Chapter 608

“You want to sleep in my room?”

Su Zhan was immediately dumbfounded.

Seeing Tang Liuxue, who was graceful in body and face, who was definitely the best beauty, he hesitated and nodded: “Okay, then!”

“I took a shower.”

Tang Liuxue replied shyly, and took the initiative to lie down on the bed, her face flushed and hot.

Although she was almost a hundred years old, she was indeed still a young girl at the age of a cultivator.

In addition, from childhood to adulthood, Tang’s tutoring was extremely strict.

Not to mention going to bed, it means kissing and holding hands with other men who are not related by blood.

Tang Liuxue was also ignorant.

Originally, she didn’t want to come over.

I feel so ashamed.

But after returning to the room, she kept thinking about it.

The more I think about it, the more I feel that Tang Wujian’s words make sense.

Compared with Ye Qingyu and Su Zhaoyue, she has no advantage except for staying with Su Zhan for the longest time and doing the most for Su Zhan.

One is a descendant of the Martial God bloodline, and the other is a rare alien fire physique in ancient times.

She can’t compare.


Since I like it.

In any case, it is time to fight for it again!

No matter if I fail, I don’t leave any regrets.

Moreover, now it seems that he has succeeded.

Tang Liuxue felt a little joy in her heart.

It seems that His Royal Highness still likes own.

I just hope that your Royal Highness can be gentle…

Thinking of this, Tang Liuxue’s face flushed, waiting for Su Zhan.

But it didn’t take long before she saw Su Zhan walking towards the door, somewhat puzzled: “His Royal Highness, where are you going?”

“Where do you care about me?”

“Are you not sleeping?”

“I picked up a magic mountain in the demon world, and find a place to settle it, otherwise the demon energy will affect our Sacred Land.

It just so happened that I was going to leave, if you want to sleep in my room, then go to sleep! ”

Su Zhan said: “But you pay attention, don’t mess up, okay, I’ll leave first, you sleep well.”

After speaking, Su Zhan left directly.

Tang Liuxue was left alone in the room, confused and confused.

I was a girl, and went to your room to sleep in the middle of the night, so did you leave?

Still let me sleep well?

How can I sleep well alone?

Besides, I’m in the holy realm, what a shit? ? ?

Tang Liuxue was anxious, thinking that he was here, and she hurriedly said, “His Royal Highness, do you want to sleep together?”

“sleep together?”

Su Zhan was taken aback: “Tang Liuxue, there is only one bed, do you want to lay the floor?”


Tang Liuxue was a little annoyed.

There was a moment of silence, and she was heartbroken, and said: “I mean we sleep in a bed, I think this bed is quite big, squeezed, squeezed maybe…”

Tang Liuxue’s voice became smaller as he went to the back, and his face became redder.

at this time.

Seeing Tang Liuxue with a flushed face, Su Zhan also understood something.

To be honest, as a man, facing a beautiful woman with a great body and appearance, he was also moved.

But my heart is moved to my heart.

At the beginning, he was moved by the empress.

Finally restrained.

Although he also likes Tang Liuxue very much, this kind of like seems to be a bit short of the kind of like that can sleep together.

Moreover, he also promised Su Zhaoyue that, anyway, first love should be with Su Zhaoyue first!

Besides, at present, judging from the feeling in his heart, he still prefers Su Zhaoyue.

Perhaps he could accept Tang Liuxue in the future, but now for the sake of temporary desire, it is not acceptable for him to go against his original heart.

Thinking about this, the desire in his heart dissipated, shook his head, and smiled: “What do you think?

Want to let your Highness accompany you to sleep? ”

“His Royal Highness…”

Tang Liuxue was extremely shy.

“Okay, take a good rest, don’t think about it.”

Su Zhan shook his head, turned and left.

Tang Liuxue stared blankly at Su Zhan’s departure.

When she could no longer see Su Zhan’s back, she hammered the edge of the bed with some chagrin.

“My Royal Highness, is he made of wood?!”

After leaving Immortal Cave, Su Zhan flew hundreds of miles and found a relatively empty place.

A little bit of power on the body, scaring away all the Demonic Beasts, wild beasts, and even snakes, insects, rats and ants.

He took the Demon Qi Yuan Mountain from the Dongtian ring.


The huge magic energy source mountain fell, causing this large area to tremble.


Near the Moqi Source Mountain, the leaves of those trees quickly turned yellow and fell, and the branches began to turn black, and their vitality was withered.

This is due to the fact that ordinary trees in the spirit world cannot carry magic energy.

In fact, strictly speaking, the essence of Devil Qi and Spiritual Qi is the same.

It’s just the evolution of the vitality of heaven and earth in their different environments.

After putting down the Demon Qi Source Mountain, Su Zhan flipped his palm and took out a set of formation flags.

Although he did not deliberately make or collect formation flags, there are too many bad guys killed, resulting in a lot of functional formations in his hands.

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

One-shot flag inserted into the ground.

Exudes a peculiar light.

Those lights are connected together, echoing each other.

Soon, a light curtain was formed.

The light curtain flashed and disappeared invisible.

However, the devil qi radiated from the Devil Qi Yuanshan was completely sealed in this area of ​​about fifteen miles, and would not affect other places.

After placing the Demon Qi Source Mountain, Su Zhan did not return to Zhan Tianfeng.

Immediately began to cultivate the Demon God Technique.

With him running the Demon God Jue.

Demon Qi Yuanshan immediately burst into his body.

Makes his cultivation of Demon God Art more smoothly.

Ning the heart calmly, Su Zhan began to gather the center god cultivation demon god technique.

On the second day, Ye Qingyu boarded Zhantian Peak early in the morning.

She also had Su Zhan giving him the Zhantianfeng Re-engraving token. Although she could not control the many formations of Zhantianfeng like the main token, the passage was still unimpeded.

Regarding the burial of Ye Xing’s Martial God, she thought about it all night last night, and felt that there were still some details that needed to be discussed with Su Zhan.

Moreover, there is something about Starlight Hara’s family.

The three Vessel Masters of the Ye Family, one Patriarch was beaten to death by Su Zhan, but Ye Family’s was indeed the legacy of Martial God Ye Xing’s blood. This time I went to Lintian Realm and how to integrate the four Vessels was also a troublesome one. problem.

It’s a pity that my strength is too weak, otherwise Su Zhan will be troublesome for everything…


With a sigh in his heart, Ye Qingyu continued climbing.

Soon, she came to Su Zhan Immortal Cave.

The token in her hand flashed, opening Immortal Cave Restrictions, and she walked into Immortal Cave.

Walked directly to Su Zhan’s room.

Knocked on the door twice and said, “Su Zhan, yesterday we planned the burial of the ancestors, I think–”

Before I finished speaking, I waited in Su Zhan’s room for one night, and before Su Zhan came back, Tang Liuxue, with a tired face, opened the door and saw Ye Qingyu, she showed a friendly smile: ” Miss Ye, Your Highness is out.”

Ye Qingyu was shocked: “Su Zhan went out…then you?”

“I have been here last night. Of course, His Royal Highness agreed to let me sleep in his room, otherwise I would never go beyond the rules.”

Tang Liuxue looked at Ye Qingyu with shocked face and seemed to have suffered a huge blow. Suddenly he thought of something, a sly flashed in his eyes, and said with a smile.

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