Chapter 595 You are very lucky!

Su Zhan’s body surface has wide pores, and the blood Qi is scarlet.

That is the rush of Blood Qi brought by the refining demon god’s blood.

Compared to the first time refining the blood of the Demon God, this time I don’t know if it was because of the blood of the Demon God, it was obviously much smoother.

Even the pain of blood vessel replacement is greatly reduced.

After half an hour.

That drop of Demon God’s blood was smoothly refined by him.

Cultivation Base also Ascension some.

Of course, the biggest gain is the blood of the Demon God in the body!


Su Zhan inspires the blood of the devil in the body!

Suddenly, an extremely violent breath was released!

In the devil qi, there is a faint trace of Blood Qi lingering, and behind him, there is also a faint shadow of the demon god.

That demon phantom and his body sometimes merged and disappeared, and sometimes appeared again!

“Master, what’s the matter with you?”

Sensing Su Zhan’s body exuding Heavenly Demon aura, even concealing his aura as a human race, as if completely becoming a demon, Seventeen turned around, flashing golden light in his eyes and asked.

“It’s okay, you take care of Yujian.”

Su Zhan opened his eyes.


Seventeen nodded, and continued to imperial emissary of the Heavenly Golden Sword.

And Su Zhan also lowered his head, watching the scarlet blood flow on his arm.

Before, although he had the blood of the Demon God, it was only the lightest kind, and he could not see the manifestation of the power of the blood on the surface of the flesh, but now he can clearly see it.

Of course, the power of these bloodlines will only emerge when the Demon God’s bloodlines are urged to the extreme.

“The Demon God’s bloodline is an explosive power. Now my Demon God’s bloodline has been greatly Ascensioned, and the explosive power has increased. Whether it is Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship or the Star God Body Tempering fist, the power limit will increase accordingly!

Before, I could only share the same balance with Heavenly Demon of the Four Tribulations, and fight against each other, but now, if the blood of the Demon God broke out and other powers, it should be enough to defeat the Heavenly Demon of the Four Tribulations, right? ! ”

Feeling the increase in power, Su cut his mouth and a smile appeared on his face.

The blood of the demon god has increased, and his physique has also been strengthened.

After sensing the changes in his body again, Su Zhan retracted the power of the Demon God’s bloodline, flipped his palm, and a stone monument about one meter high, gray and white on the surface, without a word on the surface, but with traces of black aura appeared on him. Hands.

It was the Demon God Art that the Devil Emperor Yunluo gave him.

At Nightmare Mountain, he just took a cursory look and found it very mysterious. After it was not a fake, he put it away. Now it happens to have a lot of time to get a good Insight Insight.

His gaze fell on the Demon God Jue Stone Tablet, and Su Zhan Sheng Nian gushed out and entered the spiritual world of the stone tablet.

In the boundless world of magic energy, one by one mysterious rune appeared. Su Zhan’s eyes focused on the first rune and insight took about a minute.

Rune suddenly burst into pieces in his eyes, turning them into words that he could understand.

Every word carries a peculiar power.

Put pressure on his mental consciousness.

Every time you read a word, you need to be supported by powerful Mental Energy. Fortunately, Su Zhan Mental Energy is far beyond the average Little Extreme Saint King. Otherwise, if you can’t even finish the content of the first rune, you will have a mental breakdown and don’t cultivate for a while. Time can’t be restored!

It took a full half an hour before he finished reading the content of the first rune.

The spiritual consciousness leaves the world of the Demon God Jue stele.

Su Zhan opened his eyes, and the good mood brought about by refining the blood of the demon god suddenly dissipated.

The demon art is divided into a total of, the first layer of holy demon can be cultivated, the second layer is Heavenly Demon, and the third layer needs to survive the nine calamities of Heavenly Demon.

This is not critical.

The key is that according to the first rune of the Demon God Jue, that is, the general description of the Demon God Jue, the first level is okay, it just increases the strength, improves the body shape, and the devilish energy rolls.

But once you reach the second floor, you will turn into a demon with two heads and four arms!

The third layer is three heads and six arms!

In the Demon God Jue, this form is called the Demon God Real Body!

The real body of the devil…

Isn’t this what’s so special? ? ?

Moreover, three heads and six hands… From a distance, doesn’t it look like a crab?

This is too ugly.

Su Zhan felt depressed in his heart.

Sure enough, the Demon Race is the Demon Race, and Cultivation Technique is so weird. If you have to change two more heads, there will be no one.

However, the strength of this magic power is still very high, and it is a pity not to cultivate.

Forget it, let’s talk about the first level of Insight Insight first, if there is a better replacement in the future, the second level will not be practiced!

With a decision in his heart, Su Zhan immersed his mind in the stone tablet again, and began to insight.

And Seventeen, also continued to fly with the sword in the direction when Su Zhan came, which also coincided with the route to the Wumeng Sea.

Two days later.

Su Zhanzheng was insightful with the Demon God Jue, and suddenly felt something, retracted his holy thoughts, and opened his eyes.

Divine light flashed in his eyes, looking towards the air ahead.

Under the action of Lingqing God’s purpose, the energy surging of the power of forbidden air appeared.


This place is barren, how can there be restricted air Restrictions?

Moreover, I have walked through here before, and I didn’t find this thing at all.

Su Zhan had some doubts in his heart. As the distance approached, he also saw a guard post below and the demons lurking in the clouds.

Those demons apparently also discovered his existence, one by one, as if they were facing a major enemy.

However, those demons with the highest Cultivation Base are only the sixth-order demons equivalent to the peak of the Terran Yulong Realm. At a speed of seventeen, those people can’t stop them at all.

As for the ban on air Restrictions, under the huge power gap, it will not have any effect at all.

But, it seems unnecessary to leave like this?

Su Zhan’s eyes flickered, falling from the Heavenly Golden Sword, and at the same time, he put the Seventeenth and Heavenly Golden Sword into the Heavenly Cave Ring.


With a flash of his body, he slashed away the ambush formation in front of him with a Sword Qi, and came to the strongest person among the demons in front of him.

“Senior! Senior forgive me! The little ones just follow orders!”

The wolf head demon clan saw that Su Zhan was so fast, the idea that he had just been about to inform the leader of Sirius City disappeared immediately, and he knelt down, begging for mercy in horror.

“According to orders?”

Su Zhan was surprised: “Whose order? What order? To be clear, I will not kill you.”

“Yes Yes Yes!”

The demons seemed to grab a life-saving straw, and quickly said: “The little one is just a commander of Sirius City. He is ordered by the commander to ambush one, one…”

Sirius City Commander hesitated for a moment, flipped his palm, and took out a portrait exactly like Su Zhan’s body. He bit his head and said: “A senior who is about the same as a senior, with a young girl…Huh?”

As if he had discovered something strange, the Sirius city chief’s eyes lit up and his face was full of surprise and said: “Senior, although you are very similar to the person we were looking for, you don’t have any girl with you!

It seems that we have found the wrong person!

I just said, how could it happen!

Others have been on duty for half a month without seeing Mao!

I happened to be on duty in this area for less than half a day before I could meet the target person!

It turned out to be a mistake, hahaha! ”

At this moment, Su Zhan’s gaze fell on the portrait, remembering how he once killed the son of the city lord in Sirius City.

Shaking his head, he said to the Sirius Commander who was full of surprises and was as excited as escaping from the dead: “You are not mistaken, I am the one you are going to ambush.

It seems that your luck is very good. ”

As Su Zhan’s voice fell.

The Sirius city commander who was originally excited was taken aback, the smile on his face instantly solidified.

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