Chapter 602: It’s Hard to Be a Good Person!

After listening to the words of the Purple Demon King.

Su Zhan was stunned.

It turns out that I am still a treasure?

That’s it.

This demons actually wants to dedicate me to myself? ? ?

Didn’t you let me commit suicide?

In front of me, let me kill myself and refine it?

This is so special!

I have seen a lot of cruel, vicious, insidious people!

But it’s so vicious, cruel, and terrifying like this Purple Demon King, it’s really the first time I’ve seen you!

Su Zhan’s face turned black, and he almost smashed the Purple Demon King without holding back a sword!

But thinking of something, he didn’t take it immediately. Instead, he asked rather curiously: “You said you want to take Su over.

But have you ever thought that your Purple Devil tribe may not have this ability? ”

“No such ability?”

The Purple Demon King hurriedly said: “The fellow daoist joked, that Su Zhan is just a holy realm, equivalent to the existence of our human little holy demon realm. I sent a few half-step Heavenly Demon this time, how could I not catch him! ”

“What if I tell you that he has already broken into the Saint King at this time, and has reached the low extreme Saint King realm?”

“Broken into the Saint King, and still reach the minimum Saint King Realm?”

The Purple Demon King was taken aback, then shook his head again and again: “Impossible! This is impossible!

I got information from this person, and it took less than half a year to calculate it. He broke so many Realm in half a year?

This is impossible!

Moreover, even if he breaks through the realm with great speed, what if he is really the Little Extreme Saint King? ”

With that said, the Purple Demon King put on a look like I’m doing business, and you feel relieved: “Fellow daoist, don’t worry, just a Su Zhan, I’m not yet To put in one’s eyes!

With my men, it is enough to capture him back!

If it goes well, one day later, fellow daoist you can see him! ”

“after one day?”

Su Zhan’s face was weird: “I have a way to let you see him now, do you want to see him?”

“See Su Zhan now?”

The Purple Demon King was puzzled: “What can I do?”

“It’s very simple.”

Su Zhan took off the hood of the dark demon robe, and the black mist that had always been invisible in the eyes of other people dispersed, revealing a clean face of a young man.

“Now you see it, go ahead, how are you going to eat me?”

“you you you!”

The moment I saw Su Zhan’s face!

The eyes of the Purple Demon King suddenly widened, and he was shocked to the extreme. He said three “you” in a row, but he couldn’t say the following.

Even, because he was too shocked, his breathing was a little bit awkward, and the seeds in his brain buzzed. For a while, the Purple Demon King felt that he had lost his sense of reality in this world, and his thinking became blank!

He didn’t even think of killing him.

Su Zhan, who wanted to catch it and refine it with magic power and strengthen his natural blood, unexpectedly appeared directly in front of him!

This is not the point!

The key is that this Su Zhan’s power is so strong that he can’t beat him!

But the problem is that less than half a year ago, Su Zhan was just a human sacred realm equivalent to the Little Saint Demon Realm!

This kind of power growth rate… is it too ridiculous, right? ? ?

“Misunderstanding! Misunderstanding, it must be a misunderstanding!”

After the shock, thinking that he was in front of Su Zhan and said that he was going to eat him, the Purple Demon King was so frightened that his legs trembled, and he said in horror: “Fellow daoist Su, listen to me!

It’s all Sirius City Lord Wolf Yuan bewitching me, saying, fellow daoist Su, you are carrying a lot of treasure—”

“He didn’t confuse you.”

Su Zhan said: “I am indeed carrying a lot of treasure.”

The purple demon king’s face stiffened, his mind turned sharply, and he quickly continued: “But fellow daoist, how can I snatch your treasure?

It’s all the bastard Langyuan, he insists on letting me avenge his son!

It’s him, he did everything!

He deserves to die! ”

The Purple Demon King finally said, almost roaring.

He really hated the Lord of Sirius City.

Originally, he was a good king of the clan, but as soon as this guy ran over, he said to send him a fat sheep.

Is this a fat sheep?

Is there such a terrible fat sheep? ? ?

This bastard Lang Yuan clearly wanted to lead the horrible fellow Su Zhan to their Purple Demon tribe, and he clearly wanted to kill their Purple Demon tribe!

Damn it too! ! !

The Purple Demon Clan was dying of imperial anger, and when he looked back, he found that the Lord of Sirius City and the Wing Demon had disappeared long ago.

He yelled at the bewildered purple demon tribe Elder: “Don’t go grab the dog of the wolf head demon clan and his accomplices to me and make amends to the fellow daoist Su!”

“Yes Yes!”

Those Elders were taken aback and quickly dispersed.

The Purple Demon King turned his head and faced Su Zhan with a flattering smile and said: “Su fellow daoist wait a minute, the culprit will be brought to you soon. By then, we will deal with them, and the misunderstanding between us will be fine— —”

“Damn the Lord of Sirius City, the same is true for you.”

Su Zhan directly interrupted the words of the Purple Demon King. In the latter’s horrified gaze, the Big Sun Star sword in his right hand suddenly cut out!

“do not want!”

The Purple Demon King reacted very quickly, and his sword blocked!


His body was blown away.

The entire right hand was completely shattered by huge force!

Blood dripping!

The huge sword came out and stuck in the ground tens of meters away.

He was terrified, and just about to use some magical powers to resist, a Sword Ray was so fast that it flashed in front of his eyes!

Immediately afterwards, a thick red line appeared on his neck and blood spurted.

The Purple Demon King held his neck with his hands, struggling on the ground, his eyes full of regret and unwillingness.

If he had known that Su Zhan’s metamorphosis had reached this point, he would not dare to fight Su Zhan’s idea if he had given him a hundred guts!

But then again.

If you didn’t see it with your own eyes, who would believe that Su Zhan really exists in this world?

The Purple Demon King gave a bitter smile, realizing that he was powerless to return to heaven, he let go of his hands and died bitterly.

After slaying the Purple Demon King, Su Zhan took down all his weapons and storage bags.

Afterwards, he looked at the holy demon realm peak demon clan that bound the Lord of Sirius City and the Wing Demon with a chain of devilish energy.

The latter’s eyes fell on the corpse of the Purple Demon King, his pupils shrank, and he knelt down on the spot in fright, his voice trembled and said, “Qian, senior!

Our purple devil tribe has never been malicious towards seniors!

Both, these two people break the gap!

They were blocked by our guards, and I took them back. Everything will be handled by senior! ”

As he said, the holy demon held the chain in both hands, raised it above his head, and presented it to Su Zhan.

Two hands trembled uncontrollably!

Su Zhan glanced at him, and instead of picking up the chain, he turned to look at the pale-faced City Lord Sirius City and Wing Demon who were now pale in fright.

The Wing Demon spoke in horror: “Rao——”


With only one word, he was killed by Su Zhan, and blood sprayed all over the face of the Lord of Sirius City.

See Su Zhan look over.

The Lord of Sirius City just wanted to ask for mercy, then remembered the fate of the Wing Demon just now, and quickly closed his mouth.

It just kept kowtow towards Su Zhan.

The crotch is already wet with scared pee.


Su Zhan did not hesitate, and once again blasted the Lord of Sirius City to death!

Seeing the huge figure of the Lord of Sirius City fly out, his internal organs shattered and he died in pain.

He exhaled a long breath.

“It seems that in the future…no, it’s a good deed, and you need to be more careful.

Like the lord of Sirius City, such a vicious, sinister and cunning person, I almost let it go.

Fortunately, there was providence in the underworld, which allowed me to end the sinful life of the lord of Sirius City.

Otherwise, wouldn’t I be sorry for my naturally kind Dao heart?

Alas, it’s hard to be a human being.

It’s harder to be a kind and good person! ”

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