Chapter 587 Another Demon Has Lost His Dream


The city lord of Mobei, who was originally angrily, felt the power of Su Zhan Saint Demon’s aura level, his mind was cold, and he immediately calmed down.

He squeezed out a smile that was uglier than crying, and murmured, “I just want to ask senior, do you lack the tools you need?

If you are tired, why don’t I send someone to dig for you. How can you let a strong man like you do this kind of rough work? ”

This statement came out.

Those little holy demon realm demons who originally followed the city lord of Mobei were dumbfounded.

If you say yes, you must let this guy who digs the ancestral grave of our bloodmarked demon be dead.

Why does it become a question of whether someone lacks a handy tool when you speak? ? ?

Not just them.

The little demons who had just gotten closer to watch a good show were also dumbfounded at this time.

The city lord of Mobei City did not get angry, but asked whether he lacked tools?

Need to send someone to help?

This is so special!

Is his brain okay?

That is his own ancestral grave! ! !

The dwarf demon was puzzled.

But this doubt, after seeing Su Zhan’s devilish energy surging, brought the starlight coffin to the ground, and felt the terrifying devil’s might.

Dissipated in an instant!

Holy demon!

The senior who let him lead the way is actually a holy demon!

Thinking that he had actually wanted to pit money from a sacred demon, the short demon race was so frightened that he fought with his legs, and knelt on the ground in terror, his forehead pressed against the ground, and he didn’t even have the courage to look up at Su Zhan!

The other strong men and guards who followed the city lord of Mobei also knelt down!

This is no longer a question of loyalty or disloyalty.

In front of a holy demon, their lives are only in one thought!

Who can not kneel, who dare not kneel? !

Moreover, even City Lord Mobei himself kneeled!

Trembling, waiting for Su Zhan to speak.

Su Zhan glanced at them, rather displeased: “Why don’t you demons have any blood?

I dig your ancestral graves, you should be extremely angry now, it’s right to find me desperately! ”

Extremely angry, looking for you desperately?

The corner of the lord of Mobei City’s mouth twitched.

You are a sacred devil, let’s ask you to fight a fart?


I think I bury myself in a coffin, right? ? ?

With slander in his heart, the city lord of Mobei city turned his head quickly, and said quickly: “Senior, it is true!

The location of this ancestral grave is not good, I wanted to move it a long time ago!

I didn’t expect that you, senior, helped me a lot first. I only have gratitude for you, senior, how can I feel resentful! ”

Su Zhan said: “So…I’ve done another good thing?”

Good thing?

Do you call it a good thing to dig someone’s ancestral grave? ? ?

This is so special, who can bear it!

The lord of Mobei City burst into anger, but he said: “…Yes, yes, senior, you, you did a great thing!”

“Sure enough, a kind and good person like me will do good things wherever they go… alas!”

Su Zhan was a little emotional.

At the same time, he looked at the city lord of Mobei with some regret.

I wanted to kill all these evil demons on behalf of the sky.

At the moment, it seems that it is not easy to shoot.

With this in mind, Su Zhan said: “This place does not belong to you demons. Don’t keep this city here anymore.”

Let us relocate as soon as we speak?

The lord of Mobei City was shocked, but when he thought about it carefully, the Spiritual Qi of this place was not as good as each year. Sooner or later, it would decay.

Therefore, he also nodded quickly: “From now on, I will start to relocate!”

“Well, besides, build a big tomb here!”

Su Zhan sighed: “If I didn’t guess wrong, you demons rely on the shelter of this tomb owner to develop here. This is your gratitude.”

“Yes, yes, do so!”

Although the city lord of Mobei didn’t understand what Su Zhan said, he still nodded again and again.

Immediately, what he thought of, he asked with some doubts: “Senior, how to draw up the tombstone?”

“Don’t be so troublesome, just empty tombs and steles.”

After Su Zhan finished speaking, he glanced at the little demon in the distance, thought about it, waved his hand, and threw out a hundred magic crystals at random.

That is one hundred thousand magic stones!

For low-level demons like the dwarf demons, it is definitely a huge sum of money!

The dwarf demon rubbed his eyes and looked at the magic crystals in front of him that were several times more than his total net worth. He immediately moved towards Su Zhan with gratitude, “Little, little, thank you, thank you senior for the reward!”

Su Zhan smiled slightly: “You are short and ugly, your Cultivation Base is low, your blood is poor, and your brain is stupid. Take these magic crystals and ask for a wife who is as ugly as you, don’t cultivate.

Good Life. ”

After speaking, he put away the starlight coffin, turned his body into electric light and left.

The city lord of Mobei was left in relief.

There is also a small demon whose face is getting stiff.

“Senior…Although you gave me so many magic crystals, how come the little one thinks the more he feels that his life is bleak and his future is bleak?”

Holding those one hundred magic crystals, Su Zhan’s words repeatedly appeared in the head of the short demon clan, and only felt that the heart was stabbed a little bit painfully.

I don’t feel happy anymore…

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