Chapter 607 Your Highness, Do You Sleep Together? (Fourth)

“Hmm, I will!”

Zhang Ling waved his small fist, full of confidence.

Mo Wentian rolled his eyes when he heard the conversation between the two.

Cultivation like you?

All geniuses have to be practiced!

Of course, except for your pervert!

While slandering in his heart, Mo Wentian also asked with concern: “Su Zhan, are you going to Lintianyu?

when to go? ”

“It’s true that I’m going to Lintian Domain, but in the end it should be to another big domain!

As for the time, within half a month. ”

“Within half a month…”

Mo Wentian was a little helpless: “Speaking of which, you guy, I am afraid you are the young master who has stayed in Sacred Land for the shortest time…

Alas, the real dragon is hard to catch the shallows.

Our Eastern Wasteland domain doesn’t even have a Deva, it’s really not suitable for you, so don’t worry!

I will take care of your family, as well as Chen Changfeng and them! ”

Su Zhan was surprised: “Holy Lord, do you also know Chen Elder?”

“Hey, I hide my identity and go to you Yun Tian Jianmen once.”

Mo Wentian laughed: “Yun Tian Jianmen is very good, there is no smoky infighting.

Chen Changfeng is also very interesting, I also intend to secretly support Yun Tian Jianmen, perhaps in the future, Yun Tian Jianmen will be the seventh top Sacred Land in the Eastern Wasteland domain! ”

“I also think Yun Tian Jianmen is very good.”

Su Zhan smiled.

Suddenly, he felt it and looked sideways.

The female emperor Ye Qingyu walked over, her body was stained with the blood of the demon, her hair was messy, and she was quite embarrassed: “Su Zhan, it’s great for you to come back!”

“The Empress”

“Stop calling me Empress…”

Ye Qingyu was looked at by so many people, feeling that this title was a bit awkward, and said quickly.

“Well, Miss Ye.”

Su Zhan waved his hand, took out the starlight coffin, opened the lid and said, “I have found the body of Ye Xing Martial God.”

“You found the remains of my ancestors!”

Ye Qingyu was taken aback, and immediately rushed to the side of the coffin. Looking at the corpse, she remembered the scene before Ye Xing’s Martial God’s soul dissipated, tears in her eyes rolled.

“Ye Xing Martial God has given me the last divine power, and I also said that it will protect you.

It’s a spiritual jade. There are two pieces in total. You can send me a message within a radius of five hundred miles if you hold one of them. Although the distance is not very far, it may be useful in the future. ”

“Su Zhan…oooooo…thank you…”

Ye Qingyu plunged into Su Zhan’s arms and sobbed.

With Su Zhan’s speed, it was of course very easy to avoid it.

But when he thought that the empress saw Ye Xing’s bones, she was so sad, he didn’t avoid it.

A minute later, he spoke: “Miss Ye, let’s go, go to cut Tianfeng, and discuss the burial of Ye Xing’s Martial God.”


Ye Qingyu nodded quickly.

Afterwards, Su Zhan called Xiao Bubai and Tang Liuxue, put away the coffin, and took Ye Qingyu towards Zhan Tianfeng.

“Flowing Snow!”

Just when Tang Liuxue was a little disappointed and wanted to leave, Tang Wujian suddenly stopped her.

“Ancestor, are you looking for something to do with me?”

Tang Liuxue was puzzled.

Tang Wujian beckoned, motioned to Tang Liuxue to come closer, and said directly: “I know you like Su Zhan. You have been cultivating sunflowers on Zhan Tianfeng during this period, and you have worked hard to learn various dishes.

But you need to know.

No matter how well you do it, in the eyes of Su Zhan, maybe it is just a Daoist who can do everything. It’s just easy to use, do you understand? ”

Tang Liuxue was stunned for a moment, and said in a low voice, “This is enough, you can stay by the side of the palace all the time…”


Tang Wujian shook his head: “Have you seen it?

Ye Qingyu had just hugged him for a long time. If you don’t care about it anymore, people don’t like you in the future, and you have to leave Zhantian Peak if you tell Su Zhan. ”

“His Royal Highness won’t be like this!”

Tang Liuxue shook her head, and then whispered: “Moreover, Miss Ye is a descendant of Martial God, and Miss Su Zhaoyue is even more gifted…

Compared with them, I am useless, I am not worthy of your Highness…”

“You also know that you can’t beat it! So, you have to start acting now!

Just tonight! ”


Tang Liuxue looked puzzled: “What are you doing tonight?”

Tang Wujian smiled, posing as a saint in love, and said with a smile: “It’s very simple.

With raw rice and cooked rice, Bawang puts on the bow hard, you understand? Hey-hey! ”

“Ancestor, what nonsense are you talking about!”

Tang Liuxue blushed, and said in embarrassment.

“You’re not a kid anymore, so shy.”

Tang Wujian said: “Although this method sounds a bit superficial, the simpler the method, the more effective it is!

According to observations as a teacher, Su Zhan is still very dedicated to feelings. If you and him have skin close, and you have been with him for so long, how can he not want you?

Speaking of which, there is no other way…Oh! ”

As he said, Tang Wujian sighed: “Look at you, in terms of identity, blood nobleness, you are not as good as Ye Qingyu, and in terms of talent, you are worse than Su Zhaoyue, just that Zhang Ling is more hopeful than you!

If you don’t take the initiative, can there be hope? ”

Tang Liuxue faintly said: “If you are the ancestors of Martial God, then I can compare them?”


Tang Wujian was choked immediately, and said out of breath: “Get out of the way, don’t bother me!”

Didn’t you call me your ancestor?

Why is it that I bother you?

Tang Liuxue muttered in her heart, thinking about those words of Tang Wujian, while leaving.

At night, the starry sky is shining.

Su Zhan was looking at some information about the location of Luoshui in Lintian Region that he had found in the room.

He had already talked to Ye Qingyu about the burial of Ye Xing’s Martial God, and the most important thing at the moment was the matter of the Fengling relics.

According to Yunluo Demon Emperor, Feng Ling is the little sister of the Wusheng Sword Emperor.

And since cultivation, if there is someone who can make Su Zhan give birth to some worship, it is definitely the Wusheng Sword Emperor!

Human legends!

The first person in eternal kendo!

Feng Ling Ruins and Wusheng Sword Emperor can also be related, and Su Zhan also attaches great importance to it.


Looking through it for a while, a knock on the door sounded.

Su Zhan knew that it was Tang Liuxue without opening the door.

What is she doing in my room so late?

Su Zhan was a little puzzled. He opened the door and asked, “Tang Liuxue, what are you doing here?”

“His Royal Highness, I, I…”

Tang Liuxue was dressed in a thin white silk gauze, with light makeup, graceful posture, long hair hanging down, and snow-white skin looming.

Thinking of those words of Tang Wujian, and of the intimate scene between Su Zhan and Ye Qingyu, she gritted her teeth and bit her head and said, “My room was destroyed by my practice…”

Su Zhan was taken aback, a little speechless: “Tang Liuxue, don’t you want me to help you build the house?”


Tang Liuxue’s face flushed, and he took a step forward, almost touching Su Zhan, looking at the ground, pinching the corners of his clothes with both hands, his heartbeat was fierce, and his voice was slender:

“I think, or else, I’ll just sleep in Your Royal Highness’s room~”

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