Chapter 579

“You, you are okay!”

With an exclamation in his mouth, thinking of a certain possibility, the ancestor of the Mu family, Mu Shen, did not hesitate to retreat directly!

In the cave, there are only two people: Sha Devil Corpse King and Su Zhan. Now that Su Zhan is okay, then Sha Devil Corpse King must have something wrong!

Even the Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon can kill the existence of refining corpses, it is definitely not something that an ancestor of the Mu family can provoke!

Must escape!

The farther you escape, the better!

What this person is saying is just a human race. If other Heavenly Demon powerhouses can be found, they may not be able to persuade them to join forces to hunt down!

With these in mind, Mu Shen didn’t look back, and the speed was even faster.

And those old family Elder.

It is also full of horror!

Inspired by the strong desire to survive, they indulged in seeing such a shocking scene, they only froze for a short time, and then fled in panic!

“Run! This person killed the Sha Devil King!”

“He can kill Heavenly Demon refining the corpse!”

“Today, our Mu family is afraid that we are about to suffer a catastrophe!”

A frightened voice sounded.

Those Elders felt regretful.

I had known that Su Zhan was so perverted, and Heavenly Demon of Three Tribulations could kill him by refining the corpse. They came here and shit!

Long gone!

It’s alright now, so I’m looking for death again!

While those Elder was upset, they also separated and fled in different directions.


Almost as soon as they started to separate and escape.

Su Zhan also cut open the already weak formation light curtain with a single sword, and the wind and thunder god’s wings urged to the extreme, and his body burst out from the cave!

“Don’t let them run away.”

As soon as he rushed out of the cave, Su Zhan whispered, and the Da Ri Star Sword shot out and went to hunt down the Elders.

And he continued to chase the Mu family ancestor.

In the Purple Mansion, the shadow of the Law of Chaos is bright, and the Law of Chaos Realm is spread out!

Suddenly, the ancestor of the Mu family, who was about five or six miles away, had a meal.

Of course, in a very short instant, a devilish energy erupted from him, directly blasting Su Zhan’s Law of Chaos, Realm!

But then, Su Zhan’s left hand, Tianleiji Volcano, appeared, and suddenly threw it out!


Cracks appeared in the space!

Hurricanes, lightning, and flames are intertwined!

The volcano Tianlei turned into a size of ten meters, blasting towards the ancestors of the Mu family at an extremely fast speed.

Mu Chen’s face changed slightly, and he didn’t even look at it. With a flash of his body, he slid more than a hundred meters away from the side.

Tianlei extremely volcano smashed into the sky!

Just when he was about to escape from Tianleiji Volcano.

Tianleiji Volcano suddenly grew to a height of one thousand meters!

The endless suppression of Jinguang’s eruption caused his speed to suddenly slow down!

“Su Mo! I remember your name! He will definitely come to avenge this blood!”

A stern voice sounded.

The next moment, Mu Chen’s body actually burst open!

A powerful shock wave swept through, and even Tianleiji Volcano was blasted out for a certain distance!

Su Zhan was also forced to retreat.

He was a little confused.


What the hell?

Blew yourself if you couldn’t escape?

Is there such an operation? ? ?

Just when he was puzzled.

Mu Shen exploded in the center, and bursts of black energy suddenly broke out!

There are more than a hundred ways!

Towards all directions of the sky and the earth, the speed is extremely fast, ignoring the force of suppression and flies away!

Demon soul!

The ancestor of the Mu family actually cultivated the secret technique of Hun and Po.

Su Zhan has also heard of this method. Even the human race has this kind of secret technique, but generally no one goes to cultivation. It is said that cultivation is extremely difficult, and it will also make the soul and the body not have the power of the natural fit. .

In the future cultivation process will be very unsatisfactory.

And, generally speaking, once this secret technique is used, the side effects will be huge!

He didn’t expect that Mu Chen had just cultivated this secret technique.

Su Zhan was a little surprised, and immediately he laughed.

If he had used this secret technique before, he had no choice but to watch it escape.

But now, with Lingqing Shenmu, this little trick can’t confuse him at all.

Sheng Yuan perfuses his eyes, and the spirit of the spirit is urged to the extreme!

Su Zhan’s eyes fell on one of the black qi, and his body chased after him like an electric light!

After approaching, the ten-meter-long huge soul-slashing sword condensed!

“No! It’s impossible! Even the Heavenly Demon of the Four or Five Tribulations cannot break my Hundred Ghost Escape Technique!!!”

A shrill, frightened, disbelieving voice sounded.

Sensing the destructive power contained in the soul-slashing sword behind, Mu Shen shouted hoarsely: “I am the ancestor of the Mu family!

You kill me, it will inevitably arouse the attention of many forces in the demon world!

You can’t live long!

If you are willing to let me go, I must press this matter down!


By the way treasure!

I am willing to dedicate all the treasures of Mu’s family to you!

Refining the corpse, and refining the corpse!

I’ll give it to you too!

There are also secret techniques. There are many Heavenly Demon-level secret techniques in our Mu’s family. As long as you don’t kill me, I will give them all!

You kill me, no benefit! ! ! ”


Slash the soul and read the sword to slash down.

That black air was annihilated.

The world became quiet.

“If it is for profit, it might be better not to kill you, but that would go against my Dao heart.”

Su Zhan watched the black air dissipate, and his voice was cold: “Whoever kills me, I will kill whoever, this is my way, you are unforgivable, damn it!”

Putting away the storage bags of the ancestors of the Mu family, Su Zhan turned his gaze to those who were fleeing in panic, or hiding in a corner and hiding in a frightened corner.

Divine light flickered in his eyes, ignoring the obstacles, and punched casually.

A large hole appeared on the seemingly empty ground below.

In the pit, the Mujia Elder who used the earth escape secret technique to hide died on the spot!

Seeing this scene, the hidden Mujia Elder could no longer hide, and appeared in horror.

Realizing that they couldn’t escape, they returned to Su Zhan one by one, kneeling tremblingly.

“Please, beg senior forgive us once!”

“Most, the last time, we must have reformed!”

“Senior, what treasure do you want? I will find it for you!”

“Please senior, be merciful, if I die, my wife and son will not rely on me, I will definitely be raped by other demons!”

One after another begging for mercy sounded.

More than a dozen Mu Family Saint Demons, even one Tier One Heavenly Demon, all knelt in front of Su Zhan, shaking like chaff!

“I am a good person.”

Su Zhan said flatly: “So even if you did something to me at the beginning, I still think it might be because of the Mu Family Patriarch’s order.

You just have to do it.

So, I am very kind and let you go once.

But that’s it, you not only don’t know how to be grateful, but you don’t know how to repent.

Instead, they ambush me with the ancestors of the Mu family outside the cave. Do you think that a good person like me is a bully, right? ”

Su Zhan said, stepping forward and came to a holy demon equivalent to the little heavenly holy king.

Suddenly stick out his left hand!


The sacred demon was directly cut off the neck by Su cut, and the corpse flew out.

Immediately afterwards, Su Zhan glanced at the holy demon Elder who was so frightened that he was about to pee his pants, killing intent appeared in his eyes.

“Now, good people are going to get angry too!”

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