Chapter 596 I’ll be in front of you soon! (Third more)

“Before, senior”

Sirius City Commander, crying and crying: “It should be a mistake, right?”

“Nothing was wrong, all right, now you can hand me over to your city lord to receive the reward.”

As soon as Sirius City Commander heard this, he felt horrified in his heart, and cried out in shock, “Don’t worry, senior, even if you kill me, I will never reveal your whereabouts to others!”

“Don’t talk nonsense, let you take me to see the Lord of Sirius City, you just do.”

Su Zhan said displeased: “Do you really want to die?”


Sirius City’s chief executive faintly felt that there would be a big deal to lead Su Zhan in the past, but at this moment, for the sake of his life, he could only bite the bullet and said: “Okay, senior, I will take you to see the city lord, but I have to report to the leader first. …

Of course, if the senior disagrees–”

“Hurry up, don’t waste time.”

Su Zhan nodded.

“Senior wait a minute.”

The Sirius city commander flipped his palm and took out a black ball.

As he poured magic energy into the round beads, runes appeared on the round beads.

A few seconds later.

All those runes were submerged in the ball.

At the same time, a voice of the Demon Race rang: “Wolf Qing, what’s the matter?

You actually used the Communication Bead to contact me. Could it be that you found the trace of the person who killed the Young Master? ”

“Yes… not right!”

The chief of Sirius City rolled his eyes and said, “Commander, he is already in front of me now!”


The Sirius City leader over there was stunned for a moment, and immediately exclaimed: “Okay!

I didn’t see that your kid still has this ability!

You escort him directly in front of the City Lord’s Mansion, and I will go over immediately. Let’s meet at the City Lord’s Mansion! ”

“and many more!”

Sirius City Commander hurriedly said: “Commander, this person, this person is very fast!”

“No matter how fast it is, it’s not constrained by our formation, caught by you!”

“He is not only fast, he is also great!”

“Wolfqing, are you a fool?

He’s already in front of you, how good is he?

Can you get caught?

Okay, don’t talk nonsense, hurry up and escort to the city lord’s mansion!

This is a great contribution, I don’t know how the city lord will reward us, hahaha! ”

The voice just fell.

The black ball in Sirius City’s hand was dim, and it was no longer possible to send messages.

Putting away the communication beads, Lang Qing felt extremely depressed, and greeted the eighteenth generations of the ancestors of Sirius City.

What a pig’s brain!

I said that he is fast and powerful, and he is still standing in front of me!

Can’t understand this?

If I could capture him alive, would I still say that?

Do you really want me to say that he has held me in front of this extremely powerful terrorist existence?

Isn’t that looking for death? ? ?

I never expected it.

The commander is stupid to this point, now it’s okay…

When I arrive at the City Lord’s Mansion, I am afraid that something big will happen!

Langqing was crying and depressed.

“What are you thinking?”

Su Zhan said: “I don’t leave after I’ve finished speaking, is it possible, are you thinking of ways to murder me?”

“No, no, no!”

The wolf green hair stood upright, and said in horror: “Senior don’t get me wrong, I will take you there!”

“Come up.”

Seeing this, Su Zhan directly threw the Sky Star Epee and headed towards Sirius City with the bitter Wolf Green.

at this time.

Sirius City, the main mansion of the city.

The Lord of Sirius City looked at the skinny demons who rushed in in front of him, and said with a bit of discomfort: “Wing Demon, at your speed, you should have returned from Mu’s house a long time ago. How could it be delayed until now?”

“City Lord, I ran into some trouble on the road, and it was delayed for a few days!”

The monster race, who was only over one meter tall and looked extremely thin in front of the five-meter-high Sirius City Lord, quickly said: “This is not the point!


Do you know what I found in Mu’s house? ”

“Huh? Look at you like this…”

The Lord of Sirius City was surprised: “Could it be that the mysterious demon clan has done something serious in Mu’s house?”

“It’s not a big deal!”

The Wing Demon said loudly: “He has wiped out Mu’s family!!!”


The Lord of Sirius City’s face changed slightly, and he was shocked: “The Mu Family is such a huge creature, what status is he, can actually shake the Mu Family!”

“I don’t know what identity it is, but when I arrived at Mu’s house, Mu’s house was indeed in ruins, riddled with blemishes!

City Lord, that person’s strength is too terrifying! ”

“Strength… Do you mean that he did not rely on his identity and background, but on his own strength, to destroy the Mu family?”

The Lord of Sirius City shook his head repeatedly: “No! This is impossible!

Didn’t Elder from Mu’s take a shot?

Many of them are the existence of the peak of the holy demon!

Big Elder even reached Heavenly Demon Realm! ”

“City Lord, Mu’s Elder was killed by the mysterious demons!”

“Where is Mu Family Patriarch!”

The Lord of Sirius City clenched a fist and said: “Two Tribulations, Heavenly Demon, that is Two Tribulations, Heavenly Demon!”

Wing Demon said: “I’m also killed!”

“Also, there is also the ancestor of the Mu family!”

The Lord of Sirius City could not accept, “Could it be possible that he could still kill the ancestor of the Mu family?”

“He can really kill him!”

“No! Impossible! I don’t believe it!

If he is really so strong, would he come to a small place like our Sirius City?

This is impossible! ”

The Lord of Sirius City roared: “You must be talking nonsense, maybe, you didn’t go to Mu’s house at all!

Just made it out of thin air!

Wing demon, you are so bold! ”

“City Lord, see for yourself!”

Wing Demon flipped his palm and took out a green bead.

The beads gush out, forming a light curtain.

On the light curtain, is the Baili territory of Mu’s family.

It’s just that what appears is a ruined wall.

In the center, there is even a huge pit, it seems like a big mountain blasted down from the sky!

“City Lord, have you seen it?”

Yi Yao said: “If it were the ancestors of the Mu family and the owners of the Mu family were still there, would they allow someone to destroy the Mu family territory in this way?”


The lord of Sirius City staggered back a few steps with his huge body, and sat down on the big chair.

Face full of horror, cold sweat!

Seeing these pictures, he indulged in not wanting to believe it, and could only believe it!

When he thought that he was actually trying to find such a horrible existence and revenge that could subvert the Mu’s family with his own power, he felt a burst of horror in his heart!


Fortunately, I haven’t encountered it yet, and everything is too late!

With fear in his heart, he turned towards the Wing Demon: “Quick! Go and inform the leader of the original wolf!

Let him demolish all formations!

Everyone tuned back!

Just shrink in Sirius City, and you are not allowed to go anywhere! ”

“Yes! I’m going to inform the leader!”

The Wing Demon answered, and just turned around and was about to leave, he saw the Sirius City leader rushing in with a smile on his face wearing armor.

“The city lord is looking for me for something? Just so, I also have a happy event to report to the city lord!”

“Happy event?”

The City Lord of Sirius City was taken aback for a moment, faintly feeling something uncomfortable, and asked in a trembling voice: “No, no, it’s not that you have already discovered that, right?”

“The city lord really expected everything! I originally wanted to give you a surprise to the city lord, but now it seems that I can’t do it!

However, we are more than just discovering! ”

The leader of Sirius City was proud and inviting credit, flaunting: “City Lord, I’m afraid you don’t believe it!

That guy has been captured by my men back alive, and will soon be in front of you, the lord of the city! ”

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