Chapter 578 Demon Slayer! (Third more)

The voice just fell.

Suddenly a huge stone gate descended at the entrance of the cave, and the surface of the stone gate flashed a series of runes, completely sealing off the entrance of the cave!

The evil corpse king in front of Su Zhan also suddenly opened his eyes, and the chain bound on his body was caught in the stone wall!

Both eyes flashed with blood and a dull voice: “Has the master brought new food again?

This time, it looks better than ever! ”

With that, the Sha Devil Corpse King spoke directly.

A black air spit out from his mouth, forming several black air pythons entwined towards Su Zhan and toothless!


Toothless exclaimed.

“Don’t be afraid.”

Su Zhan frowned slightly, his face calm.

Turning his left hand, Tianlei extremely volcano appeared, and under his control, a flame raged out, blasting the black air away!

With a blow from the Sha Devil Corpse King under the crotch, Su Zhan held Toothless in one hand, withdrew for several miles, and said: “Toothless, relax, don’t have any resistance to my strength.”

“Yes, senior!”

Although Toothless didn’t know what Su Zhan was going to do, he nodded seriously.

Su Zhan Shengyuan wrapped Toothless, the black jade ring on his hand flashed, and he directly took it as an item and took it into the ring hole!

In fact, he didn’t want Toothless to enter his cave.

After all, the things in the Moyu ring are his most valuable, and it also involves some secret items about his identity.

The storage ring is actually a treasure house of Sect.

Who would like to let people enter their own treasure trove?

Ye Qingyu is an acquaintance, but Toothless is just meeting together.

But now there is no way. Facing a Heavenly Demon of the Three Tribulations, he may not be able to guarantee that Toothless will not be affected and die, so he has to take it in.

After all, he has a good view of Toothless, and he can’t really be indifferent to her life and death.

Putting Toothless into the cave sky, Su Zhan exploded with a divine body without any worries.

The huge visions of heaven and earth filled the cave almost!

The four characters of Tianleijihuo on the Tianleiji Volcano are shining!

Lightning and flames intertwined, rushing towards the Sha Devil Corpse King!

“Your treasure is very good, but it’s a pity that I met this king!”

The Sha Demon King snorted coldly, his eyes exuding a large Killing Intent blood!

Under those bloody lights, the rotation of Tianlei Extreme Volcano suddenly became more sluggish, and its power was suddenly reduced!

Immediately afterwards, the Sha Devil Corpse King shook his palm and fisted the Tianlei Extreme Volcano directly!

Smashed on the formation light curtain, the whole formation light curtain buzzed and flickered!

Su Zhan retracted Tianlei extremely volcano, frowning, a little surprised: “This demon corpse can actually weaken the power of the treasure?

In that case, relying on the powerful power of the Sky Thunder Extreme Volcano and Meteorite Gloves is not enough. ”

After thinking for a while, a little starlight flew out of Su Zhan’s eyebrows, and the Da Ri Star sword fell in his hand.

“Oh, lord, lord, I’m out again—”

“Don’t say if you can’t speak, let me kill this demon first.”

Su Zhan directly interrupted Da Ri Star Sword Sword Spirit’s words.

“But, he looks terrible…”

“I also think it’s scary, so in order to make him not scary, you still have to shut up as soon as possible, don’t distract me, let me kill him first!”

After Su Zhan finished speaking, the wind and thunder escape technique was used, and the body did not retreat but moved forward, suddenly slashed out with a sword!

The blood shrouded him, but it did not weaken the power of the Dahi Star Sword.

The reason why Tianleiji Volcano is weakened by those blood lights, in the final analysis, is because Tianleiji Volcano and him are not one, and need to establish a connection and control with Saint Yuan.

But the Sword of Life has long become one with him, the direction of the heart, the point of the sword!

Those blood lights are naturally useless!

The Sha Devil Corpse King apparently discovered this too, the blood in his eyes converged, the devilish energy on his body was full, and he directly slashed towards Su!


A huge black qi demon hand appeared, carrying a terrifying power to directly face the Sword Qi formed by Su Zhan’s sword!


Both dissipated almost at the same time!

The Sha Devil King’s right hand with some kind of metal gloves banged on the Dahi Star sword.

The tremendous strength caused Su Zhan to fly out a hundred meters, and the blood in his body surged!

The Sha Devil Corpse King also flew upside down and returned to the stone wall.

“How can your strength compete with me?”

The Sha Devil Corpse King was startled, and immediately sneered: “Unfortunately, your power will be exhausted, and I rely on the corpse demon energy provided by this spiritual burial ground, and the amount of Internal Energy can be called endless!

Moreover, my physical body is obviously stronger than you, I want to see how long you can hold it! ”

After speaking, he rushed over again!

Su Zhan also cut out a sword.

The two are similar in strength and are at war.

It has been for half an hour.

The Sha Devil Corpse King’s body surface had already seen many deep-bone sword wounds. After seeing that Su Zhan was still unscathed, there was no exhaustion at all.

He finally roared a little annoyed: “What kind of refining method have you cultivated! Actually tempered the physical body to this level!”

Su Zhan rolled his eyes: “You are a corpse that is not as good as a beast, where is so much bullshit?”


The Sha Devil King was furious: “Today, I will fight you desperately!”

“Wake up, you are a dead body, where’s your life?”

“Asshole! You damn it!”

The Sha Devil Corpse King has a spiritual heart, and after so many years of gestation, he is no different from ordinary people.

The two gang up again.

And this time.

Outside the cave.

Mu Chen, the ancestor of the Mu family, and the holy demons of the Mu family, Heavenly Demon Elder are all waiting.

“How can it be so long?”

Mu Chen frowned slightly: “With the power of the Sha Demon King, even the normal Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon can only temporarily retreat. After all, his Killing Intent magic light weakens too much.

Even though that kid could kill the Second Tribulation Heavenly Demon Refining Corpse, he wouldn’t be able to stay in the hands of the Sha Demon King for so long, right?

Could it be that he has other powerful methods that he can’t do? ”

“This is impossible!”

An Elder said: “Ancestor, this person is so powerful because of those treasures!”

“Yes, three Elder is right! His huge thunder and fire mountain is too strong!”

“And his pair of starlight gloves, I can feel the powerful increase in that!”

“He seems to be good at swordsmanship, but that swordsmanship seems average!

Far less powerful than that huge mountain of thunder and fire! ”

“If there is no treasure, his strength will be at the Heavenly Demon level at best, nothing!”

Every Elder spoke one after another.

Although they also saw Su Zhan using Wanxiangyuan swordsmanship.

But swordsmanship can only be known how terrifying the power contained in it if you have endured it and faced it before!

After the Tianlei Volcano turned into a kilometer giant mountain, the power of the Tianlei Extreme Fire was so powerful that it slaughtered many powerful people in their Mu family.

They naturally remember this!

Hear those Elder’s words.

The ancestor of the Mu family was a little puzzled: “Then why half an hour has passed, and it hasn’t calmed down inside… Huh?

The fighting sound disappeared! ”

Seeing that the cave was calm again, the ancestor of the Mu family breathed a sigh of relief, smiled and took out the token, opened the stone gate, and smiled and said: “I didn’t expect this kid to last so long, but that’s fine. , Sha Demon eats this kind of strong, it is estimated that it will take more time to digest.

I can just take this opportunity to perfect the control of the evil demon, as well as the treasure of this kid’s huge mountain…

It’s all mine!

Ha ha–”

Shimen just opened.

The gaze falls in front of the body stained with a lot of blood, the right hand holds the starlight sword body, the long sword with the big sun dragon pattern hilt, and the left hand clenches a fist. Behind him appears a shadow of an ancient mad demon, his eyes turned into the sun and the moon, not like a human being at all. And the young man who was like a god.

Mu Chen’s laughter stopped abruptly, and his pupils suddenly shrank!

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