Chapter 594 Refining the Demon God’s Blood!

“Your Majesty the Devil Emperor is wise!”

Demon King Luo looked at Demon Emperor Yunluo respectfully and said.

In fact, even though he was the leader of the Luo Mo clan, he had never seen the Yun Luo Demon Emperor before today.

In other words, I haven’t seen the alive Devil Emperor Yunluo.

Just follow the ancestral instructions, guard the body of the Devil Emperor Yunluo, and wait for the return of the Devil Emperor!

Although, because the teachings have been passed down from generation to generation, the Luo Mo clan has almost regarded the Demon Emperor Yunluo as the ancestor who established the Luo Mo Kingdom, and his status is respected.

But after all, they haven’t seen it with their own eyes, so although they obeyed the orders, they didn’t really convince them.

Until this moment, he felt that the Devil Emperor Yunluo was as wise and martial as the ancestral instruction said, and he was worthy of them to follow!

“Although Su Zhan is the number one confidant of our Demon Realm, to me today, he is not actually the number one enemy.”

Devil Emperor Yunluo’s killing intent appeared in his eyes, looking at Demon King Luo, coldly said: “Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, how about the empress Yaoji, and the nine old dogs?”

“His Majesty the Demon Emperor, the masters of the Demon Realms who murdered you are now dead, but the nine major Demon Realms are still in the hands of their descendants!

As for the empress…

Twenty thousand years ago, there was also news that it was gone! ”

“It’s normal for the nine old dogs to die, but Yao Ji’s body is the longevity bamboo, plus my gods of longevity, for hundreds of thousands of years, she can’t die!”

Demon Emperor Yunluo frowned: “It seems that she probably also sensed the Realm above the Heavenly Demon of the Nine Tribulations, and withdrew from the disputes in the Demon Realm with suspended animation, she wanted to ask for help.

However, this is not a bad thing, she is not here, and I am in the Purple Blood Demon domain, and it is better to use my hands and feet!

With the help of the power of the Black Sea, I can return to the peak state in at least a hundred years. Then, I will find her to settle the accounts! ”

As Devil Emperor Yunluo said, he thought of something, and said: “You can find a reliable hand to do things about contacting my old ministry, but if you have something, you have to go there yourself.”

“Your Majesty Devil, please say!”

“To the west of the Mu family of the Yishan generation, in a region of 100,000 miles, you take someone to find me a young girl.”

As the Devil Emperor Yunluo said, tap his finger, and the black sea below filled with black energy, forming a girl like a human race, and then he continued: “Look clearly, remember, this person is called toothless, Cultivation Base is only Tier 5 The pinnacle of the demons is Su Zhan’s apprentice, which is of extraordinary significance.

You must make sure to bring her back intact, if you can’t handle the matter, you should not come back! ”

“Yes, your Majesty the Devil!”

Demon King Luo nodded quickly, and immediately, thinking of something, his heart moved: “His Majesty the Devil wants to threaten Su Zhan with this woman?

However, your Majesty, haven’t you planned to take Su Zhan’s life in the Fengling Ruins? ”

“This female has a special bloodline and her talent has not yet been awakened. Moreover, she is not close to the human race of the spirit world. She is good for cultivation, and may be an important help for me to unify the demon world in the future!

As for Su Zhan…

Although it is common sense that in the Fengling Ruins, Nasu will not have a third result except for the alliance with me and the killing of the Heavenly Demon powerhouse dispatched by me.

But Su Zhan is this person…”

Devil Emperor Yunluo paused, frowning: “You can’t always reason.

If he really can’t kill him, his disciple can also become an important chess piece in my hand. ”

“His Majesty the Devil is really foresight!”


Devil Emperor Yunluo shook his head and laughed at himself.

“If I had the strength at the beginning, where would I need to plan for this?

Today, I am weak, with too many strong enemies, like walking on thin ice, so I can’t plan well!

However, after grabbing Su Zhan’s great opportunity in the Fengling Ruins, the situation should be much better!

Okay, you step back and do what I tell you! ”

“Yes, Your Majesty Demon Emperor!”

The powerful Luo Mozu retreat respectfully one after another.

“Su Zhan, I hope you can give me a surprise in the Fengling Ruins.”

Watching those demons leave, with a murmur, Devil Emperor Yunluo sat on the altar directly, pulling the mist of the Black Sea and restoring his strength.

At this time, Su Zhan was hundreds of miles away from Nightmare Mountain.

With his body swiping through the clouds, Su Zhan was in a happy mood.

This trip to the Demon Realm, he had done everything he wanted.

Moreover, Sixth Luo was originally a factor that he had always felt uneasy, and now he ran away.

No matter what Demon Emperor he is, when he returns to the spirit world, he has nothing to do with him.

However, the space passage of the Vajra dynasty was probably already closed at this time.

It seems that I can only find another place, but it is not enough. Just use the space channel that can be opened at any time in the Wumeng Sea, and it is closer to Xuantian Sacred Land.

As for returning to the Devil Emperor Yunluo to ask for a space channel location, Su Zhan thought about it for a moment, and then dispelled the idea.

The Devil Emperor Yunluo is completely different from the sixth Luo at the beginning, and his identity in the Devil Realm is bound to be able to mobilize a lot of power, and then he does not need to be afraid of him, because he has just resurrected and has no time to arrange anything.

But now to return again, that might be the case.

And Yunluo Devil Emperor can be so forbearing, defrauding his trust with spiritual puppets, Martial God remains, and many treasures, and eventually achieve his goal smoothly. It may not be impossible to do this again.

If it is because of a wrong space channel, you are stuck somewhere in the Minor World like the Five Elements world, then it will be a big trouble!

Thinking of this in his heart, Su Zhan waved his hand and threw Seventeen out: “Seventeen, you can now use the sword, right?”

“Yes, but the speed is only about a catastrophe Deva, not skilled.”


Su Zhan nodded, and threw out a rough map of the Purple Blood Demon domain that he found from Mu’s house and said: “If you encounter the Demon or other troubles on the way to Wumeng Sea, I will deal with it, let’s go!”

“Yes, master!”

Throwing his hand on the Seventeenth Day, the Heavenly Golden Sword flew out and turned into a giant sword more than ten meters long suspended in the sky.

Su Zhan came to the Heavenly Golden Sword, sat down cross-legged, and took out the small jade bottle given to him by the Yunluo Devil Emperor.

It’s a long journey to the Wumeng waters. At a speed of seventeen, it’s estimated that it will take ten days.

These time can be used.

The Demon God Jue is very profound, and it will be impossible to practice it for a while.

But the blood of the Devil God can be refined first!

Moreover, after refining the blood of the Demon God, the blood of the Demon God will be strengthened, and the cultivation of the Demon God Art will be more effective!

However, it is better not to disturb a little during the refining process…

After pondering for a while, Su Zhan took out several high-rank charms and stuck them on the sword around him.


The magic talisman buzzed and connected to each other, forming a transparent shield that cut off the sound of the wind and even the turbulent flow of breath.

After doing this, Su Zhan’s eyes fell on the small jade bottle again.

Last time, refining the blood of the demon god, let himself become the blood of the demon god, and greatly increased his strength.

Now that it is refining again, what effect will it have?

Recalling the increase in strength brought about by refining the blood of the Demon God, Su Zhan was full of expectation, opened the small jade bottle, and swallowed the drop of the Demon God’s blood in one mouthful.

Turning on the refining aura, his eyes closed slightly and he began to concentrate on refining.

And this time.

The Seventeen who had been watching Su Zhan also retracted his gaze, realizing that Su Zhan had done what he had to do. The golden light on his body was shining, and the energy was poured into the heavenly golden sword under his feet.


In the next instant, the Heavenly Golden Sword turned into a golden rainbow light, breaking through the air!

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