Chapter 584 Spiritual Heart Fusion!


Wudao Fengrui Sword Qi broke through the flesh of the Sha Devil King.

The Sha Devil King has a very strong defense force. Even Su Zhan has fought for more than half an hour, and he was injured, only to rely on the powerful swordsmanship and the characteristics of the Divine Armament of the Great Sun Star Sword to kill him!

It stands to reason that this level of defense is difficult to break through his random Sword Qi.

But in fact it is easy, not even too strenuous.

This is also one of the differences between corpse refining and puppet.

The defense of refining the corpse is not actually how hard his physical body really is.

It was his devil qi, the devil power body, after death, the devil qi and magic power disappeared, and he became fragile.

Puppets, on the other hand, are solid materials. Even if the control hub is destroyed, the defense is strong, or defense is strong. After all, they are all piled up of real high-level refining materials!

Of course, nothing is absolute.

If a figure of the level of Ye Xing Martial God also became a corpse king, his physical body would probably be much more defensive than the top grade Gengjin of Puppet Seventeen!

However, although it was easy to break through the defense, Su Zhan still operated very slowly.

When fighting the Sha Devil Corpse King, he deliberately avoided damaging his spiritual heart. Now that he has succeeded, he certainly can’t be anxious at the critical moment.

It took ten minutes for Su Zhan to dig out Lingxin.

It was different from what he imagined, full of blood stains and a pungent smell of blood.

This spiritual heart doesn’t look like flesh and blood, but it’s made of a special material.

Like wood but not wood, like stone but not stone.

It exudes a rich Spiritual Qi, making the air more refreshing.

But it does beating like a heart, which is amazing.

“Su fellow daoist, the spiritual heart is ‘planted’ in the refining corpse with many kinds of precious materials, combining the power of life and the characteristics of various materials.

Moreover, the Spirit Power will gradually dissipate when the spirit heart is separated. Although the speed is not fast, every time it dissipates, you will have to pay more resources to make up your puppet in the future, so don’t wait. ”

At this moment, Heavenly Demon Sixth Luo’s voice sounded.

Su Zhan asked calmly, “You have been observing me?”

“Su fellow daoist laughed, how can I have so much free time, although my soul is healed, but there is always some old damage, I am busy repairing it day and night!

Now I just awakened, and I sensed the existence of the spiritual heart, to help you, fellow daoist Su, to solve your doubts. ”

“I don’t care if what you say is true or false, but you have been following me for a while. You should know that there are certain things that are best not to be done.”

Sixth Luo asked with some doubts: “What does Fellow Daoist Su say?”

“It’s nothing, I’m going to start repairing seventeen, you’re fine, don’t disturb me.”

After Su Zhan finished speaking, he took out the puppet Seventeen, ready to start repairing.

As for the toothless thing, he was not sure whether Sixth Luo really knew.

However, based on his feelings about the current sixth Luo, the sixth Luo is not a short-sighted person. The spiritual blood on toothless’s body is actually useless for the cultivation of a Heavenly Demon except that he recovers quickly.

I want to come that even if Six Luo really knew about this, he would not really hurt Toothless, but wanted to dig out the secrets behind Toothless, and even actively help Toothless find his parents for greater benefits.

For Toothless, it may not be a bad thing.

Moreover, he can’t control these things anymore. Besides, the Demon World is so vast, it is extremely difficult to find a girl who is not too eye-catching, no less than toothless looking for her parents.

There is nothing to worry about.

After thinking of everything, Su Zhan also cleared these thoughts after he felt that there was nothing left, and took out the puppet technique of the emperor and the Mu Family’s ancestor’s most profound corpse refining secret book.

“Ding! Complete the achievement task “Learning the corpse for the first time” to unlock a new halo: [Protagonist’s Halo for Refining the Corpse]!”

The protagonist’s corpse refining halo: Don’t tell me that refining the corpse is a crooked way, the protagonist does not practice, it is a fake protagonist! Wanfa knows everything, omnipotence and omniscience, this is the true protagonist!

After the aura is turned on, the perception of the corpse refining is greatly increased. At the same time, you can see the strength of the corpse refining, the chance of success in refining, and the ability to control the corpse. You can control the corpse across borders. The chance of backlash is greatly reduced!

Hearing the long-lost voice in his mind, Su Zhan smiled.

Sure enough, there is a million billion halo, and everything is not a problem.

Having said that, do you find an opportunity to learn poetry, poetry, music, piano, calligraphy and calligraphy, unlock a few more auras, and be able to write poems and talk about the piano in the future, and look elegant?

Well, this can be considered.

Anyway, it’s not like the aura of immortality. You have to take a sword and wipe it on your neck to appear. These are all safe!

However, let’s wait until all business is finished!

Thinking like this in his mind, Su Zhan closed all the auras, leaving only the passive aura of luck, the aura of puppets, and the aura of refining the corpse.

Begin to learn to refine the corpse while directly operating it.

Under the influence of the puppet aura and the corpse refining aura.

Su Zhan began to merge the way of puppets with the way of refining corpses.

The common points among them are combined to become stronger!

The difference is to learn from each other.

Of course, he was just new to this Dao, even if it had a halo effect, it was relatively slow.

It took about a whole day before he initially thought of how to replace the action hub of Puppet Seventeen with his spiritual heart.

In addition, all the high-rank materials prepared for Seventeen in the Dongtian ring were taken out, and they were really repaired and reconstructed at the same time.

Seven days have passed.

Su Zhan took a breath, burned the last inscription, and withdrew his hand.

At this time, Seventeen had no scars on the surface, and after the transformation, Seventeen’s body also appeared like a human blood vessel.

That is the formation of the branches of the Lingqing God Tree.

Those branches are like blood vessels Meridians, connecting the spiritual heart in the middle of the seventeen chests.

And that spiritual heart is slowly beating, assimilating, connecting, and fusing these sacred tree branches.

There is also the entire body of Seventeen, slowly adapting to the existence of the spiritual heart, and establishing a connection with it.

This process is not fast.

But Su Zhan had no other way to speed up at this time. He could only wait for Seventeen and Lingxin to truly merge into one, so that all the powers could be gathered.

Until then, it will be the time when Seventeen truly became a Deva puppet!

After watching for a while, Su Zhan stepped aside and took out the forging Gold Core and swallowed it for refining.

Seventeen still needs a period of time to merge with the spiritual heart, and he can also take advantage of this to complete the refining of this forged Gold Core.

Two more days have passed.

Su Zhan has already refined that forged Gold Core, and his physical power is stronger, and his Cultivation Base has also grown a bit.

At this time, he was sitting cross-eyed cultivation with his eyes closed.

Suddenly, he opened his eyes with a sense of feeling, and looked at the puppet seventeen in front of him.

And Seventeen, also suddenly opened his eyes at this moment.

It’s just that, in those eyes that were originally dazzling with golden light, they released a rich blood, extremely dazzling!

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