Chapter 599: The Big Sheep! (Third more)

After speaking, the City Lord of Sirius City returned to the City Lord’s Mansion with the Wing Demon.

It didn’t take long for them to take Su Zhan’s Heavenly Star Epee and head towards the Purple Blood Tribe.

On the sword, the city lord of Sirius City looked at the starry epee’s dazzling sword body, perceiving the extremely powerful power in it, and his eyes showed greedy gaze.

If the swordman dies, this sword may belong to him!

No, this kind of treasure will definitely be taken by the Purple Demon tribe. It seems that even if Su is dead, it won’t get much benefit…

Can only be regarded as revenge for Langheng.

Thinking of this in his mind, the city of Sirius was a little disappointed.

Under Su Zhan’s full force.

The half-month journey from the mouth of the Lord of Sirius City took only one day to arrive.

“Senior, that is the Purple Demon Forest where the Purple Demon Tribe is located!”

In the sky, the city lord of Sirius City pointed to the dense forest and said: “The Purple Demon tribe is also the Purple Blood Demon tribe, but the blood is very weak and cannot be accepted by the core of the Purple Blood Demon tribe, so he opened up a tribe here.

The strength of the Purple Demon tribe is very powerful. They have many spatial channels, and there are only five or six of them at the Saint Demon level!

There are as many as dozens of those below the holy demon level!

The purple Blood Demon clan king is very irritable, senior, when we get to the purple Blood Demon clan, don’t talk, let me talk to him, I have a relationship with the purple Blood Demon clan king, maybe let me come Explain that it is better to come! ”

“Well, it’s just for borrowing, and it’s not for him. What’s more, I’m willing to pay. It shouldn’t be a big problem.”

Su beheaded nodded.

Soon, he entered the central area of ​​the Purple Devil Forest.

After passing through an invisible barrier.

The scenery in front of Su Zhan immediately changed drastically!

The forest that had been endless at first glance turned into a group of buildings.

Most of those buildings are made of white stones, and they are huge!

Some even hover directly in the air.

One of the most eye-catching is the magic mountain in the center of this blockbuster, about three hundred miles away.

That magic mountain exudes billowing magic energy, even if it is three hundred miles away, Su Zhan can roughly sense it.

Su Zhan’s gaze fell on the Demon Mountain, and as soon as he was about to go, a dozen demons immediately stopped him.

He is about four or five meters tall, except for his ugly facial features, and his skin is dark and ultraviolet, which is not much different from the human race.

“Who are you, what do you call the Purple Demon Tribe?”

“Brothers, this is, but… senior, what is your name?”

The Lord of Sirius City was halfway talking, only to remember that he still didn’t know Su Zhan’s name, and quickly asked.

“Su Mo.”

Su reported a false name.

“Yes, Su Mo senior!”

The Lord of Sirius City said: “This Su Mo senior, but his own power has destroyed the Mu Family’s existence!

He has something to see with your clan king, don’t you hurry up and report it! ”

Will the existence of Mu’s family be destroyed by one’s own power?

The guards were all taken aback.

A face full of unbelief.

But believe it or not, the city lord of Sirius City was so shocked when he spoke, they really didn’t dare to neglect.

If it’s true, wouldn’t it be trouble to the upper body?

Moreover, if it is fake, of course these guys will be severely punished by the clan king!

Thinking about this, the head of the guard respectfully said: “The senior followed me to the living room and waited for a while. I immediately sent someone to notify the clan king!”


Su beheaded nodded, and followed the guard leader to leave.

Soon, he came to sit down in the meeting room.

“Su senior, I met the Purple Demon clan king, and I went outside to meet him.”

Just sitting down, the Lord Sirius City spoke.

“Well, you go.”

Su Zhan said casually, looking around.

The living room of the high rank demons and the human race of the spirit world are actually not much different except for various tables and chairs that are specially enlarged.

After a few glances, he lost interest, closed his eyes and waited quietly.

It didn’t take long.

The clan king of the Purple Demon tribe came outside the meeting room.

“Lord Lang Yuan of Sirius City, pay homage to Lord Purple Demon Clan King!”

The lord of Sirius City hurriedly bowed down to the huge purple demon king who was ten meters high.

The Purple Demon King glanced at him and found that there was only a small sacred demon realm. He immediately retracted his gaze, and wanted to go directly into the living room to see the existence that claimed to have destroyed the Mu family by himself.

“Clan King, please wait a minute!”

“Go away, you are not qualified to talk to me!”

The Purple Demon King was very disdainful.

“Master Clan King, I have a treasure to dedicate to you!”


Upon hearing this, the Purple Demon King turned around and looked at the Lord of Sirius City: “Say, if it is useful to me, I can protect you in the future, and it doesn’t hurt to give you some benefits.

If it’s useless… you don’t have to live anymore! ”

“It’s useful, it must be useful!”

The Lord of Sirius City hurriedly said: “My Lord Purple Demon King, the Heavenly Demon in the living room, although he has subverted Mu’s house by himself, I feel that his Realm is not too high!

At least far inferior to you!

Moreover, it can be seen from the fact that he wants to borrow the space channel of the clan king and your tribe, this person has no background at all, no power, and is even very unfamiliar with the Purple Blood Demon domain!

Otherwise, why would a Heavenly Demon need to ask me about the location of the space channel? ”

“He came for the space channel?”

The Purple Demon King said: “He is asking where is the space channel leading to?”

“Spirit World, Eastern Wasteland Domain!”

“Eastern Wasteland domain?”

The Purple Demon King frowned: “What a coincidence? It just happened that our Purple Demon tribe opened up that deserted space channel. He is here to attack the Eastern Wasteland today?

Does he want to get a share of the pie?

But he is a Heavenly Demon, what is the use of asking for a holy demon-level space channel? ”

“This…I don’t know.”

The Lord of Sirius City shook his head and was also full of doubts: “But he can defeat the Mu Family, it is impossible that Realm hasn’t reached Heavenly Demon… Huh?

Speaking of it, when he was a swordsman, I felt that his Realm did not have the feeling of being integrated into heaven and earth like Heavenly Demon.

Could it be that he really hasn’t stepped into the Heavenly Demon realm yet?

If that’s the case, doesn’t it mean that he has a very strong treasure in his hand, and a large number of them, so that he can defeat the existence of the Mu Family Two Tribulation Heavenly Demon with the pinnacle holy demon? ”

“The Holy Demon Realm defeated the Heavenly Demon… There is such a treasure, I am afraid it is also a stronger treasure than the Heavenly Demon! It is of the same order as the Divine Armament handed down in the spirit world!

Could it be said that this person has such a great opportunity to have such a treasure in his body? ”

“Master Clan King, isn’t this a big fat sheep!”

The Lord of Sirius City hurriedly said: “With your power, Lord Clan King, even if he is really the Three Tribulations, Heavenly Demon, it’s not a problem, let alone he may not be the one at the moment. Only by relying on treasures can he barely defeat the Mu Family!

If the clan king, you get his treasure, wouldn’t your strength also be greatly increased? ”

The purple demon king’s eyes flickered, coldly said: “I wanted to destroy the Mu family a long time ago, but the distance is too far. If I don’t sit in the town of the purple demon tribe, there will be something short-sighted to attack.

This place is a treasure we finally found, and there is even a mountain of magic energy that can double the efficiency of cultivation magic power!

Can’t go wrong!

Moreover, although the Mu family has declined, it has existed for hundreds of thousands of years, and there are a lot of forces behind it. I am not so good about Giving face.

Right now, someone actually went to Mu’s house for me, and they didn’t care about the forces behind Mu’s house and collected all the treasures…

If he really is the Three Tribulations, Heavenly Demon, it’s okay. More things are worse than less things. Let him take out enough magic crystals and agree to his request.

If his Cultivation Base is not good… then it’s not just the magic crystal, I want all his things!

Go, follow me in, if it is really fat sheep, after slaughtered, you will be rewarded with a sip of soup! ”

“Yes, Lord Clan King!”

The Lord of Sirius City quickly followed the Purple Demon King into the meeting room.

“Are you the one who wants to borrow the space channel?

Huh? you……”

As soon as he walked into the meeting room, the purple demon king’s eyes flickered, staring at Su Zhan like the Patriarch of the Mu family, his face full of consternation.

“No, it’s not right, it shouldn’t be…”

With a murmur, the Purple Demon King slightly closed his eyes, and then opened his eyes again, with purple light in his eyes, covering Su Zhan.

The detection power of the Purple Demon King was sensed.

Su Zhan frowned slightly, and the dark magic robe’s power surged, greatly weakening his detection energy. At the same time, the blood of the demon god in his body surged, and the chaotic true magic power was running, making himself look completely indistinguishable from a demon clan.

Watched for ten seconds.

The light in his eyes dissipated, his face full of disbelief.

“What happened to the clan king?”

Seeing the appearance of the Purple Demon Clan King, the Lord of Sirius City asked anxiously.

“There is really only Realm!

With such a weak existence, dare to borrow the sacred demon-level space channel from my Purple Demon tribe?

Want to go to the spirit world to rob?

It’s ridiculous!

Wolf Yuan, you are right!

He really is a big fat sheep! Ha ha ha ha! ”

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