Chapter 600 Fighting Four Tribulations!

Heard this.

The Lord of Sirius City, Lang Yuan, who was so unreasonable to provoke the existence of Sirius City, was relieved and smiled: “This fat sheep is a small gift for the clan king. Distracted, I hope that the clan king in the future can also shelter us Sirius City a little bit.”

“Don’t worry, you made a great contribution today, and sheltering you is not a problem.”

The Purple Demon King was in a good mood, flipped his palm, and a black Medicine Pill appeared, and said towards Su: “Boy, this is the Demon Pill. If you are willing to take it, it means you are really surrendering, and I can forgive you. A fate.

If you are unwilling, then I will have to kill you first and then take away the treasures from you!

Two ways, you choose! ”

“I don’t choose either.”

Su Zhan’s face was calm, looking at the Lord of Sirius City, and the Wing Demon who was already hiding behind him said, “Is this the strategy of your Sirius City?”

“Yes, so what!”

The city lord of Sirius City stood behind the Purple Demon King, consciously safe and confident, and said angrily: “You killed my son, I don’t share the sky with you!”

Su Zhan was surprised: “But didn’t you say that I was doing harm to the people?”

As he said, he showed a sudden enlightenment: “I understand, good people will do it to the end and send the Buddha to the west.

Neither you nor your son are good people.

I only killed your son. The good thing is only half done. That’s why you are so angry, but it’s okay. After I kill you too, you won’t be angry anymore. ”

After that, Su Zhan directly inspired the Sun Moon Star Chaos Body!

The golden sun hangs on the left, golden light shines on the world.

The cold and bright moon hung on the right side, bright and cold.

Around the two, the night sky of Star flashing all over!

In the center of the night sky, there is another chaotic river!

The power of Five Elements rotates in the river of gold, wood, water and fire!

Either one can be called a divine body and mighty power!

Now that they are all combined, Su Zhan’s divine power is far more than ten times that of ordinary divine bodies!

This is just the beginning.

Immediately afterwards, Qian Tianyang Shen Zhen’s extremely strong Saint Yuan was operating in the 108 divine veins. The strength of the bones of the gods and the power of the Star body were all combined to make this divine prestige even more powerful!

At the same time, the blood of the devil is excited!

The looming shadow of the demon god was behind Su Zhan, and a violent and terrifying mad demon aura was added to the divine might. At this moment, he is also like a god and demon!

Seeing the changes on Su Zhan’s body, the demon guards outside the meeting room all took a step back subconsciously.

The Lord of Sirius City and the Wing Demon shrank even more, and they hurriedly retreated a few miles before daring to continue watching.

Even the Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon, the king of the Purple Demon Clan, had a slight change in his face!

“The blood of the Demon God! Or such a strong blood of the Demon God, you are the strongest of the Purple Blood Demon clan?

No, it’s not right!

Although you have the blood of the Demon God, you don’t have the aura of the Purple Blood Demon clan…Say, which demon clan are you? ”

The purple demon king looked a little jealous.

In fact, he had also refined the blood of the Demon God, and he refined three drops, but he also failed to achieve the blood of the Demon God.

According to his cognition, to achieve Su Zhan’s bloodline of the Demon God, at least 20 drops of Demon God’s blood would be needed!

Being able to take out so much blood of the Devil God… I am afraid that the forces behind Su Zhan were not caused by him!

Su Zhan didn’t bother to care about him at all, a little star flew out from the center of his eyebrows, and Da Ri Star sword started.

“Bastard! Dare to draw a sword in front of me!

it is good!

If you don’t want to give you a chance, don’t blame me!

No matter what your background is, no one knows that you are dead today. It just so happens that all your chances belong to me! ”

A black light flashed on the purple demon king’s body, a layer of jet black armor appeared, and a huge sword flew out of his forehead.

That is his destiny magic weapon.

Unlike the human race, only a few of the demons can condense their natal weapons.

Moreover, it is much simpler for the Mozu to condense the natal weapon, which is to place a finished magic weapon in the purple mansion three inches from the center of the eyebrows for dozens of hundreds of years, establish a connection, and become a natal weapon.

The upper limit of growth is not high, much inferior to the natal weapon of the human race.

However, the giant sword of the Purple Demon King was originally a Heavenly Demon device of the pinnacle of the lower grade. After so long gestation, Wei Neng can even compare to some middle-grade Heavenly Demon devices!

“Third Stage Magic Slash!”

With the giant sword in his hand, the Purple Demon King didn’t say a word, but he hit Su Zhan with a sword!

The first thick Sword Qi just flew out, and two huge Sword Qi emerged from the giant sword one after another!

Three black airs billowed, and the Sword Qi, which was a hundred meters wide, rumbling sound, seemed to resonate with each other, and the three powers increased each other!

When this sword was slashed out, Su Zhan could feel that the world he was in had become a bit dim!


This is the amount of pressure after the Heavenly Demon realm has smelted the power of the law!

The Four Tribulations, Heavenly Demon, was truly extraordinary.

Su Zhan’s eyes condensed, and the big sun Star sword in his hand suddenly sparkled with stars. Those rays of light were connected to his internal energy. Then, the vitality of the heavens and the earth gathered towards him in an instant.

The compression was completed in less than half a second, and then it burst out instantly!

Wanxiangyuan Swordsmanship, Xinglong Tianxiang!

Su Zhan’s body burst out, and the starlight Sword Qi all over his body turned into a huge star dragon, and he was the head of the star dragon!

“Boom boom boom!”

The Dari Star sword in his hand cuts open three times in a row Sword Qi!

Fight directly with the Purple Demon King!


A powerful shock wave dissipated towards the surroundings.

Suddenly, the living room was directly lifted off!

Those demon guards within a radius of a radius flew out involuntarily, vomiting blood!

Even the City Lord of Sirius City and the Wing Demon, who were a few miles away, retreated about a kilometer violently before they stood firmly on the ground, their faces pale!

The purple demon clan king Deng Deng Deng stepped back a few steps, blood surging in his body, looking at Su Zan who hadn’t retreated a step, his eyes were full of shock.

“With the Holy Demon Realm, can actually burst out such a level of power?

What’s the secret about you! ”

Su Zhan ignored him at all, and continued to slash out!

In fact, with the power of his God Yan Jue, he could use a Heavenly Dao Saint Soldier to assist him while he was using the sword.

Whether it is Tianlei extremely volcano, or the sky sword map that has been completely unblocked and can be used at will, it can definitely make his advantage in the battle instantly increase!

But in that case, his idea of ​​practicing Sword Technique with actual combat would be frustrated.

Sword Technique talent belongs to talent. If there is no opponent to practice, Sword Technique will also become rigid, and it is difficult to find the subtle deficiencies of one’s own Sword Technique.

But right now, after refining the Demon God’s blood, he burst out and increased his strength, and the sword just let him know that he is better than the Purple Demon King, and the Purple Demon King cannot pose any threat to him.

Naturally, you can start practicing swords unscrupulously!

Thinking like this in his heart, Su Zhan gathered the vitality of the heaven and the earth, and that sword cut out a Galaxy Cluster from the sky to the Purple Demon King!

“This kind of horrible explosive swordsmanship is obviously your strongest hole card. It needs to consume a large amount of body every time, Mental Energy, magic power!

You are only a mere fourth-class Saint Demon Realm, I want to see, how many times can you perform this kind of swordsmanship! ”

The Purple Demon King was not to be outdone, and grinned: “Wait for you to be physically exhausted, mentally exhausted, and demon element exhausted. By then, you will be my chopping board and let me kill!”

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