Chapter 612

Deva can’t kill me?

Can I talk to people about trivial things like killing Deva everywhere?

Su Zhan smiled, and did not tell Su Zhaoyue these things.

Deva has strengths and weaknesses.

As Su Zhaoyue said.

Deva Nine Tribulations.

The upper four calamities are Deva supreme, and the ninth calamity is even called the Martial Dao myth!

The next five calamities can only be regarded as ordinary Deva.

He can also kill some ordinary Deva, nothing to show off.

But speaking of it.

He didn’t know these things, why did Su Zhaoyue know everything?

Who is the Lin Fei fish in that bracelet?

Su Zhan thought of Lin Feiyu’s True Heavenly Sun God Technique, even if he cultivated to the present level, he had not found a Cultivation Technique that could be compared with it.

In addition, Su Zhaoyue can easily know these things between Deva, and Lin Feiyu’s identity is probably even more amazing than he expected.

However, Lin Feiyu had no ill will towards Su Zhaoyue, so the stronger the better.

Thinking like this in his heart, Su Zhan nodded and said, “Okay, that’s it. When do you plan to go?”

“I can do it now.”

Su Zhaoyue said: “However, there are still ten days before the Fengling Ruins are opened. If you have anything to deal with, Su Zhan, I can wait for you.”

“Then you stay at Zhan Tianfeng for two days!

It just so happens that I do still have some things to do. ”


Su Zhaoyue nodded, followed behind Su Zhan, and walked towards Zhan Tianfeng.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the Immortal Cave compound of Zhantian Peak.

Ye Qingyu and Tang Liuxue, who were discussing sunflower planting techniques in the yard, looked up at the same time.

“Miss Su.”

Tang Liuxue saluted.

Ye Qingyu looked at Su Zhaoyue in surprise.

Su Zhaoyue was even more shocked than her: “Su Zhan, I know Girl Tang, it’s your guardian Daoist, this one?”

“This is the female emperor of Tiannan Huayue Kingdom. You haven’t seen it before. You should have heard of it. She is called Ye Qingyu.”

Su Zhan said, then introduced to Ye Qingyu: “This is Su Zhaoyue, we walked out of Liangjun together back then.”

Childhood sweetheart?

Ye Qingyu’s eyes became serious.

Childhood childhood, from childhood to adulthood.

This is much closer than Daoist Tang Liuxue!

Su Zhaoyue didn’t think much about it. When she heard Su Zhan’s introduction, she smiled with cupped hands and said, “Miss Tang, Miss Ye.”

“Good girl Su.”

Ye Qingyu smiled and replied, and immediately looked at Su Zhan and said, “Have you decided when to go to Lintianyu?

I can also prepare in advance. ”

Hearing this, Su Zhaoyue was a little surprised. She looked at Su Zhan and asked, “Su Zhan, besides us, is there anyone else going to the Fengling Ruins?”

Su Zhan said: “Miss Ye is a descendant of Ye Xing’s Martial God. This time I go to Lintianyu. I also want to bury Ye Xing Martial God by the way, and of course I will take her with her.”

“But this girl Ye hasn’t reached the holy realm. How can you take care of her when you’re going to the Fengling Ruins?”

“I have a hole in the sky ring, which can contain her.”

“Su Zhan, what you think is too simple…”

Su Zhaoyue was a little speechless: “If you enter your cave and sky ring, you can follow you in, then what phoenix spirit treasure map do I need you to buy for me?

Moreover, if that’s the case, wouldn’t a phoenix spirit treasure map be enough for everyone to enter?

Su Zhan, this would not work.

A phoenix spirit treasure map can only allow one creature to enter it, and if you put Miss Ye into the cave sky ring, you will also be rejected by the phoenix spirit relics array.

Besides, even if you can buy one more Fengling Treasure Map.

But have you ever thought that with our Cultivation Base, entering the Fengling Ruins is to sneak in for opportunities.

If you encounter a strong enemy, even in your cave sky ring, it will be affected!

The power of Five Tribulations Deva is beyond your imagination! ”

“Can it be affected by putting it in the ring of the sky?”

“Yes, mainly because Miss Ye’s Realm is so low that she doesn’t even have a holy realm.

Even a slight influence of the law is fatal to her! ”

Su Zhaoyue said solemnly: “Su Zhan, you still have to think about it!

Of course, this is just a suggestion, anyway, I will listen to you! ”

Su Zhan frowned, and after thinking about it, he said to Ye Qing: “If this is the case, then I will take you to Lintianyu Xingguangyuan after I come back from the Fengling Ruins.”


Although Ye Qingyu was reluctant in her heart, she also knew that Su Zhaoyue was right. Her strength was too weak, and it was indeed a great burden to follow Su Zhan.

Therefore, he agreed.

Next, let Tang Liuxue arrange Su Zhaoyue’s residence, and Su Zhan left Zhan Tianfeng.

It’s been some time since he gave Mo Wentian the treasures he could help sell, and there must be a lot of sacred stones.

As for the rest…

Since I’m going to Lintianyu, it’s better to sell it directly to the big firms in Lintianyu. After all, Eastern Wasteland is far worse than Lintianyu.

With so many things, even the Eastern Wasteland Business League couldn’t eat it at once.

Thinking about this, Su Zhan went to Xuantian Great Hall to inquire about it.

Two days later.

Cut Tianfeng.

Mo Wentian came in person and handed a storage ring to Su Zhan. He looked at Su Zhaoyue next to him. Knowing that the relationship between the two is subtle and there is no need to avoid taboos, he directly said: “Su Zhan, this large storage ring **There are 4.1 billion holy stones.

This is the limit that Xuantian Sacred Land can sell in this half month.

In order to sell as soon as possible, many things are reserve prices!

By the way, there are more”

As he said, Mo Wentian took out another storage ring: “This is the remaining material. According to what you said, I have collected it here. Speaking of Su Zhan, I will take a closer look at your Heavenly Dao soldiers. For a moment.

Except for the Qingquan Liuying Sword, there is also a magic armor, we can’t use the others, Shengyuan can’t urge…Those will also be put here for you.

In addition, the Qingquan Liuxiangjian and the magic armor Sacred Land intends to purchase it at a price of one billion sacred stones. Of course, they are not available for a while. They should be fine when you come back. Do you think it will work? ”

“Everything is as the Holy Lord said!”

Su beheaded nodded, and the two storage rings turned out to be.

Afterwards, chatting with Mo Wentian for a while, he watched Mo Wentian leave and transferred the sacred stone from that storage ring to the large storage ring he originally used to hold the sacred stone.

In that holy stone storage ring, plus what Su Zhan originally had, now he has a staggering 5.3 billion holy stones in his body alone!

Moreover, the treasures and materials that have not been sold out are estimated to be worth six or seven billion!

This is still when his Heavenly Dao Saint Soldiers are not sold.

Otherwise, even if it breaks 20 billion, it won’t be a problem!

This is already a real rich!

If you really want to talk about wealth, most of Deva under the Five Tribulations may not be comparable to him as a holy king!

With more than five billion sacred stones in his arms, Su Zhan was in a happy mood.

Watching Mo Wentian hand over the holy stone to Su Zhan with his own eyes, and hearing the terrifying number with his own ears, Su Zhaoyue was a little confused.

She knew that Su Zhan was rich, so she came to Su Zhan.

But she just felt that Su Zhan might just be able to buy two Phoenix Spirit treasure maps with just one billion sacred stones.

Moreover, borrowing money is not her main purpose. If it is really short of money, Skyfire Sacred Land’s 500 million sacred stones will still be taken out.

I called Shang Su Zhan, just wanting to give Lin Feiyu the permission to share it with Su Zhan.

At the same time, he also wanted to take advantage of Su Zhan’s great fortune to make this adventure smoother.

But never expected that Su Zhan’s sacred stone actually reached billions, far beyond her expectation!

With shock in her heart, Su Zhaoyue stuttered a little: “Su, Su Zhan, you, where did you get so many sacred stones?”

“Most of these were given to me by others.”

“for you?”

Su Zhaoyue couldn’t believe it: “Billions of sacred stones, just give it away??”

Su Zhan nodded: “Yes!

Moreover, you don’t believe it.

Many people insist that I accept it!

If I don’t accept it, they won’t be able to sleep, eat poorly, and even some people will kneel and force me to accept their gifts! ”

“This, this…”

Su Zhaoyue became more and more unbelievable, and said incomparably: “How can this be possible! Why are they doing this?”

“Why is this…”

Su Zhan pondered for a moment, and said:

“Perhaps, they are infected by my charm of personality and admire my kind Dao heart, so they must give me something!”

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