Chapter 582

As Su Zhan’s voice fell.

Toothless, who was smiling brightly just now, was stunned.

The smile on his face gradually solidified.

The little face suddenly turned pale!

He moved his little head out of Su Zhan’s hands in fear.

She grew up in the Yao clan.

Although the Yaozu did not recognize her, she subconsciously regarded herself as the Yaozu.

At this moment, I heard that Su Zhan was actually braised, steamed, and stewed in oil…

Of course she is scared!

Just like Xiao Bubai heard Su Zhan talking about eating Thunder Lion Hot Pot, is this not afraid? ? ?

Su Zhan saw the appearance of Toothless, and said in amazement, “What’s wrong with you?”


Toothless voice trembled: “Senior, you won’t eat me?”

“You are not delicious, why are you eating?”

Su Zhan smiled and said: “Our human race will eat Demonic Beasts, even when we reach the Holy Realm, the demon race that has already activated the sage, or other demon races who are born with sage.

But you monsters, don’t you eat humans?

Take the Demon Realm as an example, the Demon Race will eat the Demon Race, and the Demon Race will also eat the Demon Race, compared with these.

At least our human race will only eat those monster races that maintain the Demonic Beasts ontology, and have truly fully cultivated adults, just like you, who seem to be the same as the human race.

You can’t eat it. Besides, you’re so skinny, it’s better to kill a Demonic Beasts with so much meat on a toe, who would eat it! ”


When Su Zhan said this, Toothless breathed a sigh of relief: “That’s good…”

Immediately, when she thought of something, she was a little ashamed and said: “Senior, it’s not that I don’t trust you, but before, I was almost caught and eaten by the demons…

So I am scared. ”

“Don’t be afraid.”

Seeing Toothless’s really scared look, Su Zhan’s voice also softened a little: “I will teach you a way, and I will be scared when I meet you in the future.

You can preemptively kill him and you will not be afraid. ”


Toothless tilted his head and thought for a while, always felt that something was wrong, but for a moment he couldn’t refute it.

However, this is not the time to entangle these issues. Thinking of Su Zhan’s words, she hesitated and shook her head: “Senior, I can trust you, but I still don’t want to go to the spirit world…

At least, I don’t want to go until I find my parents in the demon world.

Moreover, in the Demon Realm, I owe the kindness of those demon clan elders who raised me. Although they later found out that I was not a demon clan and drove me out, they did nurture me.

It’s just a little demon clan, always facing threats from other demon clan nearby, I have to repay this kindness.


After a pause, Toothless gave a deep bow and apologized: “I really can’t follow senior you to the spiritual world.”

“Well, it’s up to you to decide!”

Su Zhan nodded, and didn’t force it.

Toothless had grown up in the Demon Realm for fifteen years, and it was indeed difficult for her to change her world life as soon as she spoke.

Just like himself, even if a demon emperor told him that as long as he lived in the demon world, he would be able to give him a lot of treasures and resources, he would not agree.

Some things are difficult to change.

Can’t force it.

Not to mention, Toothless parents are still in the Demon Realm, and they always have a bond.

After thinking about it, Su Zhan flipped his palm and took out a storage bag belonging to Elder, a holy demon in the Mu family.

I also selected many low-level magic cultivation resources from other storage bags and put them into it.

Afterwards, he threw the storage bag to Toothless: “The resources in it are enough for you to end your nourishment, and even cultivate to the holy realm, which is the little holy demon realm of your demon world.

There are a lot of treasures, swords, guns, swords, halberds, armor and flying shoes, but you can only use two or three pieces at present, and the others need to be used after your Cultivation Base breakthrough.

There are also some demon skills that I have selected that look pretty good. Among them, apart from the power of Chaos Stone required for the ‘True Chaos Demon’, the others are only limited by Realm, and there are still many that you can cultivate.

In addition, I also put two copies of Monster Cultivation Technique.

You accept it! ”

Toothless hands trembling and holding the storage bag, grateful: “Senior I—”

“and also.”

Su Zhan directly interrupted the excited Toothless, flipped his palm again, and took out a thick stack of magic talismans: “These are the talismans of the spirit world.

There are all kinds of them, the power is good, and Fu Li is easier to arouse than treasures, you can use these to get out when you are in danger. ”

After handing Fu Li to Toothless, Su Zhan thought of something, and took out a storage bag and said, “You want to learn the corpse refinement technique of the Mu family. There are some corpse refinement books of the Mu family, and some Low-level corpse training is for you to practice.

In addition, there are some of my puppet experience.

You can see that puppets are similar to corpse refining, but they are completely different. Please understand! ”

Toothless was holding that pile of things, froze for a while, then suddenly threw himself into Su Zhan’s arms, and started howling.

Su Zhan was a little surprised: “You don’t think it is too little, so you still cry?”

“No, it’s not!”

Toothless shrugged his shoulders and choked, “Senior, no one has ever treated me so well…

Do not!

Master, only Master you are so good to me! ”

As she said, she put all those things away, stepped back two steps, knelt on the ground, and knocked her head three times seriously: “Master is here, please be respected by Toothless!”

“It’s been three prayers.”

Su Zhan said: “Besides, these things are only used to exchange your bottle of compressed spirit blood. You can’t follow me to the spirit world. Why should I be your Master?”

“Since the Master has even given gifts, it is the Master!”

Toothless stubbornly said: “Even if you don’t recognize Master, Toothless will admit it!

Only Master can you be so good to Toothless, but the current Toothless is too weak to give back to Master…”

With that, the girl Toothless remembered something, and when she flipped her palm, a small knife appeared.

Su Zhan raised his brows, guessing that Toothless was about to cut his wrists, flicking his fingers, a Saint Yuan flew her knife: “Your blood is indeed very good.

But if I really send those things to you for the blood in your body.

Then why didn’t I just kill you and drain the blood?

Or get imprisoned and get blood every time? ”


Toothless said with ashamed face: “Master, I didn’t mean that, but, besides blood, I don’t have anything else to take out…

I just want to give you back to Master, not that way! ”

“Well, I have to go to other places. Since you don’t want to follow me back to the spirit world, then go!

In addition, you should stop calling me Master, it always feels a little weird. ”

“Yes, Master.”

Toothless nodded earnestly.

Su Zhan had a headache seeing her appearance.

It seems that Toothless is really dependent on himself…


She calls me Master.

What does the Master do?

The preaching is solved by karma!

As for my Sword Technique, I haven’t been able to find a suitable person to pass it on. Toothless blood is special, maybe she can?

Thinking of this, Su Zhan’s eyes lit up, revealing a charitable smile.

“Master, why did your laughter suddenly become scary?”

Toothless was a little hairy when Su Zhan saw, and asked in a low voice.

“Nonsense, this is kind, how can it be terrible?”

Su Zhan was a little displeased, and immediately smiled and said, “Since you keep calling me Master, I am a Master and there is nothing else I can teach you.

But there is a Sword Technique, which is very powerful. Do you want to learn it? ”

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