Chapter 588 Little Extreme is in the Holy King Realm!

Leaving Mobei City, Su Zhan swept towards Nightmare Mountain for half an hour, and came to a deserted body.

With a wave of his hand, the starlight coffin was thrown out.

This coffin was actually also a Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, of course, it was only the lowest level.

It’s normal to think about it, ordinary coffins have been rotten for hundreds of thousands of years. Can they still be as smooth as new, with light flowing like this?

Su Zhan stretched out his hand and knocked on the coffin, only to find that he couldn’t pour the Saint Yuan into it and open it.

Someone has set up special Restrictions.

He glanced at the coffin in surprise.

Ye Xing Martial God died in the Demon Realm. It would be good if someone gave him a coffin to bury him, but he would even deliberately set up Restrictions to prevent others from opening it?

Could it be that it was the handwriting of Emperor Puppet?

Su Zhan thought about this in his heart, but didn’t take this little Restrictions to heart.

With his knowledge of the formation, he can crack it in at least half an hour.

However, why bother.

Different treasure halo, open!

Su Zhan Shengyuan gushed out again, entered the coffin without hindrance, and pushed the coffin door open!

In the coffin.

A figure about two meters tall, very tall, wearing a starlight dragon robe appeared.

The flesh and blood have disappeared, leaving a complete set of bones.

There was a faint starlight flowing on the surface of the bones, and Su Zhan could sense that even if there was only one bone left, Ye Xing’s Martial God’s peak mythological power was still surging around his body!

“The general Martial Dao myth, the body will decay after being preserved for at least ten thousand years, but Ye Xing Martial God is the myth of the pinnacle of body refining.

His physical body should have only gradually disappeared 80,000 years ago.

The vitality of heaven and earth in it has turned this desert into an oasis!

Various Spiritual herbs grow, and various demons rely on survival!

And 30,000 years ago, Ye Xing Martial God’s physical body was exhausted, and this place began to decline.

Ye Xing Martial God is a mythical figure of the human race in the spirit world, but he did not expect that after death, he would actually benefit a group of demons…

The world is unpredictable. ”

Su Zhan was a little emotional.

Thinking of something, he was rather curious to arouse Lingqing’s eyes and looked at the remains of Ye Xing Martial God.

“This imperial robe is just an ordinary Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, which is nothing but Ye Xing Martial God’s bones…

Actually cultivated the top grade Gengjin, meteorite fragments, sky fire Spirit Stones, sky thunder god bamboo… eight kinds of extremely precious materials!

Ye Xing’s Martial God’s bones can probably be used directly as forging materials for the top-grade Heavenly Dao sage soldiers, and even the top-grade Heavenly Dao sacred soldiers…”

Muttering in his mouth, after Su Zhan was shocked, the light in his eyes narrowed.

He stretched out his hand, took the cover of the coffin, and prepared to cover the coffin.

If Ye Xing’s Martial God’s bones were taken apart and sold out, he might be able to directly increase his net worth ten times, or even a hundred times, a thousand times!

Refining by yourself, you may also be able to get a medium-grade Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier, or even a top-grade Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier!

But no matter how good these things are, there is a premise.

This is the skeleton of Ye Xing Martial God.

The remains of Martial God who once fought bloody battles in the devil world for the human race!

Moreover, Su Zhan also inherited the Martial God inheritance, not to mention that these bones can refine Heavenly Dao Saint Weapon, even if it is the most precious refining material in the world that can refine and handed down Divine Armament, he will not be tempted at all.

There are some things that can’t be taken, just can’t be taken.

Just as Su Zhan was about to seal the coffin and put it away, the remains of the Martial God Ye Xing suddenly released a bright star!

Those stars converged into pure energy lines and poured directly into Su Zhan’s body!

“This is… the residual divine power in Ye Xing’s Martial God’s bones!”

Su Zhan’s face changed slightly, he let go of the coffin lid, and directly sat on the spot, opened the refining aura, and began to refine those energies that were purer and more powerful than Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi, Heaven and Earth Qi!

Because Su Zhan originally cultivated the Star God Body Tempering fist, and like Ye Xing Martial God, it was a god bone, and coupled with the refining halo, these energies were refining very smoothly.

As Ye Xing’s Martial God residual divine power continues to integrate, Su Zhan flesh’s physical fitness continues to increase and become stronger, at the same time, the Shengyuan Cultivation Base also skyrocketed!

Ten minutes later, the corpse of Ye Xing’s Martial God gathered light.

After another three minutes, Su Zhan refined all the remaining energy in his body!

Realm, which has already reached the middle stage of the big sky, directly reached the peak!

Even after he tried to attack the Realm barrier, the Spiritual Qi suddenly changed drastically!


A hurricane roars in the sky!

That is caused by the rapid rush of Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth!

Centered on Su Zhan.

Spiritual Qi is swarming for hundreds of miles around the world!

Those heavens and earth Spiritual Qi condensed into a stream of Spiritual Qi, converging in the sky above Su Zhan’s head!

Form a huge Spiritual Qi vortex!

The vortex stretches downwards and turns into a Spiritual Qi tornado with a height of 1,000 meters!

And those heaven and earth Spiritual Qi, through the Spiritual Qi tornado, madly infused Su Zhan’s body!

After half an hour.

Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi retreats, and Su Zhan also successfully breaks into the Little Extreme Sacred King Realm!

Everything went smoothly, and everything happened without any hindrance.

“Unexpectedly, the bones of Ye Xing Martial God have passed 100,000 years, and there are still some divine powers. These powers are naturally not worth mentioning compared to Ye Xing Martial God in its heyday.

But it allowed me to break into the Little Extreme Saint King Realm, saving almost a month or two of cultivation time.

Moreover, this is not the biggest gain…”

Su Zhan took a deep breath, feeling the changes in his body, a smile from the bottom of his heart appeared on his face.

Not only Cultivation Base breakthrough, his physical fitness has also been greatly increased!

Now he, although the divine bone is still a long way from Ye Xing’s Martial God, it is still comparable to the Supreme Sacred King Artifact!

In the shot, the increase in power is even stronger!

Moreover, the talent for cultivation of various body refining methods has also increased a lot!

The most obvious one should be Ye Xing Martial God’s proudest Body Tempering punch!

Su Zhan even gave birth to a feeling of being able to be small at will!

You know, for this martial arts, his total Insight time is less than ten days!

“Ye Xing Martial God, I am inherited by you, and I will surely bring your bones back to Lintianyu Starlight for burial. Your junior, Ye Qingyu, I will also keep her safe.”

Su Zhan’s cupped hands bowed to the starlight coffin.

Then seal the coffin and put it in the ring of the cave.

Next, while in good condition, he directly cultivated the Star God Body Tempering fist.

Star God Body Tempering fist, even if the body training method, is also an explosive fist.

At the time of cultivation, it draws the stars and tempers the body.

One day later.

Su Zhan successfully cultivated the Star God Body Tempering to Xiaocheng!

The reason why he was able to succeed in such a short period of time was mainly because the energy of Ye Xing’s Martial God remains that made his understanding of the Star God Body Tempering fist soar.

If you still want to cultivate to great success, it will definitely not be completed in a short time.

Therefore, after he cultivated to Xiaocheng, he did not continue to cultivate.

After smashing several mountain peaks into pieces in the forest, after a little test of the power of the Star God Body Tempering’s fist Xiaocheng, Su Zhan showed a satisfied look.

Then, his palm flipped over, and Heavenly Demon Sixth Luo gave him the second Jade Slip.

Puppet Seventeen, Ye Xing’s Martial God remains are all over, and now it is time to complete the last goal of the demon world.

Get the blood of the Demon God and the Demon God Art that is known as the strongest magic power!

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