Chapter 591 Six Souls Reincarnated, Hatred penetrates the bone!

“The Devil…”

Su Zhan turned around, staring at the figure in the Yunlong imperial robe that looked almost the same as the human race, and even had a more handsome face, and said: “You really lied to me, you are not Heavenly. Demon!”

“Su fellow daoist, I didn’t lie to you.”

Sixth Luo did not show hostility, and said: “I am indeed a Heavenly Demon of the Three Tribulations.

But at the same time, I was also the last soul of Yunluo Devil Emperor Cultivation Six Soul Reincarnation Technique hundreds of thousands of years ago!

Before I merged into this body, even if I had awakened the spiritual imprint left by the Devil Emperor, I had all the memories, emotions, joys, anger, sorrow and joy of the Devil Emperor.

But my identity can only be regarded as the sixth soul of Devil Emperor Yunluo, I didn’t lie to you. ”

Su Zhan’s eyes flashed: “If you say that, are you the sixth Luo or the Devil Emperor Yunluo?”

“I am the sixth Luo and the Devil Emperor Yunluo!

Of course, from now on, my identity can only be the Devil Emperor Yunluo, and you can also call me that. ”

Feeling the strong hostility on Su Zhan, the Devil Emperor Yunluo shook his head and said: “Su fellow daoist, you have got your spiritual heart from this trip, Martial God remains, you are not at a loss, why bother?

As for using you to return to the demon world to resurrect… Su fellow daoist, under the world, are there really no good points to take?

After all, we just get what we need! ”

Hearing the words of Devil Emperor Yunluo, Su Zhan said calmly: “Since you have achieved your goal now, let’s clarify what happened hundreds of thousands of years ago!

What is the relationship between you and Ye Xing Martial God?

Also, what the hell are you Yunluo Devil Emperor?

I also collected a lot of information about the Devil Emperor in the Eastern Wasteland domain. It doesn’t seem to be yours? ”


As soon as this statement came out, before Demon Emperor Yunluo could speak, the Demon King Luo of the Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon already roared: “Devil Yunluo is the greatest demon in the demon world for millions of years. emperor!

It is the lord of the great grace of my Luomo clan for generations!

Do you dare to speak rudely to your Majesty the Devil, that is to be with my Luo Mo clan——”

“Well, it just happened to have just recovered. I haven’t spoken for hundreds of thousands of years. It doesn’t hurt to talk more.”

Devil Emperor Yunluo waved his hand to shut Demon King Luo and immediately looked at Su Zhan and said, “Even if you don’t ask about these things, I’m ready to tell you.

Sue fellow daoist should know that the Demon Realm is divided into ten major Demon Realms.

And my original identity was the master of the Purple Blood Demon domain, the Demon Emperor Yunluo!

Hundreds of thousands of years ago, our Purple Blood Demon domain was the strongest demon domain in the demon world, and I was also the strongest demon emperor in the demon world.

Later, those of you in the spirit world didn’t know what went crazy and took the initiative to attack the devil world.

Unfortunately, the space channel they entered and where they came out happened to be in my Purple Blood Demon domain. Of course, I wouldn’t just sit idly by.

However, although the Purple Blood Demon domain was strong, it was still in a panic when faced with a sudden attack on the two spiritual domains of the Lintian domain and the Eastern Wasteland domain.

Even at the very beginning, our Purple Blood Demon domain retreated in a row, and the Realm, which was occupied by the spirit world, was nearly one-tenth!

Of course, this defeat is because I deliberately used myself as a bait to introduce Ye Xing, Puppet Emperor, and the two spiritual Martial Dao myths into the deathmatch space I specially arranged.

And successfully killed Ye Xing and the other two Martial Dao myths, after the puppet emperor was hit hard, it was completely changed! ”

Using yourself as a bait, defeated the four Martial Dao myths, but also won?

Su Zhan was a little surprised: “You are called the Demon Emperor, in fact, it is only the Heavenly Demon of the Nine Tribulations, and it is no different from the Martial Dao Realm.

Can one enemy four?

Even the existence of Puppet Emperor and Martial God? ”

“This is normal.”

Demon Emperor Yunluo showed a proud meaning: “I, Yunluo, is the pinnacle of the blood of the Demon Purple Blood Demon clan!

The top ten demon realms are the strongest, even if compared with several extremely powerful demon masters in the ancient demon world, I am not weak!

Is it comparable to Ye Xing Puppet Emperor?

It’s a pity that I was born too late, and I couldn’t see the strongest inanimate sword emperor in the mythology of the spirit world. If you fight against him, you will have no regrets…”

It turns out that Luo, who has been trapped in the sword map, is so strong? ? ?

Su Zhan was really shocked.

At the beginning, he also thought about what Nine Tribulations Heavenly Demon this guy might be like, but he couldn’t think of it, he was already so strong, if it were converted into a spiritual world myth.

It is estimated that they also existed side by side with the Wusheng Sword Emperor, Liangyi Sword Emperor and other first-rate ancient mythological figures.


Thinking of what, Su Zhan was a little puzzled: “You can kill Ye Xing Martial God. If you say that, that coffin…”

“I gave it to him.”

Devil Emperor Yunluo said indifferently: “I and him are only in different camps. I admire his strength of character that he would rather die than retreat. If he is also a demon, maybe we can become friends, but there are not so many ifs.

I killed him, but I didn’t hate him, so I buried him in the desert of Mobei, but I didn’t expect that this action actually benefited my demons, and it was an unexpected gain.

After the puppet emperor escaped from the deathmatch space, he wanted to escape back to the spiritual world, but in the end he also ended up with an extinction of his body and soul.

After this war, your spirit world’s army of attacking the demon world quickly collapsed and was quickly wiped out. This is the truth hundreds of thousands of years ago. ”

“Since according to what you said, you won a big victory, why did you end up like this?”

“Why did I end up like this?”

Demon Emperor Yunluo, who seemed to have been uncovered from his scars, had been calm, but at this time he finally clenched his fists suddenly, and infinite hatred appeared in his eyes.

“Hundreds of thousands of years ago, although I won a big victory, I was also hit hard by the Martial God puppet emperor and those Martial Dao myths!

Just when I was planning to recover from Closed Door Training, I did not expect that the other nine Demon Realms sent a large number of powerful men into the Purple Blood Demon Realm on the grounds of rescuing the Purple Blood Demon Realm!

Even the other nine masters of the Demon Realm are here!

I know what they are thinking, and I have arranged it a long time ago. The place is so secretive that no one else knows except me and my empress!

But I didn’t expect to kill me. The empress who shared the tribulations with me, and lived and died, had always wanted to replace me!

In the end, she betrayed me. I was besieged by the lord of the nine demon realms. I used several secret techniques to throw away all the treasures and explode. After all my life, I escaped from the encirclement.

But at that time, I was already at the end of the crossbow, my physical injury was okay, and the devil soul was so severely injured by those people that it could not be healed, and I had to wait to die!

I thought I couldn’t escape the fate of being chased to death by those people, but what I didn’t expect was that in my childhood, one of the demons I had saved had become a strong man in Heavenly Demon, that is, the ancestor of the Luo demons.

It was he who saved me and placed me in Nightmare Mountain according to my instructions. While recovering with the power of Nightmare Mountain and the Black Sea, he wanted to resurrect with the Six Soul Reincarnation Technique, but my distracted souls were also resurrected by the Empress Yao Ji. Kill, she knows where my soul lamp is.

After seeing my soul die and the other six souls did not react at all in the demon world, they thought that I was completely dead, as did the other nine masters of the demon world.

However, they did not expect that my sixth soul left the demon world by chance, and his body was annihilated. The demon soul was wrapped in The Underworld flames, and the life soul lamp could not produce any induction!

Ye Xing, the puppet emperor, and even those myths in your spiritual world, are enemies of me and severely wounded me, but I don’t hate them, but their positions are different.

I hate the empress Yao Ji who penetrates the bone the most, and the nine old dogs!

Now, hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and I have once again returned to the Demon Realm, the nine great Demon Realms, what the Empress Yao Ji did to me, I will give them back a hundred times! ”


The Devil Emperor Yunluo took a deep breath, and after three full seconds, he exhaled a turbid breath, calmed down a little, the light in his eyes flashed, and he looked directly at Su Zhan:

“Okay, Sue fellow daoist, I said everything you want to know.

Now, you are willing to join hands with me, and when I become the strongest of the Demon World again, you will be the master of this Purple Blood Demon domain!

how? ! ”

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