Chapter 586 The Coffin of Martial God! (Fourth)

Magic stone magic crystal, which is equivalent to the Spirit Stones of the spirit world, is a common currency.

What this guy means…

Su Zhan was a little surprised: “Unexpectedly, you actually have such a consciousness, you know that I am a good person when you meet, and you want to contribute the magic stone and magic crystal to me?”

Dwarf Demon: “???”

What makes me so conscious, to contribute magic stone magic crystal to you?

What I mean is, you have to pay me so that I can take you in!

Do you want me to take you in and give you money again?

Where can there be such a truth in the world! ! !


Just as the short demon was about to speak in anger, it suddenly occurred to him that Su Zhan’s strength was far surpassing him. It is estimated that he might be a great demon from the fifth-order demon clan or even the little holy demon realm!

I was so frightened that he squeezed out a smile and said, “Senior laughed…”

“Just kidding?”

Su Zhan was a little unhappy: “Do you think I am joking?”


The dwarf demons were almost crying, but there was no other way, so they had to take out their own possessions and said bitterly: “Senior, forgive me, these are the little ones who honor you, let the little ones go…”

Su Zhan glanced at the low-level storage bag. He didn’t have any interest in connecting it to check it. He said, “Forget it, I don’t need these, you can take it back!

Just take me into the city of Mobei. ”

“Yes Yes!”

Upon hearing this, the little demon hurriedly put away the storage bag, and said with gratitude: “Thank you senior for your kindness, I will take senior over!”

“Let’s go!”

Su Zhan also smiled.

Sure enough, the Demon Race is the same as the Human Race.

Take his first and return it to him, and he will be grateful.

And if it was given to him first, he would take it for granted.

Thinking of this in his heart, Su Zhan was happy, waved his hand, and released the Heavenly Star Epee.

With the dwarf demon clan shocked by the star epee, he left at high speed.

Soon, under the guidance of the dwarf demon clan, Su Zhan saw that Mobei city.

The whole city is not very big, and the dry rivers can be vaguely seen around.

It should be here!

After taking a look, Su Zhan was probably determined, and he controlled the Heavenly Star Epee and landed at the gate of the city.


As for those guards, after seeing Su Zhan escape quickly, they all saluted respectfully, registered their names, and put them in directly.

There was no embarrassment at all.

Walking into Mobei City, Su Zhan asked in surprise: “Didn’t you say that Mobei City is not easy to enter?

Why do I find it simple? ”

“This… I’m afraid it’s because of your high strength, senior!”

The dwarf demon is also a little depressed.

Generally speaking, it is really difficult to enter.

But of course there is no problem with your strength!

You know, the city lord of Mobei is just a little holy demon realm!

Do those guards dare to embarrass you? ? ?


This senior is so powerful that he didn’t ask for my storage bag just now.

If he can give me a little freely, wouldn’t it be a big profit for me?

This is a rare opportunity!

With this in mind, the little demon raced his eyes and asked with a smile: “Where is senior going?

The little one knows this Mobei city quite well and can take you there! ”

“I’m going to the center where the three rivers meet.”

“The central place?”

The dwarf demon suddenly realized: “Senior is going to go to the graveyard of the bloodmark demon to worship?

It turned out that the senior was actually a strong man of the blood-stripe demon race, and that city lord knew that another strong man of the same race came from other places, he would be very happy! ”

The cemetery of the blood-stripe demon?

Isn’t Ye Xing’s Martial God’s burial place?

How did it become the cemetery of the bloodmarked demon race?

Su Zhan frowned and said directly: “Take me quickly!”

“Yes, senior come with me!”

The short demon race nodded quickly, and left with Su Zhan.

It didn’t take long.

They came to an empty and quiet place in Mobei City.

Huge tombstones several meters high stand tall.


As soon as they reached the edge of those tombstones, guards stopped them.

Su Zhan glanced at the guards, waved his hand, and a very small force blasted them out for more than a hundred meters!

Later, he also walked directly towards the center of this cemetery.


The little demon felt something was wrong, and asked quickly: “Senior, what are you doing?”

“Dig a grave.”

Su Zhan glanced at the dwarf demon: “Why, do you want to dig it for me too?”

“No, no, no!”

Upon hearing this, the dwarf demon race went backwards in fright: “senior, this is the ancestral grave of the city lord of Mobei!”


Su Zhan responded casually, and then a punch suddenly hit the ground!


A huge burst of power!

The whole cemetery fell apart suddenly!

Pieces of stone tablets fly out from the ground!

A rotten corpse was also thrown to the ground!

“This, this…”

The little demons were so frightened that they retreated ten miles away before daring to hide behind a rock and watch.

I was shocked.

What is the origin of this senior?

He actually wanted to dig the ancestral grave of Mobei City Lord. Isn’t he afraid that Mobei City would take the initiative to get angry? !

When the dwarf demons were shocked, the other guards of the cemetery also fled in panic and quickly notified the city lord of Mobei.

And Su Zhan.

Regardless of those people, Sheng Yuan surged and dug out the soil in this area. No body of Ye Xing Martial God was found, so he continued to dig!

Of course, he didn’t directly bang his fists behind.

So as not to damage the body of Ye Xing Martial God.

After digging down for hundreds of meters, Su Zhan had already arrived in a pit about three hundred meters above the ground.

Feeling something strange underneath, the eyes of the gods were aroused, and he saw a azure blue coffin through not much thick soil!

Finally found it!

Su Zhan took a deep breath, Sheng Yuan vibrated, digging up the dirt, and taking the coffin to the front.

Just about to open it, I suddenly noticed several strange auras appearing above it.

He looked at it in surprise.

It is a few demons who are more than two meters high, with blood-colored lines all over their bodies.

The first one, wearing luxurious robes, was pointing at him angrily and cursing: “Damn!

who are you!

Do you know where this is!

This is where the ancestral grave of this city lord is located!

Do you know what you are doing! ! ! ”


What is this place?

Isn’t this the place where Ye Xing Martial God was buried?

This place has turned from a desert to an oasis, and most of it is inseparable from the remains of Ye Xing Martial God.

These demon magpie nests occupy the dove, and they are still arrogant?

Su Zhan was very displeased, and he saw that the strongest demons were only equivalent to the third-order sacred human race, and he directly operated the Qiantianyang God Real Art!

Chaos true magic power is excited!

The power of the Demon God’s bloodline emerged, and the shadow of the Primordial Mad Demon appeared!

A violent breath came out.

He looked directly at the city lord of Mobei whose expression had changed drastically, and coldly said:

“I’m digging your family’s ancestral grave, why, do you have any comments?”

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