Chapter 581 Nonsense, I like braised in sauce!

It turned out that it was not threatening me?

Su Zhan’s brows stretched slightly.

If Toothless threatened him to accept him as a disciple by cutting his wrists, he wouldn’t bother to care about it anymore.

Just turned around and left.

But now, it seems that I am not mistaken. Toothless is not that kind of person.

The displeasure on his face disappeared, and Su Zhan took the vial.

The holy yuan surging, the divine eyes arouse.

From the light blue, half-clear like clear water, and from time to time a little bit of golden light flashes on the special blood.

He saw Sisi Spiritual Qi surging.

It seems that this is not blood.

It’s just like ten thousand years of spirit milk, very peculiar.

“This blood…”

Su Zhan’s eyes condensed, and Sheng Yuan surged and raised a drop from it.

After watching it for a while, he swallowed it!

At the same time, the refining aura is turned on!

Under the influence of the refining halo, that drop of blood was rapidly refined.

And Su Zhan’s body, those redness, swelling, or small blood mouth, also healed at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Not only these superficial injuries, even internal injuries in the body, they are quickly healed!

One minute later, that drop of spiritual blood was completely refined.

Su Zhan’s injuries are healed!

And it’s not just injuries…

Sensing the changes in his body, Su Zhan’s eyes appeared astonished.

His physique seems to be a little stronger, and even the power of dragon blood in the divine veins is even stronger!

Although it is very weak, it has indeed increased!

Toothless blood can actually increase the power of dragon blood in the divine veins!

Could it be that……

Su Zhan was a little unbelievable, looking at Toothless: “You turned out to be a dragon???”


Toothless was stunned.

In the devil world, the dragon is also the supreme existence!

That is the true spirit in the legend!

The strongest creature born!

You don’t need cultivation, you are born into a holy realm, you only need to grow on your own, and you will be a terrifying existence in the Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon!

Own, a fifteen years without progress.

A poor ghost who is despised or despised wherever he goes.

It’s actually a dragon? !

Toothless froze for a while, then shook his head and smiled bitterly: “Senior, I also hope that I am a dragon, so no one would dare to bully me…

But I am not.

Although I have never seen a dragon, I also know that dragons have horns and tails, and the breath of real dragons can make the monsters below the holy realm tremble and surrender!

How could it be me…”

“That’s true.”

Su Zhan felt the changes in the dragon veins in his body, the increase was very at least, almost negligible.

It should not be dragon blood.

But the increase does exist…

It’s really peculiar.

However, to be precise, the strongest force in toothless blood is the force of life.

Su Zhan felt carefully, the more he felt, the more surprised.

Toothless blood contains extremely strong vitality, that vitality is tenacious, powerful, and even surpasses ordinary real dragons!

But with such an exaggerated and perverted bloodline, the toothless cultivation talent is so inferior.

It seems that when he was born, he was sealed and cultivated by a certain mysterious power.

Fifteen years without progress!

Not a demon or a demon, not a human or a beast…

Su Zhan squatted, close to Toothless, placing her hand on the center of his forehead.

At the same time, Sheng Nian, God Eyes are urged to the extreme, to investigate again.

Ten minutes have passed.

His eyes were a little dry, but he still got nothing.

“Senior, do you know what I am…what creature?”

Toothless hoped.

Su Zhan shook his head: “Sorry, I can’t see it either.

However, your blood is so peculiar, it is estimated that you may be a powerful alien from the birth of the ancient spirit world.

As for cultivation talent…

If I guess right, all your cultivation income over the years has been used to nourish your blood. ”

“Nourishing blood?”

“Yes, there is too little blood in your body.

Even now, it is only two-thirds of a normal creature, and your blood regeneration is very slow, and you need to consume a lot of resources.

The bottle of compressed spiritual blood just now, if you look at your current cultivation, it may not be enough to make up for three years. ”

“Senior means…”

Hope was born in Toothless’s eyes: “When I finish raising my blood, will I be able to cultivate and progress?”


Of course, it’s not good. ”

Su Zhan smiled and said: “This is actually nothing. In the first fifteen years, you have obtained very little cultivation resources, but now, I will give you a little bit, which is enough for you to finish raising your blood.

At that time, your cultivation talent will be truly revealed. ”

“So to speak…”

Toothless looked forward to: “Senior are you willing to accept me as a disciple?”

“Accept disciples…”

Su Zhan thought for a while, and had a headache: “It’s too troublesome to accept disciples, there are too many things to manage, and it wastes my energy.”

“Senior, I won’t bother you!”

Toothless hurriedly said: “I just want someone to give me some pointers when I have difficulty in cultivation. I will definitely not bother senior you for other things!

Moreover, I can swear that I will never use the identity of a senior disciple to do anything wrong, and I will never discredit you! ”

Seeing the begging toothless, Su Zhan also felt a little softened.

In fact, he didn’t have much resistance to accepting disciples, but he didn’t want to worry too much and made it very troublesome.

After all, even if he was himself, there was basically no need for Tang Wujian’s help, but invisibly, there were still many times that Tang Wujian was worried about running for him.

Being a master means a lot of trouble.

However, if Toothless can really do as he said, don’t bother him, just give some pointers in his free time, then it’s all right.

Moreover, he is also quite curious about toothless blood.

If it is really possible to accept a creature with a very strong bloodline as a disciple…

It seems pretty good too?

You can draw some blood to study it afterwards.

Thinking about this, Su Zhan said: “First, make it clear that I won’t stay in the Demon Realm for a long time. Would you like to follow me to the Spirit Realm?”

“Spirit world?”

Toothless suddenly opened his eyes, unable to accept: “Senior, you, are you really a human?”


Su Zhan nodded: “I’m a human race, so after finishing the demon world, I will return to the spirit world.”

Toothless thought of something, and took a small step back with some fear: “But since I was young, others have told me that the human races are very cruel, and they like to roast the monster races…”

“Who told you? It’s nonsense!”

Toothless heart loosened, and a smile leaked out of his face: “I knew that if the rumors were not credible, how could the Human Race roast the Monster Race!

They should only roast those beasts and low-level Demonic Beasts that have not activated their wisdom! ”

Seeing the brilliant smile on Toothless’s face, Su Zhan also laughed, rubbing his toothless head and then said: “Indeed, I like braised in brown sauce, sometimes steamed and stewed in oil…not just roasted. of.”

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