!

The vitality of heaven and earth gathered in an instant, and along with the laws of kendo, the power of the chaos array exploded!


The already debilitated Mu Family’s great array burst into force!


“This person is terrifying, we are definitely not rivals!”

“Go to the ancestor!”

A series of horrified voices sounded, and those Mujia Elders were all retreating in panic.

Su Zhan didn’t care about them at all, and directly urged the Wind Thunder God Wing to the extreme, turning his whole person into a flash of light, and caught up with the Mu Family Patriarch who also fled again.

Sensing the movement in the rear, the Patriarch of the Mu family was terrified, turning around and throwing a black magic token into a huge black gas wall to resist, while hurriedly said: “If you have something to say, well—”


Before he finished speaking, Su Zhan slashed through the wall of black energy and flew the Mu Family Patriarch away!


A mouthful of purple and black blood was spit out, and the Mu Family Patriarch looked at Su Zhan in horror.

Just now, he just watched Su Zhan fight, although he felt that Su Zhan was very strong, but he didn’t have a specific concept.

At this time, it took Su Zhan’s sword to realize that Su Zhan’s attacking power was even more terrifying than he had imagined!

Even the ancestors, I am afraid they are not Su Zhan’s opponents!

The ancestor, that is the peak of the Second Tribulation, Heavenly Demon, this person has stronger attack power than the ancestor, and he is only a Second Tribulation Heavenly Demon early stage…

If you can’t get out anymore, you will definitely die!

With horror in his heart, Patriarch Mu gritted his teeth and took out a blue pill and swallowed it.

Suddenly, a burst of blue light broke out on his body, his speed suddenly increased, and he escaped Su Zhan’s sword.

While escaping, the Mu Family Patriarch gritted his teeth and roared: “You wait for me, the devil world is so big, I don’t know how many strong people can deal with you!

See you next time, I will let you die without a burial place! ! ! ”

“no more chance.”

Su Zhan’s eyes were cold, his holy thoughts surged wildly, and a Primordial Thunder God appeared behind him!

After stunning the Mu Family Patriarch for a very short time, the Primordial Thunder God turned into Soul Slashing and Sword Slashing, and slashed down suddenly!

“God refining methods, do you think you can deal with me!”

The Mu Family Patriarch also released Mental Energy, revealing a huge demon shadow, and the demon shadow took a big mouth, swallowing the Soul Slashing Sword and dissipating together.

But at this moment, the Mu Family Patriarch was about to continue to escape from the attack range of Su Zhanjing’s mysterious technique, suddenly a golden light appeared in the surrounding space!

At the same time, a force of oppression emerged from those golden lights, rushing towards him, causing his speed to drop suddenly.

not good!

Just realizing something in his heart, Patriarch Mu looked up and saw that the thousand-meter giant mountain had appeared less than a hundred meters above his head for some time!

Carrying thunder and lightning flames, crashing down!

“Do not!”

The Mu Family Patriarch was panicked to the extreme. Pieces of treasures, pieces of Zhang Fuli, and some low-level corpses were all thrown out by him, trying to resist the Tianlei Volcano.

But it didn’t work.


Tianleiji Volcano fell on the ground, and the desperate screams of the Mu Family Patriarch stopped abruptly, and the entire Mu Family shook!

Su Zhan swept to the top of the Tianleiji volcano, standing at a height of a thousand meters, looking down below, and his eyes swept towards the Mu Family Demon Race who were running away.

“Patriarch is dead!”

“What kind of monster is he! It’s terrible!”

“Don’t run away, we can’t escape!”

“Before, senior, we are willing to surrender!”

“We are not in the Mu family’s direct line, please forgive seniors!”

As the Tianleiji volcano fell, and the Mu Family Patriarch died, those Mu Family members who had fled in a panic stopped their footsteps and knelt down.

It’s not that they don’t want to escape, but they know that in front of Su Zhan, they can’t escape at all!

The only chance to survive is that Su Zhan is willing to let them go!

“Boom boom!”

A peculiar sound appeared in the Mu’s house of the size of a hundred miles. It was caused by the knee hitting the ground!

As small as a handyman, as large as the Heavenly Demon-level Elder of the Mu Family!

There are tens of thousands of people!

At this moment, they are all kneeling towards that huge thunder and fire mountain!

His body trembled, his head pressed against the ground, he didn’t even have the courage to look up at Su Zhan!

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