Chapter 601 It turns out that I am still a treasure?

As he said, the Heavenly Demon-class armor on his body flashed, and he swung his sword towards Su Zhan!


One sword collision.

The Purple Demon King once again withdrew from a distance.

“The second sword! Come on! Let me see, how many more swords you can cut!”

The purple demon king roared with blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

The two are fighting together again!

Sword Qi burst out one after another!

Destroy everything around!

The huge momentum also shocked the entire Purple Demon tribe!

A strong man from the Purple Demon tribe was shocked when he watched this scene.

“Who is that! Can actually beat the clan king!”

“The blood of the demon god! The high blood demon clan!”

“It’s really strange, this person’s Realm obviously only has holy demons, and he can actually force the clan king back!”

“It’s a pity that Elder and the others went to the secret realm to explore, and they haven’t returned yet, otherwise they can help the clan king!”

“Don’t worry, since this person has only a small sacred demon realm, his body must be scarce. How many times can he use this kind of swordsmanship?

Wait and see!

Soon he will be beheaded by the clan king! ”

As soon as these words came out, the demons nodded one after another, feeling very reasonable.

The Sirius City Lord and Wing Demon, who had wanted to escape, thought about it, and felt that they were right, so they moved ten miles away and watched in the dark.

If the Purple Demon King wins, but they escaped, wouldn’t it be necessary to misunderstand the Purple Demon King?

Let’s take a look first!

In the eyes of a crowd of demons, the battle continued.

One sword after another!

Su Zhan goes all out with every sword!

As for the Purple Demon King, under such continuous attacks, his internal organs were injured, and he retreated while barely resisting.

Twelfth sword!

The huge body of the Purple Demon King flew out, smashing a 100-meter-high stone tower!

The Heavenly Demon-level armor was damaged, and the blood and blood were ripped out from the sword marks on his body. He stood up from the ruins embarrassedly.

Instead of being afraid, his face was filled with surprise.

“Hahaha! Your breath is weakened! Your magic element is on the verge of exhaustion! You are dying!”

Sensing that Su Zhan’s aura weakened, it was obvious that the demon in his body was not enough to support him to maintain this peak state, and the purple demon king was overjoyed.

Immediately after seeing Su Zhan flipping his palm, he took out a handful of Medicine Pill.

Those Medicine Pills, the last of them are of the Saint Demon level, they are all used to replenish the recovery of the Demon Element in the body.

Immediately sneered: “Even if the Medicine Pill that restores the magic element is ten times or a hundred times easier to refining than other Medicine Pill, it will take at least a few hours. What use is it now?

Moreover, you dare to swallow so many medicines in one breath, and there are even several Medicine Pills that are not our demon world at all. They are so messy and conflicting with medicines. I am afraid that you don’t need me to do it, and you will explode yourself. NS! ”

Su Zhan ignored the Purple Demon King, swallowed Medicine Pill in one breath, and activated the refining aura.

Under the effect of the refining and chemical aura, there is no argument against the power of medicine.

Even if it is a waste pill, all the effective energy will be squeezed out by the refining aura!

In fact, if it weren’t for refining the Demon God’s blood to strengthen the Demon God’s bloodline, his holy essence would not be exhausted so quickly.

The increase of the Demon God’s bloodline only increases his explosive power and consumes more, but the Saint Yuan is still so much, relatively speaking, with all-out efforts, the number of Wanxiang Yuan swordsmanship that can be cut will also decrease.

Of course, if it were not for the explosive power provided by the blood of the Demon God, he might not be able to hold down the Purple Demon King. Even with more than two dozen swords, he might not be able to achieve the effect of severely damaging the Purple Demon King!

After all, this is a Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon, and the strength is not considered weak in the Four Tribulations Heavenly Demon!

After swallowing the Medicine Pill, Su Zhan did not stand and wait for the Purple Demon King to attack. With his palm over, Tianlei Extreme Volcano appeared in his hand.

Now that his holy essence is not much left, his physical strength is also some loss, it takes some time to recover, it is not suitable to continue to use Wanxiangyuan swordsmanship.

However, it is still possible to use the relatively small-consuming treasure of Tianleiji Volcano.


Tianlei extremely volcano flew out of his hand, instantly increasing to the size of a kilometer!

Su Zhan did not use thunder and fire to attack the Purple Demon King, just fully mobilized the suppression of the golden light!

The large golden light enveloped the air around the purple demon clan king’s body!

And Su Zhan is refining Medicine Pill extremely quickly, restoring Saint Yuan!

“At the end of the crossbow, dare to be presumptuous!”

The Purple Demon King snorted in disdain, and slashed the devilish energy in Jin Guang’s hand with a sword, which actually shrank the Tianlei extremely volcano and took it into his hand.

After getting the Sky Thunder Extreme Volcano so smoothly, the Purple Demon King was taken aback, and immediately overjoyed: “Hahaha! It seems that you really have no power at all, and you can’t control the treasure, so I can easily take it away!

That being the case, then I will kill you-you, you! ”

Before I finished speaking, I saw that Su Zhan’s momentum continued to rise, and he actually returned to the top in less than ten seconds!

The Purple Demon King was immediately stunned.

Just now is on the verge of exhaustion, this time it is full?

What’s the special thing about this kind of operation? ? ?

Immediately, he sensed the skyrocketing volcano in his hand once again, his expression changed, he hurriedly threw away the hill with the power of thunder and fire, and his body quickly retreated!

But at this moment.


An electric light swept in front of him!

The vitality of heaven and earth converged suddenly!

At that moment when the vitality of heaven and earth exploded, a slender starlight sword suddenly cut out!

The purple demon king’s pupils shrank, and his sword blocked.


His body is flying upside down like a cannonball!

Several buildings were crashed and destroyed in a row!

Spit blood!

Seeing that Su Zhan was about to slash again, he was terrified in his heart, knowing that he would undoubtedly die if he continued to fight, regardless of the majesty of the clan king, he knelt down in the ruins and begged for mercy.

“Space Channel! I will take you to Space Channel! Don’t kill me!”

Su Zhan was unmoved: “You don’t need you, other people in your tribe can also take me over.”

“No! I still have a treasure to dedicate to fellow daoist! The value is no less than the blood of the demon god!”

The Purple Demon King yelled in horror.


Treasure… The value is no less than the blood of the demon god?

Su Zhan’s heart moved, and the sword that was originally cut was taken back, and said, “Tell me, what is it?”

“Fellow daoist!”

The Purple Demon King hurriedly said: “Fellow daoist, you are going to the spirit world, presumably you want to rob it!

But fellow daoist probably doesn’t know that the Eastern Wasteland is a barren land, and there is nothing good about it!

However, I know that there is a treasure in the Eastern Wasteland domain!

More than the blood of the Devil God! ! ”

“More than the blood of the Demon God, does Eastern Wasteland still have this kind of treasure?”

Su Zhan thought for a while, and found that besides the Kunpeng God Feather, Puppet Emperor Puppet Art, and God Yan Jue he had already obtained, he couldn’t even think of any other treasures in the Eastern Wasteland that could be comparable to the blood of the Demon God.

He was a little puzzled: “Tell me, what is it?”

“This is it!”

The Purple Demon King palmed his hand, took out a portrait of a character, and said to Su Zhan, whose face was hidden by the hood of the Dark Demon Robe, “Look, fellow daoist, this person is called Su Zhan!

According to the information I got a few months ago, this person is a person of great fortune, a divine body and a divine vein, and it only took a very short time to rise from the micro-end, from the cultivation of the human race to the peak of the holy realm!

He is probably inherited from the myth of the ancient spirit world!

To get him is to get a great chance!

Moreover, even if this is not to be said, this person’s ultimate talent physique, his flesh and blood must also contain enough energy to change the blood of our demons!

If it wasn’t for our Purple Demon tribe who accidentally obtained this person’s information from the Eastern Wasteland domain a few months ago, I wouldn’t have bothered to repair the space channel leading to the Eastern Wasteland domain!

No matter the casualties, no matter how much the price is paid!

As long as this person is caught in the Demon Realm and eaten, the Purple Blood Demon bloodline in my body will definitely be greatly enhanced. From then on, it is also expected to survive the fifth or even the sixth time!

Fellow daoist, this is the real treasure, no shit, Heavenly Demon, or the blood of the Demon God!

As long as fellow daoist you are willing to spare my life, I will grab the treasure of Su Zhan from the spirit world and let fellow daoist devour and refine it, how about? ”

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