Chapter 590: Devil Emperor Appears! (Fourth)

“Su fellow daoist, you go to Nightmare Mountain to collect treasures, not to kill people. It’s better not to disturb the Luomo King Clan, otherwise there will be other troubles.

I suggest you dive into Nightmare Mountain.

However, the eight entrances of Nightmare Mountain must be heavily guarded. Of course you can easily kill those demons, but you absolutely can’t stop making any movement.

But I know there is a place where you can use special methods to enter the underground palace in the nightmare mountain without being discovered. If fellow daoist Su can trust me, take out the sky sword picture, and I will take you there! ”


Su Zhan nodded without thinking.

Now that he has decided to go, he will not hesitate.

The palm of his hand turned over, and the sky sword picture appeared.

Wrapped in a mass of demonic energy, he flew towards Nightmare Mountain.


Su Zhan came to the foot of a mountain in Nightmare Mountain.

Even though there are many guards on Nightmare Mountain, this mountain is so big that they cannot be guarded at every corner.

The main thing is the eight passages into the Nightmare Mountain.

Moreover, there are densely engraved runes on the mountain of Nightmare Mountain. If you want to enter it, apart from abruptly exploding, other secret techniques such as the earth escape technique will not work at all!

Taking a look at those runes, Su cut and said: “Okay, you can start.”

“Su fellow daoist wait a minute.”

Heavenly Demon Sixth Luo’s black energy separated a trace.

That trace of black energy suddenly expanded after leaving the sky sword map, turning into a dozen black runes, one by one into the mountain!

Wait ten seconds.

Suddenly there was a slight ripple in the mountain in front of Su Zhan, and in the end, a black vortex resembling a space channel was formed!

He didn’t hesitate either, holding the sky sword picture and stepping directly into the whirlpool.


Wait until the darkness dissipates.

Su Zhan found that he was already in a wide passage.

The ground and surroundings are made of hard special stone.

Every some distance, a piece of high-grade fluorite is inlaid on the stone wall, emitting a faint cold white light, illuminating the passage.

“Where is this?”

Su Zhan was puzzled.

“Sue fellow daoist just walk forward.”

Sixth Luo’s voice sounded.

Su Zhan paused, and then continued on.

Because it was a completely unfamiliar environment, his speed was not fast, he was walking while observing.

It took about ten full minutes to walk, just when he was a little impatient, ready to explode directly to see what was at the end of the passage.

A stone chamber appeared in front of him.

There was nothing in the stone chamber except a three-meter-high corpse of the demon in black armor.

Just when Su Zhan looked at the demon corpse curiously.

The demon corpse that was sitting on the ground suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.

The body is magical!

It was actually a Demon Refining Corpse of the Three Tribulations Heavenly Demon level!

However, just stood up.

The demon corpse instantly reduced its magic power, and then it actually knelt down on one knee towards Su Zhan, as if respecting him.

“What the hell is this?”

Su Zhan frowned slightly, looked at the demon corpse a few more times, but couldn’t understand anything, so he continued along the passage.

Everything, wait until you get out of the tunnel and see the Demon God Blood and Demon God Art!

This time, he speeded up.

It only took a minute.

He walked out of the tunnel!

In front of me, there is a huge space!

Su Zhan’s location was on a huge platform.

This platform presents a circular shape and spreads the entire space ground!

In addition to the passage he walked out of, the other seven directions also had a passage.

And the front of the platform, that is, the central location, is actually a water area like the ocean!

Of course, this piece of water is as black as ink.

There was a black air on the surface, and it looked very strange.

On the edge of the platform and the water, eight small boats are displayed in eight directions.

As for the most central location.

It is an altar.

In the center of the altar, there is a big chair.

On the big chair, there was a figure about two meters tall, wearing a black and white cloud dragon robe and a bead curtain crown on his head!

“This is……”

Su Zhan aroused his divine eyes, just about to see the figure clearly, suddenly he sensed something, his face changed slightly.

I saw that the sixth Luo, originally in his sky sword picture, was shot out at this moment!

It turned into a billowing devilish energy and rushed straight into the center of the Black Sea, the figure on the throne!

“You really have something to hide from me!”

Su Zhan’s eyes cold, the holy thoughts gush out, and the soul and sword are instantly cut down!

“Su fellow daoist, they are already here, how did your soul-slashing sword hurt me?”

Sixth Luo’s voice sounded.

At the same time, the black energy floating on the black sea below him was quickly absorbed by him, and it actually formed a black giant sword, slashing towards the soul and chanting sword.

Both dissipated at the same time.

Seeing that Soul Slashing Sword is useless, Su Zhan’s figure moved and turned into electro-optical lasing!

But just above the Black Sea, a strong traction came from below, forcing his body to stop, and he had to land on the small boat that could withstand the erosion of the Black Sea.

Sheng Yuan surged, pushing the boat like an arrow to chase the sixth Luo.

At the same time, Su Zhan poured Sheng Yuan into the sky sword map.

Use the magical power of the Heavenly Sword Diagram!

The sky sword picture suddenly turned into an extremely huge picture, suspended above the Black Sea, with Sword intent intertwined in the center, turning into a huge whirlpool and pulling towards the black energy of the sixth Luo Suo!

Several black runes suddenly appeared around Sixth Luo, offsetting the force of pulling the seal, and at the same time, he speeded up again and directly rushed into the shadow of the throne!

Su Zhan put away the Ten Thousand Sword Diagram, and the boat under his feet also stopped. Seeing that after the sixth Luo entered, a figure of demonic energy suddenly appeared on the surface, his face was difficult to look.

Just when he was about to use a sword to cut the sixth Luo Lian’s soul with his body.

The passages on both sides suddenly rushed in one after another to escape!

Those escape lights converged, revealing the figure of the demons in it.

About three meters high, with two feet growing on his head, his skin was black and purple, his pupils were dark red, and his muscles were bulging. The others looked like a human.

There are a total of twelve demons.

The weakest of them all reached Heavenly Demon Realm!

The strongest…

Su Zhan’s gaze fell on the sturdy demon in the royal robe, and his expression became solemn.

Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon!

As for the Heavenly Demon of the Four Tribulations, seeing Su Zhan at this moment, after a moment of stunned, he immediately roared in anger, “Who are you!”

Actually broke into the forbidden area of ​​Nightmare Mountain!

Even tried to disturb the body of Lord Demon Emperor!

No matter who you are, today, you will be broken into pieces!

kill him! ! ! ”

Give an order.

The other eleven Heavenly Demons all exploded with terrifying demon power, took out treasure weapons, and each of them was extremely angry, as if they couldn’t wait to eat Su Zhan.

Su Zhan took a deep breath and a starlight flew out from the center of his eyebrows, Da Ri Star sword in his hand.

Just when he was planning to arouse the divine body, throw out seventeen, and stand with these demons.

A flat and majestic voice sounded from behind: “Get out!”

With this voice sounded.

Including the Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon, the twelve Heavenly Demon suddenly opened their eyes, shocked, and looked at the altar throne behind Su Zhan in disbelief.

After a brief stupefaction, everyone fell to their knees!

The sounds of ecstasy, excitement, and shock came from the mouths of twelve Heavenly Demons at the same time!

“Meet your Majesty the Devil Emperor!”

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