Chapter 589 Luo Moguo, Nightmare Mountain!

The effect of the Demon God’s blood is beyond doubt, he has already experienced it firsthand.

As for the Devil’s Jue.

In Six Luo’s description, it is also extremely powerful magic power, which is said to be more than ten times more than the true magic power of Chaos!

With the blood of the demon god, his cultivation of demon skills fits perfectly.

If you get the Demon God Art, your strength will definitely increase!

With some anticipation in his heart, Su Zhan began to examine the route carefully.

Nightmare Mountain is far from here, and it may be difficult to reach it in just a day or two.

However, they have all come to the Demon Realm, and they have also successfully obtained a few other things promised by Sixth Luo. It seems that the news is credible, and this distance is nothing.

Su Zhan took the Jade Slip in his hand, aroused the wind and thunder god’s wings, and his body turned into an electric light and left quickly.

Three days later.

Purple Blood Demon domain, somewhere Spiritual Qi is weak, resource-poor country Luo Moguo, the capital city.

The most expensive restaurant in the city, in an elegant box.

Su Zhan sat on the big chair and looked sideways at the demon maid who was dressed and barely able to see, she was similar to the human race and was pouring wine for him.

“Ask you something.”

“What’s the order of senior?”

The maid quickly put down the hip flask and knelt on the ground.

Su Zhan said: “Do you know Nightmare Mountain?”

“Night Mountain?”

The maid was stunned for a moment, and immediately nodded: “I know!

It seems that the senior came from far away, so he would ask about Nightmare Mountain.

Nightmare Mountain, since Luo Moguo was founded more than 100,000 years ago, has always been a forbidden land!

Some people say that the Great Horror Demon is sealed in the Nightmare Mountain. If it is released, the entire Demon Kingdom will be eaten by it!

It is also said that Nightmare Mountain is actually the burial place of the demon kings of the Demon Kingdom of Luo, gathering the entire Demon Kingdom’s luck for days!

Some people say that there are secret treasures in the Nightmare Mountain, which have not been obtained for hundreds of thousands of years, so they were listed as forbidden by the Demon King of Luo Moguo and wanted to possess the treasures!

In short, opinions vary.

The only thing that is certain is that Nightmare Mountain is indeed unusual, otherwise, it would not be listed as a forbidden place for hundreds of thousands of years! ”

Was it a forbidden place in Luo Moguo hundreds of thousands of years ago?

Su Zhan frowned slightly and waved his hand: “Okay, I know, you can withdraw!”

“Yes, senior!”

The maid pointed to a small bell on the table: “Senior has something to do, just shake this bell, and I will come right away!”


Su Behead nodded, watching the maid retreat and close the door.

With a wave of his hand, the sky sword picture appeared.

“Sue fellow daoist, what’s the matter?”

Sixth Luo’s voice sounded.

Su Zhan said calmly: “You didn’t seem to tell me that Nightmare Mountain is the forbidden area of ​​Luo Moguo, right?

Moreover, you let me go to a forbidden place in the most important devil country for hundreds of thousands of years…

Are you trying to get rid of me by the hand of the Demon King of Luo Moguo?

Take my flesh? ”

Sixth Luo smiled and said, “Sue fellow daoist is too worried.

Nightmare Mountain is nothing but a treasure I found by chance. There are indeed Demon God Blood and Demon God Art in it, but similarly, there are also very complicated Restrictions to block it.

I also studied for a long time that year, and I was about to find a way to get rid of Restrictions, but I didn’t expect to fall into the Eastern Wasteland domain because of temporary greed.

As for what Luo Moguo.

I had never heard of this name at the time. Perhaps they discovered this place again after I fell, and they gathered a group of powerful people to establish a demon country here, and want to obtain its treasures! ”

“Even if what you said is true”

Su Zhan frowned and said, “It’s been hundreds of thousands of years, but now there are no treasures in it, right?”

“If it doesn’t, would Luo Moguo also list Nightmare Mountain as a forbidden place?”

Sixth Luo said: “Since it has always been a forbidden place, it means that they have been unable to retrieve the treasure, and Su fellow daoist.

When you walk along the way, you should also find that this demon country is very small, and the area it occupies is the barren land that the big forces don’t want.

Many big families in the Purple Blood Demon domain are stronger than this little demon country.

How can they get the treasures that I couldn’t get back then?

I haven’t been able to get it, and I’ve been unwilling to get it, so Nightmare Mountain will always be a forbidden place!

As for me to get rid of Sue fellow daoist by the hand of Demon King Sha Luo…”

Sixth Luo shook his head: “Su fellow daoist is joking, right?

How powerful can the Demon King be in such a small Demon Kingdom?

Did he get rid of you, or did you get rid of him? ? ? ”

After listening to Six Luo’s words, Su Zhan began to think.

When Luo Sixth saw this, he sighed and said, “Sue fellow daoist, I said before coming here.

Promote your puppet to Deva.


Let you find the remains of Ye Xing Martial God.


But that’s it, you still don’t believe me.

But you seem to trust everyone except me?

Why is this? ”

“Because you are ugly.”


Sixth Luo got angry and immediately calmed down and snorted coldly: “Then you think about it, and it’s up to you to go or not!”

After speaking, he went straight into the sky sword picture.

And Su Zhan continued to think about it.

In fact, for many people, even enemies, he doesn’t think too much.

Because it is not needed.

But the sixth Luo is different.

Since this guy completely recovered his devil soul, he couldn’t see through it at all.

It seemed that Sixth Luo had no body, only a demon soul, which was nothing to worry about.

But he could feel the threat from Six Luo.

This kind of threat is much stronger than the bullshit Mu Family Patriarch, Sect Leader of the Heavenly Sword Sect!

Must be carefully considered!

After thinking about it, Su Zhan picked up the bell on the table and shook it, calling the maid.

After carefully inquiring about Luo Moguo’s approximate strength, he waved his hand to retreat.

Although the maid didn’t know much, judging from the information revealed, the strength of the Demon King of Luo Moguo should have been around Heavenly Demon of the Four Tribulations.

Others, such as the generals of the devil country, can’t be better than the demon king if you think about it?

At most the same?

After all, this is the devil world, The Weak are Prey to the Strong, the strength speaks, whoever has the big fist is the devil!

Cultivation Base Realm, the further the gap is, the bigger the gap.

When Su Zhan first entered the Holy Realm, he could cut the enemy by eight Realms, but after he reached the Holy King Realm, he couldn’t do it.

This is still under the circumstances that he continues to strengthen his physical talent and supernatural powers.

Because who can be the Holy King, which one is not a genius?

Many in the low-level, you can also fight more tiers!

As for those who can become Deva, fighting in the second and third tiers in the holy realm is just like eating and drinking water!

Therefore, he can kill the Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon when he is the Great Heavenly King, but he may not be able to kill the Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon when he breaks into the Small Extreme Holy King.

Who knows if I haven’t beaten this thing before.

Of course, without the certainty of beheading, Su Zhan still had the confidence to retreat.

After thinking about it carefully, he still decided to go to Nightmare Mountain.

After a rest night.

The morning of the second day.

Su Zhan put on a dark demon robe, used the secret technique of the hidden breath that Tang Wujian gave him, and headed towards Nightmare Mountain, which was located less than thirty miles away from the Luomo King’s Palace.

It didn’t take long before he saw the huge Nightmare Mountain that was beyond his expectations.

No, not so much mountain.

Rather, it is a small mountain range!

Although it is not very high, at first glance, the area occupied is much larger than the Royal Palace of Ramo!

Su Zhan aroused his divine eyes. After dozens of miles away, he saw the guards patrolling at the foot of Nightmare Mountain, just as he was thinking about sneaking in or rushing in directly.

The black jade ring flashed.

Sixth Luo’s voice rang through the ring.

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