Chapter 577: The Demon King!

At this time, Toothless girl stared blankly at the young man standing at a height of a kilometer and looking down at Mu’s house. Her heart was shocked, and a brief blank appeared in her brain!

Mu Family, a big family with Heavenly Demon!

Actually, he was surrendering to senior!

Conquer the entire Mu Family with one person!

It turns out that senior is so powerful!

It is much stronger than I expected!

Heavenly Demon…

I was toothless, and I was walking with a Heavenly Demon senior!

This is so dreamy…maybe this is not true? !

Toothless blinked his eyes, gave birth to a small hand, and directly gave himself a big ear scraper!


There was a brief buzzing in the ears due to excessive force.

On the cheek, there was also a fiery pain.

“It hurts!”

Feeling the pain on the cheek, Toothless, instead of grimacing, was pleasantly surprised: “It’s true!

I didn’t dream, I really walked with a Heavenly Demon!

No, just now, the Mu Family Patriarch seems to say that senior is a human race…”

Thinking of the words of the Patriarch of the Mu family, he looked at Su Zhan again, and Toothless shook his head firmly: “Senior has cultivated demon power, and the demon energy is so powerful, how can he be a human race?

Moreover, everyone said that the human race is very weak, especially in terms of the physical body, but the senior’s physical body is so strong, how can it be a human race?

Obviously, senior is a great demon!

If the senior is willing to point me to cultivation, no matter how bad my talent is, I can hope to become a little holy demon, or even holy demon, in the future!

Become a sacred demon… Maybe you can find the father and mother who left me behind, and you can also know what I am…”

Whispering to himself, Toothless looked at Su Zhan’s eyes, a little hot.

And this time.

Su Zhan was a little depressed.

He was just about to take a shot, blasting and killing the demons who had fled, but he knelt all at once!

There is a saying, don’t hit the smiley person with your hand.

These Mu Family Demon Clan didn’t provoke him either, and now they all knelt down and begged for mercy. It was indeed hard for him to kill them all.

Of course, even if he really slaughtered Mu’s family, that was nothing. To the spirit world, the devil world was originally hostile.

However, it is meaningless to kill these demons who knelt down and beg for mercy, even dare not to escape, and give up resistance.

Let them surrender their spiritual heart as soon as possible!

Thinking like this, Su Zhan was about to speak, and suddenly felt a powerful aura appear.

Turn around and take a look.

A demon old man with black energy on his body, roughly equivalent to the peak level of the Second Tribulation Deva, crouched and walked towards him.

Two hundred meters apart.

The old man cupped hands and said: “Just now there are some important things, and I can’t meet them. I hope fellow daoist will forgive me.

How do you call fellow daoist?

In addition, the old man can help solve what the fellow daoist calls our Su’s family, so it’s better not to make a big fuss. ”

“The Mu Family Patriarch?”

Su Zhan’s eyes narrowed: “I broke into your Mu’s house, aren’t you angry?”

“What’s so annoying about this.”

The ancestor of the Mu family smiled, and immediately turned to the Elders with a calm face: “Where is the Patriarch?

A distinguished guest comes, but he won’t come out to greet him? ! ”

“Old Patriarch, he, he…”

The Elder pointed at Tianleiji Volcano, and said in horror: “Patriarch is dead! He is right under this mountain!”

Patriarch is dead? !

The face of Mu’s ancestor changed.

Su Zhan also nodded and said, “Don’t doubt, I killed him. You can revenge him!”


The ancestor of the Mu family took a deep breath and said with a smile: “The Patriarch is gone, you can still establish a Patriarch.

Fellow daoist came from afar, there must be a major event, he does not help fellow daoist your major event, death deserves it. ”

“You actually have this consciousness?”

Su Zhan was a little surprised.

If it is possible to get the spiritual heart directly without using hands, then that is fine.

After all, this is the Demon Realm. After too long a delay, the ghost knows if there will be a large number of Demon Realm powerhouses to chase and kill him.

However, since I arrived in the Demon Realm and pretended to be the Demon Race, shouldn’t he also change his identity? After that, if something really provokes something, these Demon Races would not point their spears at Xuantian Sacred Land and so on.

Thinking like this in his heart, Su Zhan said: “My name is Su…Su Mo, what’s the matter?

It’s very simple, I want you to refining the corpse in the Mu Family’s spiritual heart.

These corpse refining, even the Second Tribulations Heavenly Demon corpse refining have no spiritual heart, but since you are the ancestor of the Mu family, your corpse refining must have it? ”


The ancestor of the Mu family paused, the killing intent in his eyes was fleeting, and he smiled and said: “Of course we have. Although our Mu family is down to this point, there is still a demon corpse with a spiritual heart.

Sue fellow daoist, please come with me. ”

With that, he turned and left.


Is it so smooth?

Su Zhan was a little surprised.

Immediately, with a wave of his hand, he put away all the Heavenly Thunder Extreme Volcano and the Heavenly Star Epee, and after taking away the treasures from the Mu Family Patriarch, he left with a toothless face full of worship.

When those Elders saw this, they looked at each other, with some expectation in their eyes.

“He wants a spiritual heart, our Mu family, only the evil demon king with the strength of the Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon has a spiritual heart!”

“The Sha Demon King, because of the spiritual heart, has become more and more violent since he broke into the Heavenly Demon of the Three Tribulations. Even the ancestors can only trap him in that place by restraining the formation. This guy passes over. It must not be torn apart!”

“The ancestor agreed so readily, most of them still have the idea of ​​killing this guy by the hand of the Sha Devil King!”

“In fact, he is not very strong, the main reason is that his treasure is powerful!

Whether it is that huge mountain or his starlight gloves, they have brought him too much increase!

After the Sha Demon King broke into the Heavenly Demon of the Three Tribulations, the Killing Intent magic light suppressed all kinds of treasures very strongly, and he was bound to die! ”

“I don’t know how many treasures this person has! If we go over, maybe we can pick up some cheap!”

“What is cheap, he killed the Patriarch, I want to avenge the Patriarch!”

Elder who had reached the Holy Demon said in his mouth, they all followed.

As for those under the holy demon.

Although they were also greedy for Su Zhan’s treasure, the gap was too big.

Even an impact wave can shatter them, so no one dares to go.


Under the leadership of Mu Chen, Su Zhan came to the entrance of a huge cave at the foot of a big mountain.

With a wave of his hand, Mu Chen opened the formation Restrictions and led Su Zan into the cave.

Pointing at about five or six miles away from the entrance of the cave, on the stone wall on the other side of this huge cave, bound by a chain of rune chains, with his eyes closed, about three meters high, it looks like a demon with long blood-red hair that has lost his mobility. : “Su Fellow Daoist, the demon corpse was named Sha Demon. When he broke the Three Tribulations not long ago, he was bombarded by the thunder and failed.

He has fallen to death, his spiritual heart is on his left chest, but the devil’s corpse has died, and the spiritual heart is still intact. You can check it yourself, fellow daoist Su! ”


Su Zhan nodded, and walked to the front of the demon corpse. He was about to arouse his divine eyes to check it, but suddenly he had a feeling and looked back.

Mu Chen, who was only slowly following him just now, turned into a black light and burst out of the cave!

At the same time, all around the cave, up and down, all runes are lit up, and those runes are connected to form a trapped formation with strong internal defense!

And Mu Chen’s voice also sneered from outside.

“Su fellow daoist, there is indeed a spiritual heart in the Sha Devil Corpse King.

But he did not fail Transcends Tribulation, but successfully broke into the Three Tribulation Realm!

You can kill the Patriarch. It seems that your strength is good. After the Sha Devil King eats you, it will definitely increase again. It just so happens that I am about to replenish the Sha Devil King’s control circle. By then, it will be equivalent to mine. Strength increased!

Hey, Heavenly Demon-level demon corpse of the Three Tribulations…I am a little curious, can you hold it for a few minutes? ”

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