Chapter 583 Half a disciple!

“Sword Technique?”

Toothless looked forward to: “Can I really learn? I feel as if I have no talent for kendo!”

“Is there any talent in kendo? Only after trying it will I know.”

Su Zhan smiled, flipped his palm, took out a roll of blank Jade Slip, pasted it on his forehead, and the sacred thoughts were portrayed in the Jade Slip.

A minute later, he gave the volume of Jade Slip to Toothless: “This Sword Technique is called Wanxiangyuan Sword Technique, which is my own Sword Technique.

It can lead the accumulation of the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and then explode with the power of the law, the power of the holy origin, the power of the flesh… many forces!

The power is very strong, of course, this Sword Technique also has a little side effect. ”

“Sword Technique still has side effects?”

Toothless took Jade Slip, curious.

Su Zhan nodded: “Well, there is a chance that he will blew himself up.”


Toothless hands shook, Jade Slip fell to the ground, his face paled again.

Su Zhan comforted: “Don’t be afraid, in fact, the probability is not very high.

As far as I know, only one-third of all the people who cultivated my Sword Technique blew themselves to death, another third suffered minor injuries, and another third had nothing to do.

Calculated in this way, the probability is not very high. ”

One-third…not too high?

However, there is always nothing wrong, it seems that it is not so terrible.

Toothless thought in her heart, took a sigh of relief, thinking of something, she asked curiously: “Master, how many people have successfully cultivated your Sword Technique?”

“Not too few, there are three in all.”


Toothless realized something instantly, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

This means that.

Except for your old man, Master, everyone else has had an accident?

One is dead, one is injured…Is this still not a high probability?

Master, even if you don’t like my apprentice, you don’t need to be so cruel, right? ? ?

Toothless hurriedly pushed Jade Slip back to Su Zhan, his face pale and said, “No, no, no! I don’t think I’m suitable for sword practice!”

“How can this work?”

Su Zhan was unhappy: “You call me Master, even if we just meet in peace, you won’t go to the spirit world with me, it’s not really a master-disciple relationship.

But how to say, you are also my half disciple.

My strongest is kendo, if you don’t practice sword, then you are not allowed to call me Master! ”


Toothless and almost crying, whispered: “Master, can I not practice this Sword Technique?”

“For the time being.”

Su Zhan said: “This Sword Technique is waiting for you to cultivate the holy demon!

Today, you probably won’t be able to cultivate.

Of course, although I hope you cultivate my Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship, you have to be fully prepared.

First, the physique Ascension to the divine body…that is, the top demon body of your demon race or the top demon body of the demon race, but your demon does not seem to have the 108 veins that our human race has.

This is a bit difficult to handle…”

Su Zhan thought of the toothless body structure, which is actually different from him, and he pondered for a while: “In short, after you reach the Holy Demon Realm, you feel that your talent is enough, and you can probably rank among the top of the entire Demon Realm. !

It’s best to find a strong demon to take care of it, but with the life force in your bloodline, it should be fine. Even if something happens, it won’t hurt too much.

This Sword Technique is the work of my hard work. When will you cultivate, you can be regarded as my official disciple. ”

“Master, what am I now?”

“Half disciple.”

“But I have never heard of anyone accepting apprentices to accept half of them?”

“Then I have never seen anything like you, nothing like you!”


Toothless was speechless, his nose was sour, and tears of disappointment flowed out.

“Okay, don’t cry, let’s go, cultivate well, and don’t live up to the expectations of you as a teacher.”

Su Zhan thought of something, and said with a smile: “By the way, you don’t have to practice that Wanxiangyuan swordsmanship by yourself.

In the future, if you encounter a bad person who scares you, and that bad person doesn’t have the talents of respecting me as your teacher, you can practice this Sword Technique for him.

Train for his whole family, train for the whole family. ”

“Training for bad guys…”

Toothless eyes lit up, and the depression that was originally necessary to cultivate this Sword Technique to become an official disciple was wiped out, and he said excitedly: “Master, I understand!

It turns out that this is the original intention of Master you to create this Sword Technique!

You can punish the enemy if you don’t have a sword! ”


Su Zhan’s face turned black for a moment: “I wanted everyone in the world to have a sword practice, and pass on my Sword Technique for generations to come!

It’s just that the world’s body is too weak, and there is no firm heart in kendo, what a pity! ”

Everyone in the world practices this swordsmanship?

The toothless body shook, thinking of the scene where countless people blew themselves up, and sincerely admired: “Master, you are so amazing!”


Su Zhan thought that Toothless was boasting of his vast aspirations and benefiting the world, so he smiled and said, “Okay, let’s go!”


Toothless hesitated and asked, “Will we see you again?”

“We met by destiny.”

“What is fate?”

“Just see you if you want.”

Su Zhan said: “You don’t show the devilish energy in your body. After cultivating the spiritual world Cultivation Technique I gave you, most people can’t see that you are not a human race.

After you find your parents, you can come to the Eastern Wasteland domain to find me.

My name is Su Zhan. ”

“Yes, Master!”

Toothless stepped back a few steps, knelt on the ground, respectfully knocked his head nine times, then stood up and said seriously: “I didn’t know what I was before, but now, I am the Master’s disciple!

I will definitely not live up to Master your expectations, nourish blood, cultivate, and become a strong one!

After finishing the demon world, I will find you Master. At that time, I must have cultivated Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship! ”

“Cultivation well, if I come to the Demon World again next time, maybe I will meet again, go!”

“Master, goodbye!”

Toothless glanced at Su Zhan deeply, imprinted Su Zhan’s face in his mind, and raised his head slightly to prevent the teardrops from flowing out of his eye sockets.

Then he turned and left, never looking back.

“It’s a pity that you don’t want to go with me to the spirit world, otherwise, you can let the Holy Lord use his celestial mirror to see the secrets of blood in your body.

But having said that, the holy Lord’s sky-sighted mirror, I saw that my luck was damaged once last time, and it may not really be able to see the secret of toothless blood. ”

Su Zhan murmured, and when the toothless figure disappeared, he also looked back.

Afterwards, his holy yuan surged, the shadow of the water attribute law in the purple mansion gleamed, and the power of the water law in the power of the Five Elements Chaos also emerged.

With a movement of his mind, the surrounding water attribute laws surging, forming an extremely thin Spiritual Qi water mist, eliminating all the blood stains in his body.

The whole person became clean again.

The dark magic robe on the body surface is also completely new.

After doing this, he waved his hand and threw out the Sha Devil Corpse King’s body that was placed in another Cave Sky ring.

His gaze fell on the body of the evil demon king whose head had been cut off by half, and his chest was pierced with several swords. Su Zhan took a deep breath, and the five fingers of his left hand opened, and the law of kendo surged like five fronts. The sharp sword is generally grabbed at the spiritual heart of the Sha Devil Corpse King’s chest!

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